Local study of the insulating quantum kagome antiferromagnets YCu3(OH)6OxCl3−x(x = 0,1/3)

Barthélemy Q, Puphal P, Zoch KM, Krellner C, Luetkens H, Baines C, Sheptyakov D, Kermarrec E, Mendels P & Bert F
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Barthélemy, Q., Puphal, P., Zoch, K. M., Krellner, C., Luetkens, H., Baines, C., … Bert, F. (2019). Local study of the insulating quantum kagome antiferromagnets YCu3(OH)6OxCl3−x(x = 0,1/3). Physical Review Materials, 3(7), 074401 (9 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.3.074401