| Aeroradiometric measurements in the framework of the Swiss exercise ARM23
Butterweck, G., Stabilini, A., Bucher, B., Breitenmoser, D., Rybach, L., Poretti, C., … Mayer, S. (2024). Aeroradiometric measurements in the framework of the Swiss exercise ARM23. (PSI-Bericht, Report No.: 24-02). Paul Scherrer Institut. https://doi.org/10.55402/psi:60054 |
| Zukünftiger Flexibilitätsbedarf und Bedeutung von Bandstrom in der Schweiz
Densing, M., Kober, T., Panos, E., & McKenna, R. (2024). Zukünftiger Flexibilitätsbedarf und Bedeutung von Bandstrom in der Schweiz. (PSI Bericht, Report No.: 24-01). Paul Scherrer Institut. https://doi.org/10.55402/psi:59962 |
| Long-term integration of large-scale gas storage in Switzerland
Kober, T., Panos, E., Wan, Y., McKenna, R., Fuchs, A., & Demiray, T. (2024). Long-term integration of large-scale gas storage in Switzerland. PSI; ETH Zürich. https://doi.org/10.55402/psi:63482 |
| Aeroradiometric measurements in the framework of the Swiss Exercise ARM22
Butterweck, G., Stabilini, A., Bucher, B., Breitenmoser, D., Rybach, L., Poretti, C., … Mayer, S. (2023). Aeroradiometric measurements in the framework of the Swiss Exercise ARM22. (PSI Bericht, Report No.: 23-01). Paul Scherrer Institut. https://doi.org/10.55402/psi:51194 |
| Socio-economic energy model for digitalization (SEED) overview design concept and details (ODD) protocol
Stermieri, L., Kober, T., McKenna, R., Schmidt, T. J., & Panos, E. (2023). Socio-economic energy model for digitalization (SEED) overview design concept and details (ODD) protocol. (PSI Bericht, Report No.: 23-02). Paul Scherrer Institute. https://doi.org/10.55402/psi:56617 |
| Aeroradiometric measurements in the framework of the Swiss exercise ARM21
Butterweck, G., Bucher, B., Breitenmoser, D., Rybach, L., Poretti, C., Maillard, S., … Mayer, S. (2022). Aeroradiometric measurements in the framework of the Swiss exercise ARM21. (PSI Bericht, Report No.: 22-02). Paul Scherrer Institut. https://doi.org/10.55402/psi:44921 |
| Aerodiometric measurements in the framework of the Swiss exercise ARM19
Butterweck, G., Bucher, B., Rybach, L., Poretti, C., Maillard, S., Schindler, M., … Scharding, G. (2020). Aerodiometric measurements in the framework of the Swiss exercise ARM19. (PSI Bericht, Report No.: 20-01). Paul Scherrer Institut. https://doi.org/10.55402/psi:44919 |
| Aeroradiometric measurements in the framework of the Swiss exercise ARM18 and the international exercise CONTEX 2018
Butterweck, G., Bucher, B., Rybach, L., Poretti, C., Maillard, S., Schindler, M., … Scharding, G. (2019). Aeroradiometric measurements in the framework of the Swiss exercise ARM18 and the international exercise CONTEX 2018. (PSI Bericht, Report No.: 19-01). Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI). https://doi.org/10.55402/psi:34957 |
| International intercomparison exercise of airborne gamma-spectrometric systems of the Czech Republic, France, Germany and Switzerland in the framework of the Swiss exercise ARM17
Butterweck, G., Bucher, B., Gryc, L., Debayle, C., Strobl, C., Maillard, S., … Scharding, G. (2018). International intercomparison exercise of airborne gamma-spectrometric systems of the Czech Republic, France, Germany and Switzerland in the framework of the Swiss exercise ARM17. (PSI Bericht, Report No.: 18-04). Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI). https://doi.org/10.55402/psi:34959 |
| Aeroradiometric measurements in the framework of the Swiss exercises ARM16 and LAURA
Butterweck, G., Bucher, B., Rybach, L., Poretti, C., Maillard, S., Schwarz, G., … Scharding, G. (2017). Aeroradiometric measurements in the framework of the Swiss exercises ARM16 and LAURA. (PSI Bericht, Report No.: 17-01). Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI). https://doi.org/10.55402/psi:34988 |
| Die Vergleichsmessung 2016 für Radonmessmittel am PSI
Butterweck, G., Hofstetter-Boillat, B., Hohmann, E., & Mayer, S. (2016). Die Vergleichsmessung 2016 für Radonmessmittel am PSI. (PSI Bericht, Report No.: 16-02). Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI). https://doi.org/10.55402/psi:34990 |
| Aeroradiometric measurements in the framework of the Swiss exercise ARM13
Butterweck, G., Bucher, B., Rybach, L., Schwarz, G., Hohmann, E., Mayer, S., … Scharding, G. (2015). Aeroradiometric measurements in the framework of the Swiss exercise ARM13. (PSI Bericht, Report No.: 15-01). Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI). https://doi.org/10.55402/psi:35064 |
| Aeroradiometric measurements in the framework of the Swiss exercises ARM14 and FTX14
Butterweck, G., Bucher, B., Rybach, L., Schwarz, G., Hohmann, E., Mayer, S., … Scharding, G. (2015). Aeroradiometric measurements in the framework of the Swiss exercises ARM14 and FTX14. (PSI Bericht, Report No.: 15-02). Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI). https://doi.org/10.55402/psi:35062 |
| Aeroradiometric measurements in the framework of the Swiss exercises ARM15, GNU15 and the international exercise AGC15
Butterweck, G., Bucher, B., Rybach, L., Schwarz, G., Hofstetter-Boillat, B., Hohmann, E., … Scharding, G. (2015). Aeroradiometric measurements in the framework of the Swiss exercises ARM15, GNU15 and the international exercise AGC15. (PSI Bericht, Report No.: 15-04). Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI). https://doi.org/10.55402/psi:35047 |
| Die Vergleichsmessung 2014 für Radonmessmittel am PSI
Butterweck, G., Hohmann, E., & Mayer, S. (2014). Die Vergleichsmessung 2014 für Radonmessmittel am PSI. (PSI Bericht, Report No.: 14-02). Paul Scherrer Institut. https://doi.org/10.55402/psi:35117 |
| Aeroradiometric measurements in the framework of the Swiss exercise ARM12
Butterweck, G., Bucher, B., Rybach, L., Schwarz, G., Hödlmoser, H., Mayer, S., … Scharding, G. (2013). Aeroradiometric measurements in the framework of the Swiss exercise ARM12. (PSI Bericht, Report No.: 13-01). Paul Scherrer Institut. https://doi.org/10.55402/psi:35134 |
| Aeroradiometric measurements in the framework of the Swiss exercise ARM11
Bucher, B., Butterweck, G., Rybach, L., Schwarz, G., & Mayer, S. (2012). Aeroradiometric measurements in the framework of the Swiss exercise ARM11. (PSI Bericht, Report No.: 12-04). Paul Scherrer Institut. https://doi.org/10.55402/psi:35137 |
| Die Vergleichsmessung 2012 für Radongasmessmittel am PSI
Butterweck, G., Schuler, C., Hödlmoser, H., & Mayer, S. (2012). Die Vergleichsmessung 2012 für Radongasmessmittel am PSI. (PSI Bericht, Report No.: 12-03). Paul Scherrer Institut. https://doi.org/10.55402/psi:35193 |
| Aeroradiometrische Messungen im Rahmen der Übung ARM10
Bucher, B., Butterweck, G., Rybach, L., Schwarz, G., & Mayer, S. (2011). Aeroradiometrische Messungen im Rahmen der Übung ARM10. (PSI Bericht, Report No.: 11-02). Paul Scherrer Institut. https://doi.org/10.55402/psi:35201 |
| Die Vergleichsmessung 2010 für Radongasmessmittel am PSI
Butterweck, G., Schuler, C., & Mayer, S. (2011). Die Vergleichsmessung 2010 für Radongasmessmittel am PSI. (PSI Bericht, Report No.: 11-01). Paul Scherrer Institut. https://doi.org/10.55402/psi:35203 |