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Optimizing the acoustical durability of semi-dense asphalt from statistical analysis of in-situ performance based on mixture data
Mikhailenko, P., Schlattler, F., Poulikakos, L., Angst, C., Huber, L., & Bühlmann, E. (2024). Optimizing the acoustical durability of semi-dense asphalt from statistical analysis of in-situ performance based on mixture data. In P. Pereira & J. Pais (Eds.), Lecture notes in civil engineering: Vol. 523. Proceedings of the 10th international conference on maintenance and rehabilitation of pavements. MAIREPAV10. Vol. 2 (pp. 13-22).
Amplitude modulations in aircraft flyover measurements by atmospheric turbulence in convective atmospheric boundary layers
Lincke, D., & Pieren, R. (2023). Amplitude modulations in aircraft flyover measurements by atmospheric turbulence in convective atmospheric boundary layers. In A. Astolfi, F. Asdrubali, & L. Shtrepi (Eds.), Proceedings of the 10th convention of the European Acoustics Association Forum Acusticum 2023 (pp. 5617-5620).
Rheological behaviors of waste polyethylene modified asphalt binder: statistical analysis of interlaboratory testing results
Wang, D., Baliello, A., Pinheiro, G., Poulikakos, L., Tušar, M., Vasconcelos, K. L., … Cannone Falchetto, A. (2023). Rheological behaviors of waste polyethylene modified asphalt binder: statistical analysis of interlaboratory testing results. Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 51(4), JTE20220313 (11pp.).
RILEM TC 252-CMB report: rheological modeling of asphalt binder under different short and long-term aging temperatures
Wang, D., Cannone Falchetto, A., Poulikakos, L., Hofko, B., & Porot, L. (2019). RILEM TC 252-CMB report: rheological modeling of asphalt binder under different short and long-term aging temperatures. Materials and Structures, 52(4), 73 (12 pp.).
Inter-laboratory validation of the method to determine the filtration efficiency for airborne particles in the 3–500 nm range and results sensitivity analysis
Sachinidou, P., Bahk, Y. K., Tang, M., Zhang, N., Chen, S. S. C., Pui, D. Y. H., … Wang, J. (2017). Inter-laboratory validation of the method to determine the filtration efficiency for airborne particles in the 3–500 nm range and results sensitivity analysis. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 17(11), 2669-2680.
Performance assessment of Large Eddy Simulation (LES) for modeling dispersion in an urban street canyon with tree planting
Moonen, P., Gromke, C., & Dorer, V. (2013). Performance assessment of Large Eddy Simulation (LES) for modeling dispersion in an urban street canyon with tree planting. Atmospheric Environment, 75, 66-76.