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Modeling of microstructure evolution during high-temperature oxidation of porous Fe-Cr steels
Ibrahim, S. H., Koszelow, D., Makowska, M., & Molin, S. (2025). Modeling of microstructure evolution during high-temperature oxidation of porous Fe-Cr steels. Materials and Design, 113536 (21 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matdes.2024.113536
Quantitative analysis of transmutation nuclides in pure tungsten irradiated with high-energy protons and spallation neutrons at 6.4 and 28 dpa
Araullo-Peters, V., & Dai, Y. (2024). Quantitative analysis of transmutation nuclides in pure tungsten irradiated with high-energy protons and spallation neutrons at 6.4 and 28 dpa. Nuclear Materials and Energy, 41, 101757 (11 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nme.2024.101757
Emergence of interfacial magnetism in strongly‐correlated nickelate‐titanate superlattices
Asmara, T. C., Green, R. J., Suter, A., Wei, Y., Zhang, W., Knez, D., … Schmitt, T. (2024). Emergence of interfacial magnetism in strongly‐correlated nickelate‐titanate superlattices. Advanced Materials, 36(38), 2310668 (14 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1002/adma.202310668
Atomic level insight into irradiation effects in nuclear fuel materials
Bhattacharya, S. (2024). Atomic level insight into irradiation effects in nuclear fuel materials [Doctoral dissertation, EPFL]. https://doi.org/10.5075/epfl-thesis-10805
High resolution tem observation of gas bubbles and distortion of the UO<sub>2 </sub>crystal lattice intermediate burnup spent fuel pellet
Bhattacharya, S., Kuri, G., Bertsch, J., & Hawes, J. (2024). High resolution tem observation of gas bubbles and distortion of the UO2 crystal lattice intermediate burnup spent fuel pellet. In Proceedings of TopFuel 2024 reactor fuel performance conference (p. (10 pp.). European Nuclear Society (ENS).
Hydrogen concentrations in the oxide layer and metal of cladding irradiated in Swiss nuclear power plants with changing water chemistry
Cretton, A., Helmersson, B., Wiese, H., Yetik, O., & Bertsch, J. (2024). Hydrogen concentrations in the oxide layer and metal of cladding irradiated in Swiss nuclear power plants with changing water chemistry. In Proceedings of TopFuel 2024 reactor fuel performance conference (p. (10 pp.). European Nuclear Society (ENS).
The eighth SINQ target irradiation program, STIP-VIII
Dai, Y., Brun, R., Spahr, A., Boutellier, V., Jiang, W., Shi, J., … Pouchon, M. (2024). The eighth SINQ target irradiation program, STIP-VIII. Nuclear Materials and Energy, 39, 101638 (13 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nme.2024.101638
Hydrides analysis in zircaloy-4 cladding using C-shape ring compression tests
Duarte, L. I., Mora, D. F., Yetik, O., Fagnoni, F., Zubler, R., Bertsch, J., … Schweitzer, E. (2024). Hydrides analysis in zircaloy-4 cladding using C-shape ring compression tests. In Proceedings of TopFuel 2024 reactor fuel performance conference (p. (11 pp.). European Nuclear Society (ENS).
Anomalous electrons in a metallic kagome ferromagnet
Ekahana, S. A., Soh, Y., Tamai, A., Gosálbez-Martínez, D., Yao, M., Hunter, A., … Aeppli, G. (2024). Anomalous electrons in a metallic kagome ferromagnet. Nature, 627(8002), 67-72. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41586-024-07085-w
Hydrogen enhanced localized plasticity in zirconium as observed by digital image correlation
Fagnoni, F., Kursun, E. .C., Busi, M., Konarski, P., Yetik, O., Spolenak, R., … Duarte, L. I. (2024). Hydrogen enhanced localized plasticity in zirconium as observed by digital image correlation. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 590, 154873 (10 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnucmat.2023.154873
Effect of temperature on apparent crack arrest toughness of Eurofer97 measured by a newly developed small specimen test technique
Gao, P., & Spätig, P. (2024). Effect of temperature on apparent crack arrest toughness of Eurofer97 measured by a newly developed small specimen test technique. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 599, 155222 (13 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnucmat.2024.155222
Tomographic microscopy of functionally graded polymer-derived SiCN ceramics with tunable gradients
Hagelüken, L., Makowska, M. G., Marone, F., & Brugger, J. (2024). Tomographic microscopy of functionally graded polymer-derived SiCN ceramics with tunable gradients. Materialia, 33, 102025 (9 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mtla.2024.102025
Effect of material inhomogeneity on constraint loss measured with subsized C(T) fracture specimens of a reactor pressure vessel steel
Jiang, D., Spätig, P., & Seifert, H. P. (2024). Effect of material inhomogeneity on constraint loss measured with subsized C(T) fracture specimens of a reactor pressure vessel steel. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 588, 154801 (9 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnucmat.2023.154801
Pre-oxidation of porous ferritic Fe22Cr alloys for lifespan extension at high-temperature
Koszelow, D., Makowska, M., Marone, F., Cempura, G., Tomas, M., Froitzheim, J., & Molin, S. (2024). Pre-oxidation of porous ferritic Fe22Cr alloys for lifespan extension at high-temperature. Corrosion Science, 234, 112129 (13 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.corsci.2024.112129
Scaling of planar sodium‐nickel chloride battery cells to 90 cm<sup>2</sup> active area
Lan, T., Svaluto-Ferro, E., Kovalska, N., Graeber, G., Vagliani, F., Basso, D., … Heinz, M. V. F. (2024). Scaling of planar sodium‐nickel chloride battery cells to 90 cm2 active area. Batteries and Supercaps. https://doi.org/10.1002/batt.202400447
Tunable magnetism in atomically thin itinerant antiferromagnet with room-temperature ferromagnetic order
Lu, L., Wang, Q., Duan, H., Zhu, K., Hu, T., Ma, Y., … Tian, M. (2024). Tunable magnetism in atomically thin itinerant antiferromagnet with room-temperature ferromagnetic order. Nano Letters, 24(20), 5984-5992. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.nanolett.4c00472
XFEM simulation and parametric analysis of thick-walled cylindrical mock-ups under thermo-shock
Mendez, D. F. M., & Niffenegger, M. (2024). XFEM simulation and parametric analysis of thick-walled cylindrical mock-ups under thermo-shock. In ASME, pressure vessels and piping division (Publication) PVP: Vol. 2. Proceedings of ASME 2024 pressure vessels & piping conference (PVP 2024) (p. v002t03a088 (7 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1115/PVP2024-122127
3D hydrides arrangement in fuel cladding tubes and temporal development of hydrogen relocation in liner cladding investigated with neutron imaging
Meyer, M., Duarte, L., Yetik, O., Zubler, R., Bertsch, J., Mota, D., & Trtik, P. (2024). 3D hydrides arrangement in fuel cladding tubes and temporal development of hydrogen relocation in liner cladding investigated with neutron imaging. In Proceedings of TopFuel 2024 reactor fuel performance conference (p. (11 pp.). European Nuclear Society (ENS).
Neutron phase filtering for separating phase- and attenuation signal in aluminium and anodic aluminium oxide
Naver, E. B., Yetik, O., Ott, N., Busi, M., Trtik, P., Theil Kuhn, L., & Strobl, M. (2024). Neutron phase filtering for separating phase- and attenuation signal in aluminium and anodic aluminium oxide. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 24218 (11 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-75264-w
Correlation between microstructure and hardening of 9Cr ferritic/martensitic steels irradiated in spallation neutron source
Peng, L., Xie, Y., Ge, H., Dai, Y., Huang, Q., & Wan, Y. (2024). Correlation between microstructure and hardening of 9Cr ferritic/martensitic steels irradiated in spallation neutron source. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 597, 155122 (8 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnucmat.2024.155122
