New constraint on the existence of the μ+ → e+γ decay
Adam J, Bai X, Baldini AM, Baracchini E, Bemporad C, Boca G, Cattaneo PW, Cavoto G, Cei F, Cerri C, Egger J, Galli L, Hildebrandt M, Kettle P-R, Kiselev O, Natori H, Papa A, Renga F, Ritt S, Uchiyama Y, Zanello D, et al.
Adam, J., Bai, X., Baldini, A. M., Baracchini, E., Bemporad, C., Boca, G., … Zanello, D. (2013). New constraint on the existence of the μ+ → e+γ decay. Physical Review Letters, 110(20), 201801 (5 pp.).