Luminosity determination using Z boson production at the CMS experiment

Hayrapetyan A, Tumasyan A, Adam W, Andrejkovic JW, Bergauer T, Chatterjee S, Damanakis K, Dragicevic M, Valle AED, Hussain PS, Bevilacqua T, Caminada L, Ebrahimi A, Erdmann W, Horisberger R, Ingram Q, Kaestli HC, Kotlinski D, Lange C, Missiroli M, Noehte L, Rohe T, Zhokin A, et al.
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Hayrapetyan, A., Tumasyan, A., Adam, W., Andrejkovic, J. W., Bergauer, T., Chatterjee, S., … Zhokin, A. (2024). Luminosity determination using Z boson production at the CMS experiment. European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields, 84(1), 26 (28 pp.).