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Post-dryout heat transfer assessment of trace
Aounallah, Y. (2017). Post-dryout heat transfer assessment of trace. In 37th annual conference of the canadian nuclear society and 41st annual cns/cna student conference. Canadian Nuclear Society.
Simulations with TRACE of a BWR/4 steam line break under "hot standby" conditions
Aounallah, Y. (2017). Simulations with TRACE of a BWR/4 steam line break under "hot standby" conditions. In Vol. 1. 37th annual conference of the canadian nuclear society & 41st CNS/CNA student conference 2017 (pp. 218-228). Canadian Nuclear Society.
TRACE/S3K code coupling simulations of a BWR/4 anticipated transient without scram
Aounallah, Y. (2017). TRACE/S3K code coupling simulations of a BWR/4 anticipated transient without scram. In Vol. 2. Proceedings of the 37th annual conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society & 41st CNS/CNA student conference 2017 (pp. 1000-1013). Canadian Nuclear Society (CNS).
Benchmarking and application of the state-of-the-art uncertainty analysis methods XSUSA and SHARK-X
Aures, A., Bostelmann, F., Hursin, M., & Leray, O. (2017). Benchmarking and application of the state-of-the-art uncertainty analysis methods XSUSA and SHARK-X. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 101, 262-269. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anucene.2016.11.025
Analysis of the U L<sub>3</sub>-edge X-ray absorption spectra in UO<sub>2</sub> using molecular dynamics simulations
Bocharov, D., Chollet, M., Krack, M., Bertsch, J., Grolimund, D., Martin, M., … Kotomin, E. (2017). Analysis of the U L3-edge X-ray absorption spectra in UO2 using molecular dynamics simulations. Progress in Nuclear Energy, 94, 187-193. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pnucene.2016.07.017
System codes benchmarking on a low sodium void effect SFR heterogeneous core under ULOF conditions
Bubelis, E., Tosello, A., Pfrang, W., Schikorr, M., Mikityuk, K., Panadero, A. L., … Wallenius, J. (2017). System codes benchmarking on a low sodium void effect SFR heterogeneous core under ULOF conditions. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 320, 325-345. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nucengdes.2017.06.015
Benchmarking and validation activities within JEFF project
Cabellos, O., Alvarez-Velarde, F., Angelone, M., Diez, C. J., Dyrda, J., Fiorito, L., … Marck, S. V. D. (2017). Benchmarking and validation activities within JEFF project. In P. Siegler, W. Mondelaers, A. Plompen, F. J. Hambsch, P. Schillebeeckx, S. Kopecky, … S. Oberstedt (Eds.), EPJ Web of Conferences: Vol. 146. International conference on nuclear data for science and technology (p. 06004 (6 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201714606004
SIMULATE-3K analyses of neutron noise response to fuel assembly vibrations and thermal-hydraulics parameters fluctuations
Chionis, D., Dokhane, A., Belblidia, L., Pecchia, M., Giardin, G., Ferroukhi, H., & Pautz, A. (2017). SIMULATE-3K analyses of neutron noise response to fuel assembly vibrations and thermal-hydraulics parameters fluctuations. In Proceedings of the international conference on mathematics & computational methods applied to nuclear science & engineering (M&C 2017) (p. P289 (8 pp.). Korean Nuclear Society.
New insights in the fuel grain subdivision during in-plant irradiation up to high burn-up
Chollet, M., Cozzo, C., Bertsch, J., Martin, M., Grolimund, D., & Samson, V. A. (2017). New insights in the fuel grain subdivision during in-plant irradiation up to high burn-up (p. (9 pp.). Presented at the Water reactor fuel performance meeting 2017 (WRFPM 2017). .
Positron annihilation spectroscopy study of lattice defects in non-irradiated doped and un-doped fuels
Chollet, M., Krsjak, V., Cozzo, C., & Bertsch, J. (2017). Positron annihilation spectroscopy study of lattice defects in non-irradiated doped and un-doped fuels. EPJ Nuclear Sciences and Technologies, 3, 3 (5 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjn/2016040
SiC cladding behavior: experiments and modelling at PSI
Cozzo, C., Bertsch, J., Fave, L., Rahman, S., Dokhane, A., Krack, M., … Pytel, M. (2017). SiC cladding behavior: experiments and modelling at PSI (p. (10 pp.). Presented at the Water reactor fuel performance meeting 2017 (WRFPM 2017). .
The chemical state of <sup>79</sup>Se in spent nuclear fuel: Implications for the performance assessment
Curti, E., Krack, M., Grolimund, D., & Churakov, S. V. (2017). The chemical state of 79Se in spent nuclear fuel: Implications for the performance assessment. In 16th international high-level radioactive waste management conference. Creating a safe and secure energy future for generations to come - driving toward long-term storage and disposal (pp. 281-285). American Nuclear Society.
Analysis of Oskarshamn-2 stability event using TRACE/SIMULATE-3K and comparison to TRACE/PARCS and SIMULATE-3K stand-alone
Dokhane, A., Judd, J., Gajev, I., Zerkak, O., Ferroukhi, H., & Kozlowski, T. (2017). Analysis of Oskarshamn-2 stability event using TRACE/SIMULATE-3K and comparison to TRACE/PARCS and SIMULATE-3K stand-alone. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 102, 190-199. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anucene.2016.12.015
Nuclear data uncertainty decomposition for SPERT-III RIA experiments using SIMULATE-3K and SHARK-X
Dokhane, A., Grandi, G., Leray, O., Rochman, D., Vasiliev, A., & Ferroukhi, H. (2017). Nuclear data uncertainty decomposition for SPERT-III RIA experiments using SIMULATE-3K and SHARK-X. In Proceedings of the international conference on mathematics & computational methods applied to nuclear science & engineering (M&C 2017) (p. P236 (8 pp.). Korean Nuclear Society.
Extension of the GeN-Foam neutronic solver to SP<sub>3</sub> analysis and application to the CROCUS experimental reactor
Fiorina, C., Hursin, M., & Pautz, A. (2017). Extension of the GeN-Foam neutronic solver to SP3 analysis and application to the CROCUS experimental reactor. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 101, 419-428. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anucene.2016.11.042
Nuclear data for fusion technology - the European approach
Fischer, U., Avrigeanu, M., Avrigeanu, V., Cabellos, O., Dzysiuk, N., Koning, A., … Trkov, A. (2017). Nuclear data for fusion technology - the European approach. In P. Siegler, W. Mondelaers, A. Plompen, F. J. Hambsch, P. Schillebeeckx, S. Kopecky, … S. Oberstedt (Eds.), EPJ Web of Conferences: Vol. 146. International conference on nuclear data for science and technology (p. 09003 (6 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201714609003
The role of nuclear data for fusion nuclear technology
Fischer, U., Angelone, M., Avrigeanu, M., Avrigeanu, V., Bachmann, C., Dzysiuk, N., … Simakov, S. (2017). The role of nuclear data for fusion nuclear technology (p. (7 pp.). Presented at the International symposium on fusion nuclear technology. .
TALYS/TENDL verification and validation processes: Outcomes and recommendations
Fleming, M., Sublet, J. C., Gilbert, M. R., Koning, A., & Rochman, D. (2017). TALYS/TENDL verification and validation processes: Outcomes and recommendations. In A. Plompen, F. J. Hambsch, P. Schillebeeckx, W. Mondelaers, J. Heyse, S. Kopecky, … S. Oberstedt (Eds.), EPJ web of conferences: Vol. 146. ND 2016: international conference on nuclear data for science and technology (p. 02033 (4 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201714602033
Nuclear data sensitivity and uncertainty assessment of sodium voiding reactivity coefficients of an ASTRID-like sodium fast reactor
García-Herranz, N., Panadero, A. L., Martinez, A., Pelloni, S., Mikityuk, K., & Pautz, A. (2017). Nuclear data sensitivity and uncertainty assessment of sodium voiding reactivity coefficients of an ASTRID-like sodium fast reactor. In A. Plompen, F. J. Hambsch, P. Schillebeeckx, W. Mondelaers, J. Heyse, S. Kopecky, … S. Oberstedt (Eds.), EPJ web of conferences: Vol. 146. ND 2016: international conference on nuclear data for science and technology (p. 09006 (6 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201714609006
Characterization of the energy-dependent uncertainty and correlation in silicon neutron displacement damage metrics
Griffin, P., Rochman, D., & Koning, A. (2017). Characterization of the energy-dependent uncertainty and correlation in silicon neutron displacement damage metrics. In A. Plompen, F. J. Hambsch, P. Schillebeeckx, W. Mondelaers, J. Heyse, S. Kopecky, … S. Oberstedt (Eds.), EPJ web of conferences: Vol. 146. ND 2016: international conference on nuclear data for science and technology (p. 02008 (6 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1051/epjconf/201714602008
