SwissFEL control system – overview, status, and lessons learned
Zimoch E, Alarcon A, Anicic D, Bertrand A, Biffiger R, Bitterli K, Boccioli M, Brands H, Bucher P, Celcer T, Chevtsov P, Divall E, Ebner S, Gasche M, Hämmerli F, Higgs C-E, Humar T, Janousch M, Janser G, Jud G, Kalantari B, Kapeller R, Krempaska R, Lauk D, Laznovsky M, Lutz H, Maier-Manojlovic D, Märki F, Ovinnikov V, Pal T, Portmann W, Rees S, Zamofing T, Zellweger C & Zimoch D
Zimoch, E., Alarcon, A., Anicic, D., Bertrand, A., Biffiger, R., Bitterli, K., … Zimoch, D. (2017). SwissFEL control system – overview, status, and lessons learned. In V. R. W. Schaa, I. Costa, D. Fernández, & O. Matilla (Eds.), Proceedings of the 16th international conference on accelerator and large experimental control systems (pp. 19-21).