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Long-term persistence of pesticides and TPs in archived agricultural soil samples and comparison with pesticide application
Chiaia-Hernandez, A. C., Keller, A., Wächter, D., Steinlin, C., Camenzuli, L., Hollender, J., & Krauss, M. (2017). Long-term persistence of pesticides and TPs in archived agricultural soil samples and comparison with pesticide application. Environmental Science and Technology, 51(18), 10642-10651.
Assessment of a novel device for onsite integrative large-volume solid phase extraction of water samples to enable a comprehensive chemical and effect-based analysis
Schulze, T., Ahel, M., Ahlheim, J., Aït-Aïssa, S., Brion, F., Di Paolo, C., … Brack, W. (2017). Assessment of a novel device for onsite integrative large-volume solid phase extraction of water samples to enable a comprehensive chemical and effect-based analysis. Science of the Total Environment, 581-582, 350-358.
Critical assessment of small molecule identification 2016: automated methods
Schymanski, E. L., Ruttkies, C., Krauss, M., Brouard, C., Kind, T., Dührkop, K., … Neumann, S. (2017). Critical assessment of small molecule identification 2016: automated methods. Journal of Cheminformatics, 9, 1-21.
European demonstration program on the effect-based and chemical identification and monitoring of organic pollutants in European surface waters
Tousova, Z., Oswald, P., Slobodnik, J., Blaha, L., Muz, M., Hu, M., … Schulze, T. (2017). European demonstration program on the effect-based and chemical identification and monitoring of organic pollutants in European surface waters. Science of the Total Environment, 601-602, 1849-1868.
Effect-directed analysis supporting monitoring of aquatic environments — an in-depth overview
Brack, W., Ait-Aissa, S., Burgess, R. M., Busch, W., Creusot, N., Di Paolo, C., … Krauss, M. (2016). Effect-directed analysis supporting monitoring of aquatic environments — an in-depth overview. Science of the Total Environment, 544, 1073-1118.
Future water quality monitoring - adapting tools to deal with mixtures of pollutants in water resource management
Ait-Aissa, S., Altenburger, R., Antczak, P., Backhaus, T., Barceló, D., Seiler, T. B., … Brack, W. (2015). Future water quality monitoring - adapting tools to deal with mixtures of pollutants in water resource management. Science of the Total Environment, 512-513, 540-551.
The SOLUTIONS project: challenges and responses for present and future emerging pollutants in land and water resources management
Brack, W., Altenburger, R., Schüürmann, G., Krauss, M., López Herráez, D., van Gils, J., … de Aragão Umbuzeiro, G. (2015). The SOLUTIONS project: challenges and responses for present and future emerging pollutants in land and water resources management. Science of the Total Environment, 503-504, 22-31.
Multicriteria approach to select polyaromatic river mutagen candidates
Gallampois, C. M. J., Schymanski, E. L., Krauss, M., Ulrich, N., Bataineh, M., & Brack, W. (2015). Multicriteria approach to select polyaromatic river mutagen candidates. Environmental Science and Technology, 49(5), 2959-2968.
Non-target screening with high-resolution mass spectrometry: critical review using a collaborative trial on water analysis
Schymanski, E. L., Singer, H. P., Slobodnik, J., Ipolyi, I. M., Oswald, P., Krauss, M., … Hollender, J. (2015). Non-target screening with high-resolution mass spectrometry: critical review using a collaborative trial on water analysis. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 407(21), 6237-6255.
Critical source areas for herbicides can change location depending on rain events
Doppler, T., Lück, A., Camenzuli, L., Krauss, M., & Stamm, C. (2014). Critical source areas for herbicides can change location depending on rain events. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 192, 85-94.
Nonextractable residue formation of sulfonamide antimicrobials: new insights from soil incubation experiments
Gulkowska, A., Thalmann, B., Hollender, J., & Krauss, M. (2014). Nonextractable residue formation of sulfonamide antimicrobials: new insights from soil incubation experiments. Chemosphere, 107, 366-372.
EDA-EMERGE: an FP7 initial training network to equip the next generation of young scientists with the skills to address the complexity of environmental contamination with emerging pollutants
Brack, W., Govender, S., Schulze, T., Krauss, M., Hu, M., Muz, M., … Spirhanzlova, P. (2013). EDA-EMERGE: an FP7 initial training network to equip the next generation of young scientists with the skills to address the complexity of environmental contamination with emerging pollutants. Environmental Sciences Europe, 25, 18 (7 pp.).
Screening of lake sediments for emerging contaminants by liquid chromatography atmospheric pressure photoionization and electrospray ionization coupled to high resolution mass spectrometry
Chiaia-Hernandez, A. C., Krauss, M., & Hollender, J. (2013). Screening of lake sediments for emerging contaminants by liquid chromatography atmospheric pressure photoionization and electrospray ionization coupled to high resolution mass spectrometry. Environmental Science and Technology, 47(2), 976-986.
Integrated biological–chemical approach for the isolation and selection of polyaromatic mutagens in surface water
Gallampois, C. M. J., Schymanski, E. L., Bataineh, M., Buchinger, S., Krauss, M., Reifferscheid, G., & Brack, W. (2013). Integrated biological–chemical approach for the isolation and selection of polyaromatic mutagens in surface water. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 405(28), 9101-9112.
Covalent binding of sulfamethazine to natural and synthetic humic acids: assessing laccase catalysis and covalent bond stability
Gulkowska, A., Sander, M., Hollender, J., & Krauss, M. (2013). Covalent binding of sulfamethazine to natural and synthetic humic acids: assessing laccase catalysis and covalent bond stability. Environmental Science and Technology, 47(13), 6916-6924.
Identification and dynamic modeling of biomarkers for bacterial uptake and effect of sulfonamide antimicrobials
Richter, M. K., Focks, A., Siegfried, B., Rentsch, D., Krauss, M., Schwarzenbach, R. P., & Hollender, J. (2013). Identification and dynamic modeling of biomarkers for bacterial uptake and effect of sulfonamide antimicrobials. Environmental Pollution, 172, 208-215.
Spatial variability of herbicide mobilisation and transport at catchment scale: insights from a field experiment
Doppler, T., Camenzuli, L., Hirzel, G., Krauss, M., Lück, A., & Stamm, C. (2012). Spatial variability of herbicide mobilisation and transport at catchment scale: insights from a field experiment. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 16(7), 1947-1967.
Water quality analysis: detection, fate, and behaviour, of selected trace organic pollutants at managed aquifer recharge sites
Ernst, M., Hein, A., Asmin, J., Krauss, M., Fink, G., Hollender, J., … McArdell, C. S. (2012). Water quality analysis: detection, fate, and behaviour, of selected trace organic pollutants at managed aquifer recharge sites. In C. Kazner, T. Wintgens, & P. Dillon (Eds.), Water reclamation technologies for safe managed aquifer recharge (pp. 197-225).
Reactions of a sulfonamide antimicrobial with model humic constituents: assessing pathways and stability of covalent bonding
Gulkowska, A., Krauss, M., Rentsch, D., & Hollender, J. (2012). Reactions of a sulfonamide antimicrobial with model humic constituents: assessing pathways and stability of covalent bonding. Environmental Science and Technology, 46(4), 2102-2111.
Pesticide nonextractable residue formation in soil: insights from inverse modeling of degradation time series
Loos, M., Krauss, M., & Fenner, K. (2012). Pesticide nonextractable residue formation in soil: insights from inverse modeling of degradation time series. Environmental Science and Technology, 46(18), 9830-9837.