A microfluidic experiment and pore scale modelling diagnostics for assessing mineral precipitation and dissolution in confined spaces

Poonoosamy J, Westerwalbesloh C, Deissmann G, Mahrous M, Curti E, Churakov SV, Klinkenberg M, Kohlheyer D, von Lieres E, Bosbach D & Prasianakis NI
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Poonoosamy, J., Westerwalbesloh, C., Deissmann, G., Mahrous, M., Curti, E., Churakov, S. V., … Prasianakis, N. I. (2019). A microfluidic experiment and pore scale modelling diagnostics for assessing mineral precipitation and dissolution in confined spaces. Chemical Geology, 528, 119264 (16 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2019.07.039