| Investigation of lasing in highly strained germanium at the crossover to direct band gap
Armand Pilon, F. T., Niquet, Y. M., Chretien, J., Pauc, N., Reboud, V., Calvo, V., … Sigg, H. (2022). Investigation of lasing in highly strained germanium at the crossover to direct band gap. Physical Review Research, 4(3), 033050 (17 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevResearch.4.033050 |
| Precise determination of the low-energy electronuclear Hamiltonian of LiY<sub>1-<em>x</em></sub>Ho<em><sub>x</sub></em>F<sub>4</sub>
Beckert, A., Grimm, M., Hermans, R. I., Freeman, J. R., Linfield, E. H., Davies, A. G., … Aeppli, G. (2022). Precise determination of the low-energy electronuclear Hamiltonian of LiY1-xHoxF4. Physical Review B, 106(11), 115119 (11 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.106.115119 |
| Ultrafast and low-threshold THz mode switching of two-dimensional nonlinear metamaterials
Kang, B. J., Rohrbach, D., Brunner, F. D. J., Bagiante, S., Sigg, H., & Feurer, T. (2022). Ultrafast and low-threshold THz mode switching of two-dimensional nonlinear metamaterials. Nano Letters, 22(5), 2016-2022. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.nanolett.1c04776 |
| Steady state lasing in strained germanium microbridges as fundamental measure for the crossover to direct band gap
Armand Pilon, F. T., Niquet, Y. M., Chretien, J., Pauc, N., Reboud, V., Calvo, V., … Sigg, H. (2021). Steady state lasing in strained germanium microbridges as fundamental measure for the crossover to direct band gap. In 2021 IEEE 17th international conference on group IV photonics (GFP) (p. 176467 (2 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1109/GFP51802.2021.9673870 |
| Lasing in group-IV materials
Reboud, V., Buca, D., Sigg, H., Hartmann, J. M., Ikonic, Z., Pauc, N., … Chelnokov, A. (2021). Lasing in group-IV materials. In D. J. Lockwood & L. Pavesi (Eds.), Topics in applied physics: Vol. 139. Silicon photonics IV. Innovative frontiers (pp. 105-195). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-68222-4_3 |
| Continuous wave lasing in strained germanium microbridge
Armand Pilon, F. T., Niquet, Y. M., Reboud, V., Calvo, V., Pauc, N., Widiez, J., … Sigg, H. (2020). Continuous wave lasing in strained germanium microbridge. In IEEE photonics conference (IPC). 2020 IEEE photonics conference (IPC). Proceedings (p. 9252547 (2 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1109/IPC47351.2020.9252547 |
| Taking advantage of multiplet structure for lineshape analysis in Fourier space
Beckert, A., Sigg, H., & Aeppli, G. (2020). Taking advantage of multiplet structure for lineshape analysis in Fourier space. Optics Express, 28(17), 24937-24950. https://doi.org/10.1364/OE.395877 |
| Lasing in strained germanium microbridges
Armand Pilon, F. T., Lyasota, A., Niquet, Y. M., Reboud, V., Calvo, V., Pauc, N., … Sigg, H. (2019). Lasing in strained germanium microbridges. Nature Communications, 10, 2724 (8 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-019-10655-6 |
| GeSn lasers with uniaxial tensile strain in the gain medium
Chretien, J., Pauc, N., Pilon, F. A., Bertrand, M., Thai, Q. M., Casiez, L., … Calvo, V. (2019). GeSn lasers with uniaxial tensile strain in the gain medium. In 2019 IEEE 16th international conference on group IV photonics (GFP) (p. 8926113 (2 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1109/GROUP4.2019.8926113 |
| GeSn lasers covering a wide wavelength range thanks to uniaxial tensile strain
Chrétien, J., Pauc, N., Armand Pilon, F., Bertrand, M., Thai, Q. M., Casiez, L., … Calvo, V. (2019). GeSn lasers covering a wide wavelength range thanks to uniaxial tensile strain. ACS Photonics, 6(10), 2462-2469. https://doi.org/10.1021/acsphotonics.9b00712 |
| Silicon carbide X-ray beam position monitors for synchrotron applications
Nida, S., Tsibizov, A., Ziemann, T., Woerle, J., Moesch, A., Schulze-Briese, C., … Camarda, M. (2019). Silicon carbide X-ray beam position monitors for synchrotron applications. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 26(1), 28-35. https://doi.org/10.1107/S1600577518014248 |
| Strained germanium lasing in the mid-infrared
Pilon, F. T. A., Lyasota, A., Niquet, Y. M., Reboud, V., Calvo, V., Pauc, N., … Sigg, H. (2019). Strained germanium lasing in the mid-infrared. In 2019 IEEE 16th international conference on group IV photonics (GFP) (p. (2 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1109/GROUP4.2019.8925921 |
| Surface morphology of 4H-SiC after thermal oxidation
Woerle, J., Šimonka, V., Müller, E., Hössinger, A., Sigg, H., Selberherr, S., … Grossner, U. (2019). Surface morphology of 4H-SiC after thermal oxidation. P. M. Gammon, V. A. Shah, R. A. McMahon, M. R. Jennings, O. Vavasour, F. Padfield, & P. A. Mawby (Eds.), Materials science forum: Vol. 963. (pp. 180-183). Presented at the 12th European conference on silicon carbide and related materials (ECSRM 2018). https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.963.180 |
| Two-dimensional defect mapping of the SiO<sub>2</sub>/4<em>H</em>−SiC interface
Woerle, J., Johnson, B. C., Bongiorno, C., Yamasue, K., Ferro, G., Dutta, D., … Camarda, M. (2019). Two-dimensional defect mapping of the SiO2/4H−SiC interface. Physical Review Materials, 3(8), 084602 (8 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.3.084602 |
| Epitaxy of Si-Ge-Sn-based heterostructures for CMOS-integratable light emitters
von den Driesch, N., Stange, D., Rainko, D., Breuer, U., Capellini, G., Hartmann, J. M., … Buca, D. (2019). Epitaxy of Si-Ge-Sn-based heterostructures for CMOS-integratable light emitters. Solid State Electronics, 155, 139-143. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sse.2019.03.013 |
| Emerging optical gain in highly strained Germanium
Armand Pilon, F., Pauc, N., Widiez, J., Reboud, V., Calvo, V., Hartmann, J. M., … Sigg, H. (2018). Emerging optical gain in highly strained Germanium. In Integrated photonics research, silicon and nanophotonics: Vol. ITu4I. Advanced photonics 2018 (BGPP, IPR, NP, NOMA, sensors, networks, SPPCom, SOF) (p. ITu4I.3 (2 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1364/IPRSN.2018.ITu4I.3 |
| GeSn/SiGeSn heterostructure and multi quantum well lasers
Stange, D., von den Driesch, N., Zabel, T., Armand-Pilon, F., Rainko, D., Marzban, B., … Buca, D. (2018). GeSn/SiGeSn heterostructure and multi quantum well lasers. ACS Photonics, 5(11), 4628-4636. https://doi.org/10.1021/acsphotonics.8b01116 |
| Quantum confinement effects in GeSn/SiGeSn heterostructure lasers
Stange, D., von den Driesch, N., Rainko, D., Zabel, T., Marzban, B., Ikonic, Z., … Buca, D. (2018). Quantum confinement effects in GeSn/SiGeSn heterostructure lasers. In International electron devices meeting (IEDM). 2017 IEEE international electron devices meeting (IEDM) (pp. 24.2.1-24.2.4). https://doi.org/10.1109/IEDM.2017.8268451 |
| Advanced GeSn/SiGeSn group IV heterostructure lasers
von den Driesch, N., Stange, D., Rainko, D., Povstugar, I., Zaumseil, P., Capellini, G., … Buca, D. (2018). Advanced GeSn/SiGeSn group IV heterostructure lasers. Advanced Science, 5(6), 1700955 (7 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1002/advs.201700955 |
| Epitaxy of direct bandgap group IV Si-Ge-Sn alloys towards heterostructure light emitters
von den Driesch, N., Stange, D., Rainko, D., Povstugar, I., Breuer, U., Ikonic, Z., … Buca, D. (2018). Epitaxy of direct bandgap group IV Si-Ge-Sn alloys towards heterostructure light emitters. In Q. Liu, J. M. Hartmann, A. Thean, S. Miyazaki, A. Ogura, X. Gong, … D. L. Harame (Eds.), ECS transactions: Vol. 86. SiGe, Ge, and related materials: materials, processing, and devices 8 (pp. 189-197). https://doi.org/10.1149/08607.0189ecst |