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Ferrocene pixels by laser-induced forward transfer: towards flexible microelectrode printing
Mitu, B., Matei, A., Filipescu, M., Palla Papavlu, A., Bercea, A., Lippert, T., & Dinescu, M. (2017). Ferrocene pixels by laser-induced forward transfer: towards flexible microelectrode printing. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 50(11), 115601 (9 pp.).
Fs laser-induced plasmas from energetic polymers: towards micro-laser plasma thruster application
Palla Papavlu, A., Urech, L., Lippert, T., Phipps, C., Hermann, J., & Wokaun, A. (2016). Fs laser-induced plasmas from energetic polymers: towards micro-laser plasma thruster application. Plasma Processes and Polymers, 13(6), 611-622.
Highly sensitive SnO<sub>2</sub> sensor via reactive laser-induced transfer
Palla Papavlu, A., Mattle, T., Temmel, S., Lehmann, U., Hintennach, A., Grisel, A., … Lippert, T. (2016). Highly sensitive SnO2 sensor via reactive laser-induced transfer. Scientific Reports, 6, 25144 (9 pp.).
Direct laser deposition of nanostructured tungsten oxide for sensing applications
Palla-Papavlu, A., Filipescu, M., Schneider, C. W., Antohe, S., Ossi, P. M., Radnóczi, G., … Lippert, T. (2016). Direct laser deposition of nanostructured tungsten oxide for sensing applications. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 49(20), 205101 (8 pp.).
Laser-induced forward transfer of hybrid carbon nanostructures
Palla-Papavlu, A., Filipescu, M., Vizireanu, S., Vogt, L., Antohe, S., Dinescu, M., … Lippert, T. (2016). Laser-induced forward transfer of hybrid carbon nanostructures. Applied Surface Science, 374, 312-317.
Laser deposition and direct-writing of thermoelectric misfit cobaltite thin films
Chen, J., Palla-Papavlu, A., Li, Y., Chen, L., Shi, X., Döbeli, M., … Lippert, T. (2014). Laser deposition and direct-writing of thermoelectric misfit cobaltite thin films. Applied Physics Letters, 104(23), 231907 (5 pp.).
Laser-induced forward transfer of single-walled carbon nanotubes
Palla-Papavlu, A., Dinescu, M., Wokaun, A., & Lippert, T. (2014). Laser-induced forward transfer of single-walled carbon nanotubes. Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, 117(1), 371-376.
Applications of laser printing for organic electronics
Delaporte, P., Ainsebaa, A., Alloncle, A. P., Benetti, M., Boutopoulos, C., Cannata, D., … Zergioti, I. (2013). Applications of laser printing for organic electronics. In X. Xu, G. Hennig, Y. Nakata, & S. W. Roth (Eds.), Proceedings of SPIE: Vol. 8607. Laser applications in microelectronic and optoelectronic manufacturing (LAMOM) XVIII (p. 86070Z (13 pp.).