| Identifying and applying an optimum set of environmental variables in species distribution models
Irving, K., Jähnig, S. C., & Kuemmerlen, M. (2020). Identifying and applying an optimum set of environmental variables in species distribution models. Inland Waters, 10(1), 11-28. https://doi.org/10.1080/20442041.2019.1653111 |
| Combining environmental DNA and species distribution modeling to evaluate reintroduction success of a freshwater fish
Riaz, M., Kuemmerlen, M., Wittwer, C., Cocchiararo, B., Khaliq, I., Pfenninger, M., & Nowak, C. (2020). Combining environmental DNA and species distribution modeling to evaluate reintroduction success of a freshwater fish. Ecological Applications, 30(2), e02034 (11 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1002/eap.2034 |
| Substantial differences in genetic diversity and spatial structuring among (cryptic) amphipod species in a mountainous river basin
Weigand, A. M., Michler-Kozma, D., Kuemmerlen, M., & Jourdan, J. (2020). Substantial differences in genetic diversity and spatial structuring among (cryptic) amphipod species in a mountainous river basin. Freshwater Biology, 65(9), 1641-1656. https://doi.org/10.1111/fwb.13529 |
| Exploring variability in environmental impact risk from human activities across aquatic ecosystems
Borgwardt, F., Robinson, L., Trauner, D., Teixeira, H., Nogueira, A. J. A., Lillebø, A. I., … Culhane, F. (2019). Exploring variability in environmental impact risk from human activities across aquatic ecosystems. Science of the Total Environment, 652, 1396-1408. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.10.339 |
| Risk to the supply of ecosystem services across aquatic ecosystems
Culhane, F., Teixeira, H., Nogueira, A. J. A., Borgwardt, F., Trauner, D., Lillebø, A., … Robinson, L. A. (2019). Risk to the supply of ecosystem services across aquatic ecosystems. Science of the Total Environment, 660, 611-621. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.12.346 |
| Ecological assessment of river networks: from reach to catchment scale
Kuemmerlen, M., Reichert, P., Siber, R., & Schuwirth, N. (2019). Ecological assessment of river networks: from reach to catchment scale. Science of the Total Environment, 650, 1613-1627. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.09.019 |
| Combining eight research areas to foster the uptake of ecosystem‐based management in fresh waters
Langhans, S. D., Domisch, S., Balbi, S., Delacámara, G., Hermoso, V., Kuemmerlen, M., … Jähnig, S. C. (2019). Combining eight research areas to foster the uptake of ecosystem‐based management in fresh waters. Aquatic Conservation, 29(7), 1161-1173. https://doi.org/10.1002/aqc.3012 |
| How to make ecological models useful for environmental management
Schuwirth, N., Borgwardt, F., Domisch, S., Friedrichs, M., Kattwinkel, M., Kneis, D., … Vermeiren, P. (2019). How to make ecological models useful for environmental management. Ecological Modelling, 411, 108784 (14 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2019.108784 |
| Linking biodiversity to ecosystem services supply: patterns across aquatic ecosystems
Teixeira, H., Lillebø, A. I., Culhane, F., Robinson, L., Trauner, D., Borgwardt, F., … Nogueira, A. J. A. (2019). Linking biodiversity to ecosystem services supply: patterns across aquatic ecosystems. Science of the Total Environment, 657, 517-534. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.11.440 |
| Data descriptor: a high-resolution streamflow and hydrological metrics dataset for ecological modeling using a regression model
Irving, K., Kuemmerlen, M., Kiesel, J., Kakouei, K., Domisch, S., & Jähnig, S. C. (2018). Data descriptor: a high-resolution streamflow and hydrological metrics dataset for ecological modeling using a regression model. Scientific Data, 5, 180224 (14 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1038/sdata.2018.224 |
| Effects of changing climate on European stream invertebrate communities: a long-term data analysis
Jourdan, J., O'Hara, R. B., Bottarin, R., Huttunen, K. L., Kuemmerlen, M., Monteith, D., … Haase, P. (2018). Effects of changing climate on European stream invertebrate communities: a long-term data analysis. Science of the Total Environment, 621, 588-599. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.11.242 |
| A suite of essential biodiversity variables for detecting critical biodiversity change
Schmeller, D. S., Weatherdon, L. V., Loyau, A., Bondeau, A., Brotons, L., Brummitt, N., … Regan, E. C. (2018). A suite of essential biodiversity variables for detecting critical biodiversity change. Biological Reviews, 93(1), 55-71. https://doi.org/10.1111/brv.12332 |
| Using streamflow observations to estimate the impact of hydrological regimes and anthropogenic water use on European stream macroinvertebrate occurrences
Domisch, S., Portmann, F. T., Kuemmerlen, M., O'Hara, R. B., Johnson, R. K., Davy-Bowker, J., … Jähnig, S. C. (2017). Using streamflow observations to estimate the impact of hydrological regimes and anthropogenic water use on European stream macroinvertebrate occurrences. Ecohydrology, 10(8), e1895 (11 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1002/eco.1895 |
| Accounting for biotic interactions through alpha-diversity constraints in stacked species distribution models
Gavish, Y., Marsh, C. J., Kuemmerlen, M., Stoll, S., Haase, P., & Kunin, W. E. (2017). Accounting for biotic interactions through alpha-diversity constraints in stacked species distribution models. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 8(9), 1092-1102. https://doi.org/10.1111/2041-210X.12731 |