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THz streak camera method for synchronous arrival time measurement of two-color hard X-ray FEL pulses
Gorgisyan, I., Ischebeck, R., Erny, C., Dax, A., Patthey, L., Pradervand, C., … Juranić, P. (2017). THz streak camera method for synchronous arrival time measurement of two-color hard X-ray FEL pulses. Optics Express, 25(3), 2080-2091.
SwissFEL: the Swiss X-ray free electron laser
Milne, C. J., Schietinger, T., Aiba, M., Alarcon, A., Alex, J., Anghel, A., … Braun, H. H. (2017). SwissFEL: the Swiss X-ray free electron laser. Applied Sciences, 7(7), 720 (57 pp.).
Temporal characterization of individual harmonics of an attosecond pulse train by THz streaking
Ardana-Lamas, F., Erny, C., Stepanov, A. G., Gorgisyan, I., Juranić, P., Abela, R., & Hauri, C. P. (2016). Temporal characterization of individual harmonics of an attosecond pulse train by THz streaking. Physical Review A, 93(4), 43838 (7 pp.).
Simulation of FEL pulse length calculation with THz streaking method
Gorgisyan, I., Ischebeck, R., Prat, E., Reiche, S., Rivkin, L., & Juranic, P. (2016). Simulation of FEL pulse length calculation with THz streaking method. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 23(3), 643-651.
Simulation of THz streak camera performance for femtosecond FEL pulse length measurement
Gorgisyan, I., Ischebeck, R., Juranic, P., Prat, E., & Reiche, S. (2016). Simulation of THz streak camera performance for femtosecond FEL pulse length measurement. In I. Costa, U. Iriso, F. Pérez, & V. R. W. Schaa (Eds.), International beam instrumentation conference: Vol. 5. International beam instrumentation conference. IBIC (pp. 176-178).
PALM concepts and considerations
Juranić, P., Abela, R., Gorgisyan, I., Ischebeck, R., Monoszlai, B., Patthey, L., … Liu, J. (2016). PALM concepts and considerations. In I. Costa, U. Iriso, F. Pérez, & V. R. W. Schaa (Eds.), International beam instrumentation conference: Vol. 5. International beam instrumentation conference. IBIC (pp. 848-851).
The new design of the THz streak camera at PSI
Gorgisyan, I., Juranić, P. N., Ischebeck, R., Stepanov, A., Schlott, V., Pradervand, C., … Rivkin, L. (2015). The new design of the THz streak camera at PSI. In S. G. Biedron (Ed.), Proceedings of SPIE: Vol. 9512. Advances in X-ray free-electron lasers instrumentation III (p. 95120D (8 pp.).
Overview of beam instrumentation activities for SwissFEL
Ischebeck, R., Abela, R., Arsov, V., Baldinger, R., Braun, H., Calvi, M., … Rivkin, L. (2015). Overview of beam instrumentation activities for SwissFEL. In J. Sebek, S. Smith, D. Button, I. Costa, M. Montes-Loera, I. Martin, & V. R. W. Schaa (Eds.), International beam instrumentation conference (pp. 119-123). JACoW Publishing.
THz streak camera for FEL temporal diagnostics: concepts and considerations
Juranić, P., Abela, R., Ischebeck, R., Patthey, L., Pradervand, C., Radović, M., … Yabashi, M. (2015). THz streak camera for FEL temporal diagnostics: concepts and considerations. In J. Chrin, S. Reiche, & V. R. W. Schaa (Eds.), FEL2014. 36th international free electron laser conference (pp. 640-643). JACoW Publishing.
THz streaking of attosecond pulse trains
Ardana-Lamas, F., Stepanov, A., Erny, C., Gorgisyan, I., Juranic, P., & Hauri, C. P. (2014). THz streaking of attosecond pulse trains. In Conference on lasers and electro-optics europe - technical digest. Conference on lasers and electro-optics (p. 6988504 (2 pp.). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
A scheme for a shot-to-shot, femtosecond-resolved pulse length and arrival time measurement of free electron laser x-ray pulses that overcomes the time jitter problem between the FEL and the laser
Juranić, P. N., Stepanov, A., Peier, P., Hauri, C. P., Ischebeck, R., Schlott, V., … Abela, R. (2014). A scheme for a shot-to-shot, femtosecond-resolved pulse length and arrival time measurement of free electron laser x-ray pulses that overcomes the time jitter problem between the FEL and the laser. Journal of Instrumentation, 9(3), P03006 (13 pp.).
High-precision x-ray FEL pulse arrival time measurements at SACLA by a THz streak camera with Xe clusters
Juranić, P. N., Stepanov, A., Ischebeck, R., Schlott, V., Pradervand, C., Patthey, L., … Abela, R. (2014). High-precision x-ray FEL pulse arrival time measurements at SACLA by a THz streak camera with Xe clusters. Optics Express, 22(24), 30004-30012.
Development of electron bunch compression monitors for SwissFEL
Frei, F., Gorgisyan, I., Smit, B., Orlandi, G. L., Beutner, B., Prat, E., … Peier, P. (2013). Development of electron bunch compression monitors for SwissFEL. In I. Martin & G. Rehm (Eds.), IBIC2013. International beam instrumentation conference (pp. 769-771). JACoW Publishing.
Instrumentation activities at the SwissFel injector test facility
Ischebeck, R., Arsov, V., Bettoni, S., Beutner, B., Dehler, M., Falone, A., … Peier, P. (2013). Instrumentation activities at the SwissFel injector test facility. In I. Martin & G. Rehm (Eds.), IBIC2013. International beam instrumentation conference (pp. 12-18). JACoW Publishing.