The FANFAR project (reinForced cooperAtion to provide operatioNal Flood forecasting and Alerts in West AfRica), funded by the European Commission (2018-2020), aims to foster reinforced cooperation between key West African and European organisations. The project focuses on developing a system according to West African user needs and priorities, identified through a set of workshops. The third workshop was hosted by the Nigerian Hydrological Services Agency (NIHSA) and took place at Hotel De Bently (2020.02.10-14), in Abuja, Nigeria. In total, the workshop hosted 58 participants, including the consortium partners. Additionally, two representatives from the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO), who are FANFAR advisory board members, were present the entire week. At the opening session, the director general of NIHSA, the director general of AGRHYMET, the head of economic cooperation & energy at the EU delegation to Nigeria and ECOWAS, and the Swedish Ambassador to Nigeria were also present. The workshop even made it to the national Nigerian TV and newspapers (AIT news, Nigerian Pilot, Sundiata Post). The representatives from hydrological agencies and emergency management agencies on the regional and national level from 16 countries in West Africa contributed substantially to achieve the project goals. [...]