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KITE: High frame rate, high count rate pixelated electron counting ASIC for 4D STEM applications featuring high-Z sensor
Zambon, P., Bottinelli, S., Schnyder, R., Musarra, D., Boye, D., Dudina, A., … Piazza, L. (2023). KITE: High frame rate, high count rate pixelated electron counting ASIC for 4D STEM applications featuring high-Z sensor. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 1048, 167888 (13 pp.).
In-depth analysis of high-speed, cold neutron imaging of air-water two-phase flows
Zboray, R., & Trtik, P. (2019). In-depth analysis of high-speed, cold neutron imaging of air-water two-phase flows. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 66, 182-189.