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  • (-) Funding (EC, SNSF) = ETHFELLOWS 2 - ETH Zurich Postdoctoral Fellowship Program 2
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Coupling river concentration simulations with a toxicokinetic model effectively predicts the internal concentrations of wastewater-derived micropollutants in field gammarids
Arlos, M. J., Schürz, F., Fu, Q., Lauper, B. B., Stamm, C., & Hollender, J. (2020). Coupling river concentration simulations with a toxicokinetic model effectively predicts the internal concentrations of wastewater-derived micropollutants in field gammarids. Environmental Science and Technology, 54(3), 1710-1719.
Improving risk assessment by predicting the survival of field gammarids exposed to dynamic pesticide mixtures
Arlos, M. J., Focks, A., Hollender, J., & Stamm, C. (2020). Improving risk assessment by predicting the survival of field gammarids exposed to dynamic pesticide mixtures. Environmental Science and Technology, 54(19), 12383-12392.
Ecology and evolution of metabolic cross-feeding interactions in bacteria
D'Souza, G., Shitut, S., Preussger, D., Yousif, G., Waschina, S., & Kost, C. (2018). Ecology and evolution of metabolic cross-feeding interactions in bacteria. Natural Product Reports, 35(5), 455-488.