Measurement of multijet azimuthal correlations and determination of the strong coupling in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV
Hayrapetyan A, Tumasyan A, Adam W, Andrejkovic JW, Bergauer T, Chatterjee S, Damanakis K, Dragicevic M, Hussain PS, Jeitler M, Bevilacqua T, Caminada L, Ebrahimi A, Erdmann W, Horisberger R, Ingram Q, Kaestli HC, Kotlinski D, Lange C, Missiroli M, Noehte L, Rohe T, Zhokin A, et al.
Hayrapetyan, A., Tumasyan, A., Adam, W., Andrejkovic, J. W., Bergauer, T., Chatterjee, S., … Zhokin, A. (2024). Measurement of multijet azimuthal correlations and determination of the strong coupling in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV. European Physical Journal C: Particles and Fields, 84(8), 842 (35 pp.).