Current status and perspectives of the SwissFEL Injector Test Facility control system
Chevtsov P, Armstrong D, Dach M, Divall E, Heiniger M, Higgs C, Janousch M, Janser G, Jud G, Kalantari B, Kapeller R, Korhonen T, Krempaska R, Laznovsky M, Mezger A, Ovinnikov V, Portmann W & Vermeulen D
Chevtsov, P., Armstrong, D., Dach, M., Divall, E., Heiniger, M., Higgs, C., … Vermeulen, D. (2014). Current status and perspectives of the SwissFEL Injector Test Facility control system. In C. Marshall, J. Fisher, & V. R. W. Schaa (Eds.), ICALEPCS2013 (pp. 378-380). JACoW Publishing.