| Zukünftiger Flexibilitätsbedarf und Bedeutung von Bandstrom in der Schweiz
Densing, M., Kober, T., Panos, E., & McKenna, R. (2024). Zukünftiger Flexibilitätsbedarf und Bedeutung von Bandstrom in der Schweiz. (PSI Bericht, Report No.: 24-01). Paul Scherrer Institut. https://doi.org/10.55402/psi:59962 |
| Long-term integration of large-scale gas storage in Switzerland
Kober, T., Panos, E., Wan, Y., McKenna, R., Fuchs, A., & Demiray, T. (2024). Long-term integration of large-scale gas storage in Switzerland. PSI; ETH Zürich. https://doi.org/10.55402/psi:63482 |
| Saisonale Gasspeicher in der Schweiz
Kober, T., Bautz, R., Panos, E., Wan, Y., McKenna, R., Fuchs, A., & Demiray, T. (2024). Saisonale Gasspeicher in der Schweiz. Aqua & Gas, 104(5), 34-39. |
| Accelerating the performance of large-scale TIMES models in the modelling of sustainable development goals
Panos, E., & Hassan, A. (2024). Accelerating the performance of large-scale TIMES models in the modelling of sustainable development goals. In M. Labriet, K. Espegren, G. Giannakidis, & B. Ó. Gallachóir (Eds.), Lecture notes in energy: Vol. 101. Aligning the energy transition with the sustainable development goals. Key insights from energy system modelling (pp. 67-95). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-58897-6_4 |
| The role of digital social practices and technologies in the Swiss energy transition towards net-zero carbon dioxide emissions in 2050
Stermieri, L., Kober, T., McKenna, R., Schmidt, T. J., & Panos, E. (2024). The role of digital social practices and technologies in the Swiss energy transition towards net-zero carbon dioxide emissions in 2050. Energy Policy, 193, 114203 (17 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2024.114203 |
| A multi-model framework to assess the role of R&D towards a decarbonized energy system
Nogueira, L., Dalla Longa, F., Reis, L. A., Drouet, L., Vrontisi, Z., Fragkiadakis, K., … van der Zwaan, B. (2023). A multi-model framework to assess the role of R&D towards a decarbonized energy system. Climatic Change, 176(7), 82 (22 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10584-023-03553-w |
| An assessment of energy system transformation pathways to achieve net-zero carbon dioxide emissions in Switzerland
Panos, E., Kannan, R., Hirschberg, S., & Kober, T. (2023). An assessment of energy system transformation pathways to achieve net-zero carbon dioxide emissions in Switzerland. Communications Earth & Environment, 4(1), 157 (18 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1038/s43247-023-00813-6 |
| Deep decarbonisation pathways of the energy system in times of unprecedented uncertainty in the energy sector
Panos, E., Glynn, J., Kypreos, S., Lehtilä, A., Yue, X., Ó Gallachóir, B., … Dai, H. (2023). Deep decarbonisation pathways of the energy system in times of unprecedented uncertainty in the energy sector. Energy Policy, 180, 113642 (18 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2023.113642 |
| "Quantifying the implications of behavioral changes induced by digitalization on energy transition: a systematic review of methodological approaches"
Stermieri, L., Kober, T., Schmidt, T. J., McKenna, R., & Panos, E. (2023). "Quantifying the implications of behavioral changes induced by digitalization on energy transition: a systematic review of methodological approaches". Energy Research and Social Science, 97, 102961 (19 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.erss.2023.102961 |
| Impacts of digitalization and societal changes on energy transition: a novel socio-techno-economic energy system model
Stermieri, L., Kober, T., McKenna, R., Schmidt, T. J., & Panos, E. (2023). Impacts of digitalization and societal changes on energy transition: a novel socio-techno-economic energy system model. Energy Strategy Reviews, 50, 101224 (18 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.esr.2023.101224 |
| Socio-economic energy model for digitalization (SEED) overview design concept and details (ODD) protocol
Stermieri, L., Kober, T., McKenna, R., Schmidt, T. J., & Panos, E. (2023). Socio-economic energy model for digitalization (SEED) overview design concept and details (ODD) protocol. (PSI Bericht, Report No.: 23-02). Paul Scherrer Institute. https://doi.org/10.55402/psi:56617 |
| A net‐zero Swiss energy system by 2050: technological and policy options for the transition of the transportation sector
Kannan, R., Panos, E., Hirschberg, S., & Kober, T. (2022). A net‐zero Swiss energy system by 2050: technological and policy options for the transition of the transportation sector. Futures & Foresight Science, 4(3-4), e126 (22 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1002/ffo2.126 |
| Moving toward the low-carbon hydrogen economy: experiences and key learnings from national case studies
Reigstad, G. A., Roussanaly, S., Straus, J., Anantharaman, R., de Kler, R., Akhurst, M., … Bauer, C. (2022). Moving toward the low-carbon hydrogen economy: experiences and key learnings from national case studies. Advances in Applied Energy, 8, 100108 (14 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.adapen.2022.100108 |
| Transformation of the Swiss energy system for a net-zero greenhouse gas emission society. Results from the joint activity scenarios & modelling
Panos, E., Kober, T., Ramachandran, K., Hirschberg, S., Bauer, C., Schildhauer, T., … Burg, V. (2021). Transformation of the Swiss energy system for a net-zero greenhouse gas emission society. Results from the joint activity scenarios & modelling. ETH Zurich. |
| Optimal building retrofit pathways considering stock dynamics and climate change impacts
Streicher, K. N., Berger, M., Panos, E., Narula, K., Soini, M. C., & Patel, M. K. (2021). Optimal building retrofit pathways considering stock dynamics and climate change impacts. Energy Policy, 152, 112220 (13 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2021.112220 |
| Cross-border effects in interconnected electricity markets - an analysis of the Swiss electricity prices
Keles, D., Dehler-Holland, J., Densing, M., Panos, E., & Hack, F. (2020). Cross-border effects in interconnected electricity markets - an analysis of the Swiss electricity prices. Energy Economics, 90, 104802 (21 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eneco.2020.104802 |
| Global energy perspectives to 2060 - WEC's World Energy Scenarios 2019
Kober, T., Schiffer, H. W., Densing, M., & Panos, E. (2020). Global energy perspectives to 2060 - WEC's World Energy Scenarios 2019. Energy Strategy Reviews, 31, 100523 (19 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.esr.2020.100523 |
| Swiss industry: price elasticities and demand developments for electricity and gas (SWIDEM)
Kober, T., Kannan, R., Obrist, M., Panos, E., Heald, S., Clements, L., … Pollitt, H. (2020). Swiss industry: price elasticities and demand developments for electricity and gas (SWIDEM). Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE. |
| Energy system pathways with low environmental impacts and limited costs: minimizing climate change impacts produces environmental cobenefits and challenges in toxicity and metal depletion categories
Vandepaer, L., Panos, E., Bauer, C., & Amor, B. (2020). Energy system pathways with low environmental impacts and limited costs: minimizing climate change impacts produces environmental cobenefits and challenges in toxicity and metal depletion categories. Environmental Science and Technology, 54(8), 5081-5092. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.9b06484 |
| Probabilistic assessment of realizing the 1.5 °C climate target
Marcucci, A., Panos, E., Kypreos, S., & Fragkos, P. (2019). Probabilistic assessment of realizing the 1.5 °C climate target. Applied Energy, 239, 239-251. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2019.01.190 |