The AGIPD system for the European XFEL
Bianco L, Becker J, Dinapoli RD, Fretwurst E, Goettlicher P, Graafsma H, Greiffenberg D, Gronewald M, Henrich B, Hirsemann H, Jack S, Klanner R, Klyuev A, Krueger H, Marras A, Mozzanica A, Rah S, Schmitt B, Shi X, Trunk U, Schwandt J & Zhang J
Bianco, L., Becker, J., Dinapoli, R. D., Fretwurst, E., Goettlicher, P., Graafsma, H., … Zhang, J. (2013). The AGIPD system for the European XFEL. Proceedings of SPIE - the international society for optical engineering: Vol. 8778. (p. 87780V). Presented at the Advances in X-ray free-electron lasers II: instrumentation.