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Quantifying the impact of travel time duration and valuation on modal shift in Swiss passenger transportation
Luh, S., Kannan, R., McKenna, R., Schmidt, T. J., & Kober, T. (2024). Quantifying the impact of travel time duration and valuation on modal shift in Swiss passenger transportation. Applied Energy, 356, 122412 (26 pp.).
How, where, and when to charge electric vehicles - net-zero energy system implications and policy recommendations
Luh, S., Kannan, R., McKenna, R., Schmidt, T. J., & Kober, T. (2023). How, where, and when to charge electric vehicles - net-zero energy system implications and policy recommendations. Environmental Research Communications, 5(9), 095004 (30 pp.).
High-temperature heat pumps in climate pathways for selected industry sectors in Switzerland
Obrist, M. D., Kannan, R., McKenna, R., Schmidt, T. J., & Kober, T. (2023). High-temperature heat pumps in climate pathways for selected industry sectors in Switzerland. Energy Policy, 173, 113383 (20 pp.).
An assessment of energy system transformation pathways to achieve net-zero carbon dioxide emissions in Switzerland
Panos, E., Kannan, R., Hirschberg, S., & Kober, T. (2023). An assessment of energy system transformation pathways to achieve net-zero carbon dioxide emissions in Switzerland. Communications Earth & Environment, 4(1), 157 (18 pp.).
A net‐zero Swiss energy system by 2050: technological and policy options for the transition of the transportation sector
Kannan, R., Panos, E., Hirschberg, S., & Kober, T. (2022). A net‐zero Swiss energy system by 2050: technological and policy options for the transition of the transportation sector. Futures & Foresight Science, 4(3-4), e126 (22 pp.).
Behavior matters: a systematic review of representing consumer mobility choices in energy models
Luh, S., Kannan, R., Schmidt, T. J., & Kober, T. (2022). Behavior matters: a systematic review of representing consumer mobility choices in energy models. Energy Research and Social Science, 90, 102596 (23 pp.).
Long-term energy efficiency and decarbonization trajectories for the Swiss pulp and paper industry
Obrist, M. D., Kannan, R., Schmidt, T. J., & Kober, T. (2022). Long-term energy efficiency and decarbonization trajectories for the Swiss pulp and paper industry. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 52, 101937 (14 pp.).
Prospective life-cycle assessment of greenhouse gas emissions of electricity-based mobility options
Rüdisüli, M., Bach, C., Bauer, C., Beloin-Saint-Pierre, D., Elber, U., Georges, G., … Teske, S. L. (2022). Prospective life-cycle assessment of greenhouse gas emissions of electricity-based mobility options. Applied Energy, 306(Part B), 118065 (20 pp.).
Decarbonization pathways of the Swiss cement industry towards net zero emissions
Obrist, M. D., Kannan, R., Schmidt, T. J., & Kober, T. (2021). Decarbonization pathways of the Swiss cement industry towards net zero emissions. Journal of Cleaner Production, 288, 125413 (13 pp.).
Transformation of the Swiss energy system for a net-zero greenhouse gas emission society. Results from the joint activity scenarios & modelling
Panos, E., Kober, T., Ramachandran, K., Hirschberg, S., Bauer, C., Schildhauer, T., … Burg, V. (2021). Transformation of the Swiss energy system for a net-zero greenhouse gas emission society. Results from the joint activity scenarios & modelling. ETH Zurich.
Research and innovation needs for clean energy supply
Kober, T., Kannan, R., Pietzcker, R., Deane, P., & Fuso-Nerini, F. (2020). Research and innovation needs for clean energy supply. Policy brief: Vol. 6. sine loco: Dialogue on European Decarbonisation Strategies (DEEDS).
Swiss industry: price elasticities and demand developments for electricity and gas (SWIDEM)
Kober, T., Kannan, R., Obrist, M., Panos, E., Heald, S., Clements, L., … Pollitt, H. (2020). Swiss industry: price elasticities and demand developments for electricity and gas (SWIDEM). Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE.
Research and innovation needs to decarbonise the transport sector
Velazquez, A., Pietzcker, R., Siskos, P., Luh, S., & Kannan, R. (2020). Research and innovation needs to decarbonise the transport sector. Policy brief: Vol. 1. sine loco: Dialogue on European Decarbonisation Strategies (DEEDS).
Multi-model comparison of Swiss decarbonization scenarios
Landis, F., Marcucci, A., Rausch, S., Kannan, R., & Bretschger, L. (2019). Multi-model comparison of Swiss decarbonization scenarios. Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, 155, 12 (18 pp.).
Long term role of Swiss hydropower from an energy systems and market perspective. Zukunftspotenzial der Schweizer Wasserkraft durch Synergien im Energiesystem und Markt Perspektiven
Densing, M., Kannan, R., Panos, E., & Kober, T. (2018). Long term role of Swiss hydropower from an energy systems and market perspective. Zukunftspotenzial der Schweizer Wasserkraft durch Synergien im Energiesystem und Markt Perspektiven. Paul Scherrer Institute.
Fokusstudie "Saisonale Flexibilisierung einer nachhaltigen Energieversorgung der Schweiz"
Friedl, M., Kober, T., Ramachandran, K., & Mühlethaler, J. (2018). Fokusstudie "Saisonale Flexibilisierung einer nachhaltigen Energieversorgung der Schweiz". Hochschule für Technik Rapperswil (HSR); Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI).
Dynamics of long-term electricity demand profile: insights from the analysis of Swiss energy systems
Kannan, R. (2018). Dynamics of long-term electricity demand profile: insights from the analysis of Swiss energy systems. Energy Strategy Reviews, 22, 410-425.
Challenges and opportunities for the Swiss energy system in meeting stringent climate mitigation targets
Panos, E., & Kannan, R. (2018). Challenges and opportunities for the Swiss energy system in meeting stringent climate mitigation targets. In G. Giannakidis, K. Karlsson, M. Labriet, & B. Ó Gallachóir (Eds.), Lecture notes in energy: Vol. 64. Limiting global warming to well below 2 °C: energy system modelling and policy development (pp. 155-172).
Die Bedeutung von Flexibilitätsoptionen und Netzen für die langfristige Entwicklung des schweizer Elektrizitätssystems
Panos, E., Kober, T., & Kannan, R. (2017). Die Bedeutung von Flexibilitätsoptionen und Netzen für die langfristige Entwicklung des schweizer Elektrizitätssystems. In VDI-Berichte: Vol. 2303. 12. VDI-Fachtagung Optimierung in der Energiewirtschaft (pp. 47-60). VDI Verlag.
Interplay between electricity and transport sectors – integrating the Swiss car fleet and electricity systemi
Kannan, R., & Hirschberg, S. (2016). Interplay between electricity and transport sectors – integrating the Swiss car fleet and electricity systemi. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 94, 514-531.