Towards the review of the European Union Water Framework management of chemical contamination in European surface water resources

Brack W, Dulio V, Ågerstrand M, Allan I, Altenburger R, Brinkmann M, Bunke D, Burgess RM, Cousins I, Escher BI, Hernández FJ, Hewitt LM, Hilscherová K, Hollender J, Hollert H, Kase R, Klauer B, Lindim C, López Herráez D, Miège C, Munthe J, O'Toole S, Posthuma L, Rüdel H, Schäfer RB, Sengl M, Smedes F, van de Meent D, van den Brink PJ, van Gils J, van Wezel AP, Vethaak AD, Vermeirssen E, von der Ohe PC & Vrana B
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Brack, W., Dulio, V., Ågerstrand, M., Allan, I., Altenburger, R., Brinkmann, M., … Vrana, B. (2017). Towards the review of the European Union Water Framework management of chemical contamination in European surface water resources. Science of the Total Environment, 576, 720-737.