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Material composition trends in vehicles: critical raw materials and other relevant metals. Preparing a dataset on secondary raw materials for the Raw Materials Information System
Løvik, A. N., Marmy, C., Ljunggren, M., Kushnir, D., Huisman, J., Bobba, S., … Wäger, P. (2021). Material composition trends in vehicles: critical raw materials and other relevant metals. Preparing a dataset on secondary raw materials for the Raw Materials Information System. (EUR, Report No.: 30916 EN). Publications Office of the European Union.
Evaluation of the environmental impact of end-of-life refrigerators in Colombia by material flow analysis
Velásquez-Rodríguez, O. F., Løvik, A. N., & Moreno-Mantilla, C. E. (2021). Evaluation of the environmental impact of end-of-life refrigerators in Colombia by material flow analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production, 314, 127884 (11 pp.).
Methodology to prospect electronics compositions and flows, illustrated by material trends in printed circuit boards
Wagner, M. A., Huisman, J., Løvik, A. N., Habib, H., Mählitz, P., & van der Voet, E. (2021). Methodology to prospect electronics compositions and flows, illustrated by material trends in printed circuit boards. Journal of Cleaner Production, 307, 127164 (10 pp.).
Effects of car electronics penetration, integration and downsizing on their recycling potentials
Restrepo, E., Løvik, A. N., Widmer, R., Wäger, P., & Müller, D. B. (2020). Effects of car electronics penetration, integration and downsizing on their recycling potentials. Resources, conservation and recycling: X, 6, 100032 (8 pp.).
Multi-element chemical analysis of printed circuit boards – challenges and pitfalls
Korf, N., Løvik, A. N., Figi, R., Schreiner, C., Kuntz, C., Mählitz, P. M., … Rotter, V. S. (2019). Multi-element chemical analysis of printed circuit boards – challenges and pitfalls. Waste Management, 92, 124-136.
Variability and bias in measurements of metals mass fractions in automobile shredder residue
Løvik, A. N., Figi, R., Schreiner, C., Rösslein, M., Widmer, R., Bunge, R., … Wäger, P. (2019). Variability and bias in measurements of metals mass fractions in automobile shredder residue. Recycling, 4(3), 34 (18 pp.).
Characterizing the urban mine–challenges of simplified chemical analysis of anthropogenic mineral residues
Mählitz, P. M., Løvik, A. N., Figi, R., Schreiner, C., Kuntz, C., Korf, N., … Rotter, V. S. (2019). Characterizing the urban mine–challenges of simplified chemical analysis of anthropogenic mineral residues. Resources, 8(3), 132 (22 pp.).
Historical penetration patterns of automobile electronic control systems and implications for critical raw materials recycling
Restrepo, E., Løvik, A. N., Widmer, R., Wäger, P., & Müller, D. B. (2019). Historical penetration patterns of automobile electronic control systems and implications for critical raw materials recycling. Resources, 8(2), 58 (20 pp.).
Improving supply security of critical metals: current developments and research in the EU
Løvik, A. N., Hagelüken, C., & Wäger, P. (2018). Improving supply security of critical metals: current developments and research in the EU. Sustainable Materials and Technologies, 15, 9-18.
Elaborating the history of our cementing societies: an in-use stock perspective
Cao, Z., Shen, L., Løvik, A. N., Müller, D. B., & Liu, G. (2017). Elaborating the history of our cementing societies: an in-use stock perspective. Environmental Science and Technology, 51(19), 11468-11475.
Stocks, flows, and distribution of critical metals in embedded electronics in passenger vehicles
Restrepo, E., Løvik, A. N., Wäger, P., Widmer, R., Lonka, R., & Müller, D. B. (2017). Stocks, flows, and distribution of critical metals in embedded electronics in passenger vehicles. Environmental Science and Technology, 51(3), 1129-1139.
ProSUM: prospecting secondary raw materials in the urban mine and mining wastes
Huisman, J., Habib, H., Guzman Brechu, M., Downes, S., Herreras, L., Løvik, A. N., … Ljunggren Söderman, M. (2016). ProSUM: prospecting secondary raw materials in the urban mine and mining wastes. In 2016 electronics goes green 2016+ (EGG) (p. 7829826 (8 pp.).
Byproduct metal availability constrained by dynamics of carrier metal cycle: the gallium–aluminum example
Løvik, A. N., Restrepo, E., & Müller, D. B. (2016). Byproduct metal availability constrained by dynamics of carrier metal cycle: the gallium–aluminum example. Environmental Science and Technology, 50(16), 8453-8461.
The global anthropogenic gallium system: determinants of demand, supply and efficiency improvements
Løvik, A. N., Restrepo, E., & Müller, D. B. (2015). The global anthropogenic gallium system: determinants of demand, supply and efficiency improvements. Environmental Science and Technology, 49(9), 5704-5712.