Vadose-zone alteration of metaschoepite and ceramic UO2 in Savannah River Site field lysimeters

Fallon CM, Bower WR, Powell BA, Livens FR, Lyon IC, McNulty AE, Peruski K, Mosselmans JFW, Kaplan DI, Grolimund D, Warnicke P, Ferreira-Sanchez D, Kauppi MS, Vettese GF, Shaw S, Morris K & Law GTW
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Fallon, C. M., Bower, W. R., Powell, B. A., Livens, F. R., Lyon, I. C., McNulty, A. E., … Law, G. T. W. (2023). Vadose-zone alteration of metaschoepite and ceramic UO2 in Savannah River Site field lysimeters. Science of the Total Environment, 862, 160862 (12 pp.).