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Modelling of reactor pressure vessel subjected to pressurized thermal shock using 3D-XFEM
Mora, D. F., Niffenegger, M., Qian, G., Jaros, M., & Niceno, B. (2019). Modelling of reactor pressure vessel subjected to pressurized thermal shock using 3D-XFEM. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 353, 110237 (13 pp.).
Uncertainties in pressurized thermal shock analyses
Niffenegger, M., Garrido, O. C., Mora, D. F., Qian, G., Mukin, R., Sharabi, M., … Niceno, B. (2019). Uncertainties in pressurized thermal shock analyses. In PVP - American society of mechanical engineers. Pressure vessels and piping division: Vol. 3. Design and analysis: 4th international symposium on coke drum life cycle management (pp. PVP2019-94076 (10 pp.).
Constraint assessment for specimens tested under uniaxial and biaxial loading conditions
Cao, Y., Qian, G., He, Y., Niffenegger, M., & Chao, Y. J. (2018). Constraint assessment for specimens tested under uniaxial and biaxial loading conditions. Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 140(3), 031401 (7 pp.).
Crack initiation, arrest and tearing assessments of a RPV subjected to PTS events
Chen, M., Yu, W., Qian, G., Shi, J., Cao, Y., & Yu, Y. (2018). Crack initiation, arrest and tearing assessments of a RPV subjected to PTS events. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 116, 143-151.
3D FEM modeling of crack initiation in a reactor pressure vessel during a PTS event (LBLOCA)
Mora Méndez, D. F., Niffenegger, M., Qian, G., Jaros, M., & Niceno, B. (2018). 3D FEM modeling of crack initiation in a reactor pressure vessel during a PTS event (LBLOCA). In PVP - American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Pressure vessels and piping division: Vol. 6A. ASME 2018 pressure vessels and piping conference. Proceedings papers. Materials and fabrication (pp. PVP2018-85024 (8 pp.).
A new local approach model for cleavage fracture in ferritic steels and its validation
Qian, G., Lei, W. S., & Niffenegger, M. (2018). A new local approach model for cleavage fracture in ferritic steels and its validation. In G. Henaff (Ed.), MATEC web of conferences: Vol. 165. 12th international fatigue congress (FATIGUE 2018) (p. 22035 (6 pp.).
Effect of non-uniform reactor cooling on fracture and constraint of a reactor pressure vessel
Qian, G., Niffenegger, M., Sharabi, M., & Lafferty, N. (2018). Effect of non-uniform reactor cooling on fracture and constraint of a reactor pressure vessel. Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, 41(7), 1559-1575.
Effects of embedded cracks and residual stresses on the integrity of a reactor pressure vessel
Qian, G., González-Albuixech, V. F., & Niffenegger, M. (2018). Effects of embedded cracks and residual stresses on the integrity of a reactor pressure vessel. Engineering Failure Analysis, 90, 451-462.
On the temperature independence of statistical model parameters for cleavage fracture in ferritic steels
Qian, G., Lei, W. S., Niffenegger, M., & González-Albuixech, V. F. (2018). On the temperature independence of statistical model parameters for cleavage fracture in ferritic steels. Philosophical Magazine, 98(11), 959-1004.
Statistical assessment of notch toughness against cleavage fracture of ferritic steels
Qian, G., Lei, W. S., Peng, L., Yu, Z., & Niffenegger, M. (2018). Statistical assessment of notch toughness against cleavage fracture of ferritic steels. Fatigue and Fracture of Engineering Materials and Structures, 41(5), 1120-1131.
Presentation of DEFI-PROSAFE project: probabilistic methodology to assess margin in deterministic RPV integrity assessment and proposed benchmark
Tiete, R., Trewin, R., Blasset, S., Pistora, V., Posta, M., Niffenegger, M., & Qian, G. (2018). Presentation of DEFI-PROSAFE project: probabilistic methodology to assess margin in deterministic RPV integrity assessment and proposed benchmark. In PVP - American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Pressure vessels and piping division: Vol. 6A. ASME 2018 pressure vessels and piping conference. Proceedings papers. Materials and fabrication (pp. PVP2018-84615 (9 pp.).
Deformation mechanism of innovative 3D chiral metamaterials
Wu, W., Qi, D., Liao, H., Qian, G., Geng, L., Niu, Y., & Liang, J. (2018). Deformation mechanism of innovative 3D chiral metamaterials. Scientific Reports, 8(1), 12575 (10 pp.).
Mechanical properties of anti-tetrachiral auxetic stents
Wu, W., Song, X., Liang, J., Xia, R., Qian, G., & Fang, D. (2018). Mechanical properties of anti-tetrachiral auxetic stents. Composite Structures, 185, 381-392.
Mechanical properties of 3D isotropic anti-tetrachiral metastructure
Xia, R., Song, X., Sun, L., Wu, W., Li, C., Cheng, T., & Qian, G. (2018). Mechanical properties of 3D isotropic anti-tetrachiral metastructure. Physica Status Solidi B: Basic Research, 255(4), 1700343 (9 pp.).
Constraint assessment for specimens tested under uniaxial and biaxial loading conditions
Cao, Y., Qian, G., He, Y., Chao, Y. J., & Niffenegger, M. (2017). Constraint assessment for specimens tested under uniaxial and biaxial loading conditions. In Conference proceedings. Pressure vessels and piping conference: Vol. 6A-2017. Materials and fabrication (pp. PVP2017-65979 (6 pp.).
Leak-Before-Break assessment of a welded piping based on 3D finite element method
Chen, M., Yu, W., Chen, Z., Qian, G., Lu, F., & Xue, F. (2017). Leak-Before-Break assessment of a welded piping based on 3D finite element method. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 105, 196-204.
Calibration of a new local approach to cleavage fracture of ferritic steels
Qian, G., Lei, W. S., & Niffenegger, M. (2017). Calibration of a new local approach to cleavage fracture of ferritic steels. Materials Science and Engineering A: Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing, 694, 10-12.
Constraint analyses with two-parameter fracture criterion under uniaxial and biaxial loadings
Qian, G., Cao, Y., & Niffenegger, M. (2017). Constraint analyses with two-parameter fracture criterion under uniaxial and biaxial loadings. In ICF 2017 - 14th International Conference on Fracture: Vol. 2. 14th International Conference on Fracture, ICF 2017 (pp. 552-553). sine nomine.
Fracture mechanics analyses of embedded cracks under PTS and effects of residual stresses
Qian, G., González-Albuixech, V. F., & Niffenegger, M. (2017). Fracture mechanics analyses of embedded cracks under PTS and effects of residual stresses. In Conference proceedings. Pressure vessels and piping conference: Vol. 6A-2017. Materials and fabrication (pp. PVP2017-66202 (7 pp.).
Application of the French codes to the pressurized thermal shocks assessment
Chen, M., Qian, G., Shi, J., Wang, R., Yu, W., Lu, F., … Chen, Z. (2016). Application of the French codes to the pressurized thermal shocks assessment. Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 48(6), 1423-1432.