Structure and dynamics of biomembranes in room-temperature ionic liquid water solutions studied by neutron scattering and by molecular dynamics simulations

Benedetto A & Ballone P
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Benedetto, A., & Ballone, P. (2018). Structure and dynamics of biomembranes in room-temperature ionic liquid water solutions studied by neutron scattering and by molecular dynamics simulations. In F. Fernandez-Alonso, D. L. Price, V. Grzimek, W. Lohstroh, A. Schneidewind, & M. Russina (Eds.), AIP conference proceedings: Vol. 1969. Proceedings of the Joint conference on quasielastic neutron scattering and the workshop on inelastic neutron spectrometers QENS/WINS 2016: probing nanoscale dynamics in energy related materials (p. 030004 (5 pp.).