SwissFEL KB-optics at-wavelength wavefront characterisation
Krempaský J, Vonka J, Pedrini B, Steppke A, Flechsig U, Follath R, Rösner B, Wagner UH, David C, Makita M & Vagovič P
Krempaský, J., Vonka, J., Pedrini, B., Steppke, A., Flechsig, U., Follath, R., … Vagovič, P. (2023). SwissFEL KB-optics at-wavelength wavefront characterisation. In T. Tschentscher, L. Patthey, K. Tiedtke, & M. Zangrando (Eds.), Proceedings of SPIE: Vol. 12581. Proceedings of X-Ray free-electron lasers: advances in source development and instrumentation VI (p. 125810A (8 pp.).