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Directed ultrafast conformational changes accompany electron transfer in a photolyase as resolved by serial crystallography
Cellini, A., Shankar, M. K., Nimmrich, A., Hunt, L. A., Monrroy, L., Mutisya, J., … Westenhoff, S. (2024). Directed ultrafast conformational changes accompany electron transfer in a photolyase as resolved by serial crystallography. Nature Chemistry, 16, 624-632.
Capturing the blue-light activated state of the Phot-LOV1 domain from <em>Chlamydomonas reinhardtii </em>using time-resolved serial synchrotron crystallography
Gotthard, G., Mous, S., Weinert, T., Maia, R. N. A., James, D., Dworkowski, F., … Nogly, P. (2024). Capturing the blue-light activated state of the Phot-LOV1 domain from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii using time-resolved serial synchrotron crystallography. IUCrJ, 11(5) (17 pp.).
The time revolution in macromolecular crystallography
Khusainov, G., Standfuss, J., & Weinert, T. (2024). The time revolution in macromolecular crystallography. Structural Dynamics, 11(2), 020901 (17 pp.).
Low-pass spectral analysis of time-resolved serial femtosecond crystallography data
Casadei, C. M., Hosseinizadeh, A., Bliven, S., Weinert, T., Standfuss, J., Fung, R., … Santra, R. (2023). Low-pass spectral analysis of time-resolved serial femtosecond crystallography data. Structural Dynamics, 10(3), 034101 (18 pp.).
Ultrafast structural changes direct the first molecular events of vision
Gruhl, T., Weinert, T., Rodrigues, M. J., Milne, C. J., Ortolani, G., Nass, K., … Panneels, V. (2023). Ultrafast structural changes direct the first molecular events of vision. Nature, 615, 939-944.
Kilohertz serial crystallography with the JUNGFRAU detector at a fourth-generation synchrotron source
Leonarski, F., Nan, J., Matej, Z., Bertrand, Q., Furrer, A., Gorgisyan, I., … Dworkowski, F. (2023). Kilohertz serial crystallography with the JUNGFRAU detector at a fourth-generation synchrotron source. IUCrJ, 10(6), 729-737.
Visualizing the DNA repair process by a photolyase at atomic resolution
Maestre-Reyna, M., Wang, P. H., Nango, E., Hosokawa, Y., Saft, M., Furrer, A., … Tsai, M. D. (2023). Visualizing the DNA repair process by a photolyase at atomic resolution. Science, 382(6674), eadd7795 (14 pp.).
A multi-reservoir extruder for time-resolved serial protein crystallography and compound screening at X-ray free-electron lasers
Wranik, M., Kepa, M. W., Beale, E. V., James, D., Bertrand, Q., Weinert, T., … Standfuss, J. (2023). A multi-reservoir extruder for time-resolved serial protein crystallography and compound screening at X-ray free-electron lasers. Nature Communications, 14(1), 7956 (12 pp.).
Watching the release of a photopharmacological drug from tubulin using time-resolved serial crystallography
Wranik, M., Weinert, T., Slavov, C., Masini, T., Furrer, A., Gaillard, N., … Standfuss, J. (2023). Watching the release of a photopharmacological drug from tubulin using time-resolved serial crystallography. Nature Communications, 14(1), 903 (12 pp.).
Structural basis of the radical pair state in photolyases and cryptochromes
Cellini, A., Shankar, M. K., Wahlgren, W. Y., Nimmrich, A., Furrer, A., James, D., … Westenhoff, S. (2022). Structural basis of the radical pair state in photolyases and cryptochromes. Chemical Communications, 58(31), 4889-4892.
<em>In vivo</em> photocontrol of microtubule dynamics and integrity, migration and mitosis, by the potent GFP-imaging-compatible photoswitchable reagents SBTubA4P and SBTub2M
Gao, L., Meiring, J. C. M., Varady, A., Ruider, I. E., Heise, C., Wranik, M., … Thorn-Seshold, O. (2022). In vivo photocontrol of microtubule dynamics and integrity, migration and mitosis, by the potent GFP-imaging-compatible photoswitchable reagents SBTubA4P and SBTub2M. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 144(12), 5614-5628.
Acoustic levitation and rotation of thin films and their application for room temperature protein crystallography
Kepa, M. W., Tomizaki, T., Sato, Y., Ozerov, D., Sekiguchi, H., Yasuda, N., … Tsujino, S. (2022). Acoustic levitation and rotation of thin films and their application for room temperature protein crystallography. Scientific Reports, 12, 5349 (14 pp.).
Dynamics and mechanism of a light-driven chloride pump
Mous, S., Gotthard, G., Ehrenberg, D., Sen, S., Weinert, T., Johnson, P. J. M., … Nogly, P. (2022). Dynamics and mechanism of a light-driven chloride pump. Science, 375(6583), 845-851.
Crystallization systems for the high-resolution structural analysis of tubulin-ligand complexes
Mühlethaler, T., Olieric, N., Ehrhard, V. A., Wranik, M., Standfuss, J., Sharma, A., … Steinmetz, M. O. (2022). Crystallization systems for the high-resolution structural analysis of tubulin-ligand complexes. In H. Inaba (Ed.), Methods in molecular biology: Vol. 2430. Microtubules. Methods and protocols (pp. 349-374).
A robust, GFP-orthogonal photoswitchable inhibitor scaffold extends optical control over the microtubule cytoskeleton
Gao, L., Meiring, J. C. M., Kraus, Y., Wranik, M., Weinert, T., Pritzl, S. D., … Thorn-Seshold, O. (2021). A robust, GFP-orthogonal photoswitchable inhibitor scaffold extends optical control over the microtubule cytoskeleton. Cell Chemical Biology, 28(2), 228-241.
Pink-beam serial femtosecond crystallography for accurate structure-factor determination at an X-ray free-electron laser
Nass, K., Bacellar, C., Cirelli, C., Dworkowski, F., Gevorkov, Y., James, D., … Milne, C. J. (2021). Pink-beam serial femtosecond crystallography for accurate structure-factor determination at an X-ray free-electron laser. IUCrJ, 8, 905-920.
Advances in long-wavelength native phasing at X-ray free-electron lasers
Nass, K., Cheng, R., Vera, L., Mozzanica, A., Redford, S., Ozerov, D., … Milne, C. J. (2020). Advances in long-wavelength native phasing at X-ray free-electron lasers. IUCrJ, 7, 965-975.
Femtosecond-to-millisecond structural changes in a light-driven sodium pump
Skopintsev, P., Ehrenberg, D., Weinert, T., James, D., Kar, R. K., Johnson, P. J. M., … Standfuss, J. (2020). Femtosecond-to-millisecond structural changes in a light-driven sodium pump. Nature, 583, 314-318.
A tool for visualizing protein motions in time-resolved crystallography
Wickstrand, C., Katona, G., Nakane, T., Nogly, P., Standfuss, J., Nango, E., & Neutze, R. (2020). A tool for visualizing protein motions in time-resolved crystallography. Structural Dynamics, 7, 024701 (12 pp.).
Arrestin-1 engineering facilitates complex stabilization with native rhodopsin
Haider, R. S., Wilhelm, F., Rizk, A., Mutt, E., Deupi, X., Peterhans, C., … Ostermaier, M. K. (2019). Arrestin-1 engineering facilitates complex stabilization with native rhodopsin. Scientific Reports, 9(1), 439 (13 pp.).