| Characterization of fiber fragments released from polyester textiles during UV weathering
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| Formation of fiber fragments during abrasion of polyester textiles
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| Mechanical and electromechanical properties of piezoelectric ceramic fibers drawn by the alginate gelation method
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| An experimental laboratory study of fiber-reinforced asphalt mortars with polyolefin-aramid and polyacrylonitrile fibers
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| Electrospun iron and copper oxide fibers for virus retention applications
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| The adsorption of polystyrene nanoparticles on selected commercially available fibers: a streaming potential study
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| Microfluidic behavior in melt-spun hollow and liquid core fibers
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| Characterization of hardened state behavior of self compacting fiber-reinforced cementitious composites (SC-FRCC's) with different beam sizes and fiber types
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| Ferroelectric KNNT fibers by thermoplastic extrusion process: microstructure and electromechanical characterization
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| A parametric study on the influence of steel wool fibers in dense asphalt concrete
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| Plasma modification of man-made cellulose fibers (Lyocell) for improved fiber/matrix adhesion in poly(lactic acid) composites
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| Liquid ammonia treatment of (cationic) nanofibrillated cellulose/vermiculite composites
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| Evaluation of the processability of boron-containing organosilazane polymers based on shear rheology
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| Electrospun TiO<SUB>2</SUB> fiber composite photoelectrodes for water splitting
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| Shear strength of the lyocell fiber/polymer matrix interface evaluated with the microbond technique
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| Colloid-electrospinning: fabrication of multicompartment nanofibers by the electrospinning of organic or/and inorganic dispersions and emulsions
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| Effects of different thermoplastic binders on the processability of feedstocks for ceramic co-extrusion process
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| Nanoscale silver coatings on polymer fibers
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| Experimental investigation of grid-reinforced asphalt composites using four-point bending beam tests
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| Influence of varying the powder loading content on the homogeneity and properties of extruded PZT-fibers
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