The synthetic diazonamide DZ-2384 has distinct effects on microtubule curvature and dynamics without neurotoxicity
Wieczorek M, Tcherkezian J, Bernier C, Prota AE, Chaaban S, Rolland Y, Godbout C, Hancock MA, Arezzo JC, Ocal O, Rocha C, Olieric N, Hall A, Ding H, Bramoullé A, Annis MG, Zogopoulos G, Harran PG, Wilkie TM, Brekken RA, Siegel PM, Steinmetz MO, Shore GC, Brouhard GJ & Roulston A
Wieczorek, M., Tcherkezian, J., Bernier, C., Prota, A. E., Chaaban, S., Rolland, Y., … Roulston, A. (2016). The synthetic diazonamide DZ-2384 has distinct effects on microtubule curvature and dynamics without neurotoxicity. Science Translational Medicine, 8(365), 365ra159 (14 pp.).