SETAC Europe 19th annual meeting, Gothenburg, Sweden: next step towards fulfilling students' needs. Meeting report by the Student Advisory Council (SAC) of SETAC Europe

Brinkmann M, Brooks A, Dabrunz A, Gomez-Eyles JL, Van Hoecke K, Kienle C, Seiler T-B & Bundschuh M
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Brinkmann, M., Brooks, A., Dabrunz, A., Gomez-Eyles, J. L., Van Hoecke, K., Kienle, C., … Bundschuh, M. (2010). SETAC Europe 19th annual meeting, Gothenburg, Sweden: next step towards fulfilling students' needs. Meeting report by the Student Advisory Council (SAC) of SETAC Europe. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 17(1), 244-245.