| Considerations toward uncertainty quantification of single event noise predictions for novel SST concept aircraft
Bertsch, L., Lößle, F., Nöding, M., Schäffer, B., & Mulani, S. B. (2025). Considerations toward uncertainty quantification of single event noise predictions for novel SST concept aircraft. In AIAA SciTech 2025 forum (p. (23 pp.). https://doi.org/10.2514/6.2025-1797 |
| Enhancement of the sound absorption of closed-cell mineral foams by perforations: manufacturing process and model-supported adaptation
Van Damme, B., Cavalieri, T., Nguyen, C. T., & Perrot, C. (2025). Enhancement of the sound absorption of closed-cell mineral foams by perforations: manufacturing process and model-supported adaptation. Materials and Design, 249, 113540 (12 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matdes.2024.113540 |
| Assessing the performance of the sonAIR aircraft noise model in predicting noise levels at Schiphol airport
Boelhouwer, R. N. J., van der Grift, R. C., Snellen, M., Simons, D. G., Meister, J., & Wunderli, J. M. (2024). Assessing the performance of the sonAIR aircraft noise model in predicting noise levels at Schiphol airport. In AIAA meeting paper. AIAA/CEAS aeroacoustics conference (2024) (pp. 1-10). https://doi.org/10.2514/6.2024-3133 |
| Sound pressure-dependent acoustic absorption by perforated rigid-frame porous materials
Cavalieri, T., & Van Damme, B. (2024). Sound pressure-dependent acoustic absorption by perforated rigid-frame porous materials. Acta Acustica, 8, 79 (7 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/aacus/2024076 |
| Effects of sound absorbing facades on the acoustical quality in different simulated inner courtyard situations
Eggenschwiler, K., Jansohn, T., Blau, M., & Schäffer, B. (2024). Effects of sound absorbing facades on the acoustical quality in different simulated inner courtyard situations. Acta Acustica, 8, 76 (17 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/aacus/2024053 |
| Bioinspired Fano-like resonant transmission: frequency selective impedance matching
Esposito, A., Tallarico, D., Sayed Ahmed, M., Miniaci, M., Shahab, S., & Bergamini, A. (2024). Bioinspired Fano-like resonant transmission: frequency selective impedance matching. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 57(15), 155402 (9 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6463/ad1c86 |
| Prediction of noise annoyance of air vehicle flyovers using psychoacoustic models
Georgiou, F., Schäffer, B., Heusser, A., & Pieren, R. (2024). Prediction of noise annoyance of air vehicle flyovers using psychoacoustic models. In W. van Keulen & J. Kok (Eds.), Proceedings of the international congress on sound and vibration. Proceedings of the 30th international congress on sound and vibration (p. 101 (6 pp.). International institute of acoustics and vibration. |
| Replicating outdoor environments using VR and ambisonics: a methodology for accurate audio-visual recording, processing and reproduction
Georgiou, F., Kawai, C., Schäffer, B., & Pieren, R. (2024). Replicating outdoor environments using VR and ambisonics: a methodology for accurate audio-visual recording, processing and reproduction. Virtual Reality, 28(2), 111 (14 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10055-024-01003-1 |
| Chemical modification of lead zirconate titanate piezoceramics through cold-sintering process
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| An investigation into the audio-visual characteristics of restorative spaces using VR
Kawai, C., Georgiou, F., Pieren, R., & Schäffer, B. (2024). An investigation into the audio-visual characteristics of restorative spaces using VR. In Proceedings of Inter-Noise 2024 (p. (8 pp.). Internoise. |
| How annoying are drones? A laboratory study with different drone sizes, maneuvers, and speeds
Kawai, C., Jäggi, J., Georgiou, F., Meister, J., Pieren, R., & Schäffer, B. (2024). How annoying are drones? A laboratory study with different drone sizes, maneuvers, and speeds (p. (6 pp.). Presented at the Quietdrones 2024. MDPI. |
| Investigating effect chains from cognitive and noise-induced short-term stress build-up to restoration in an urban or nature setting using 360° VR
Kawai, C., Georgiou, F., Pieren, R., Tobias, S., Mavros, P., & Schäffer, B. (2024). Investigating effect chains from cognitive and noise-induced short-term stress build-up to restoration in an urban or nature setting using 360° VR. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 100, 102466 (13 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvp.2024.102466 |
| Short-term noise annoyance towards drones and other transportation noise sources: a laboratory study
Kawai, C., Jäggi, J., Georgiou, F., Meister, J., Pieren, R., & Schäffer, B. (2024). Short-term noise annoyance towards drones and other transportation noise sources: a laboratory study. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 156(4), 2578-2595. https://doi.org/10.1121/10.0032386 |
| Auralization of atmospheric turbulence-induced amplitude fluctuations in aircraft flyover sound based on a semi-empirical model
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| Modeling and auralization of aircraft noise propagation in atmospheric turbulence
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| Semi-empirical model for amplitude fluctuations by atmospheric turbulence in aircraft flyover sound
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| Improved vibration isolation of 1D chiral phononic crystals with viscoelastic inserts
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| Power setting estimation of departing civil jet aircraft based on machine learning
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| UAV noise emission characterisation using a compact on-board measurement system. Session: Auralisation and acoustic simulation
Meister, J., Jaeggi, J., van Renterghem, T., & Pieren, R. (2024). UAV noise emission characterisation using a compact on-board measurement system. Session: Auralisation and acoustic simulation. In Quietdrones 2024 (p. (8 pp.). MDPI. |
| Pore space of in-situ semi-dense asphalt: a characterization by X-ray tomography
Mikhailenko, P., Griffa, M., Pieren, R., Pachale, U., & Poulikakos, L. D. (2024). Pore space of in-situ semi-dense asphalt: a characterization by X-ray tomography. Construction and Building Materials, 453, 139091 (12 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2024.139091 |