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Measurement of the permanent electric dipole moment of the neutron
Abel, C., Afach, S., Ayres, N. J., Baker, C. A., Ban, G., Bison, G., … Zsigmond, G. (2020). Measurement of the permanent electric dipole moment of the neutron. Physical Review Letters, 124(8), 081803 (7 pp.).
A measurement of the neutron to <sup>199</sup>Hg magnetic moment ratio
Afach, S., Baker, C. A., Ban, G., Bison, G., Bodek, K., Burghoff, M., … Zsigmond, G. (2014). A measurement of the neutron to 199Hg magnetic moment ratio. Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics, 739, 128-132.
Lorentz invariance violation in weak interaction: search for effects in beta decay of polarized neutrons
Bodek, K., Kozela, A., Ban, G., Bialek, A., Gorel, P., Kirch, K., … Zejma, J. (2013). Lorentz invariance violation in weak interaction: search for effects in beta decay of polarized neutrons. In Proceedings of science. Latin American symposium on nuclear physics and applications (p. 029). Proceedings of Science (PoS).
Production of ultracold neutrons from cryogenic <sup>2</sup>H<sub>2</sub>, O<sub>2</sub>, and C<sup>2</sup>H<sub>4</sub> converters
Atchison, F., Blau, B., Bodek, K., van den Brandt, B., Bryś, T., Daum, M., … Zsigmond, G. (2011). Production of ultracold neutrons from cryogenic 2H2, O2, and C2H4 converters. Europhysics Letters, 95(1), 12001 (6 pp.).
<em>R</em>- and <em>N</em>-correlation coefficients in neutron decay: search for scalar and tensor couplings in weak interactions
Bodek, K., Ban, G., Białek, A., Gorel, P., Kirch, K., Kistryn, S., … Zejma, J. (2011). R- and N-correlation coefficients in neutron decay: search for scalar and tensor couplings in weak interactions. In K. Kirch, B. Lauss, & S. Ritt (Eds.), Physics procedia: Vol. 17. 2nd international workshop on the physics of fundamental symmetries and interactions - PSI2010 (pp. 30-39).
Free neutron decay and time reversal violation
Kozela, A., Ban, G., Białek, A., Bodek, K., Gorel, P., Kirch, K., … Zejma, J. (2011). Free neutron decay and time reversal violation. Acta Physica Polonica B, 42(3-4), 789-793.
Diffuse reflection of ultracold neutrons from low-roughness surfaces
Atchison, F., Daum, M., Henneck, R., Heule, S., Horisberger, M., Kasprzak, M., … Zsigmond, G. (2010). Diffuse reflection of ultracold neutrons from low-roughness surfaces. European Physical Journal A: Hadrons and Nuclei, 44(1), 23-29.
Neutron to mirror-neutron oscillations in the presence of mirror magnetic fields
Altarev, I., Baker, C. A., Ban, G., Bodek, K., Daum, M., Fierlinger, P., … Zsigmond, G. (2009). Neutron to mirror-neutron oscillations in the presence of mirror magnetic fields. Physical Review D: Particles and fields, 80(3), 032003 (5 pp.).
Test of Lorentz Invariance with Spin Precession of Ultracold Neutrons
Altarev, I., Baker, C. A., Ban, G., Bison, G., Bodek, K., Daum, M., … Zsigmond, G. (2009). Test of Lorentz Invariance with Spin Precession of Ultracold Neutrons. Physical Review Letters, 103, 081602 (4 pp.).
The PSI ultra-cold neutron source
Anghel, A., Atchison, F., Blau, B., van den Brandt, B., Daum, M., Doelling, R., … Grigoriev, S. (2009). The PSI ultra-cold neutron source. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 611(2-3), 272-275.
Investigation of solid D2, O<sub>2</sub> and CD<sub>4</sub> for ultracold neutron production
Atchison, F., Blau, B., Bodek, K., van den Brandt, B., Bryś, T., Daum, M., … Zsigmond, G. (2009). Investigation of solid D2, O2 and CD4 for ultracold neutron production. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 611(2-3), 252-255.
Measurement of the transverse polarization of electrons emitted in neutron decay: a search for weak exotic couplings
Ban, G., Bialek, A., Bodek, K., Bozek, J., Gorel, P., Kirch, K., … Zejma, J. (2009). Measurement of the transverse polarization of electrons emitted in neutron decay: a search for weak exotic couplings. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 611(2-3), 198-202.
Search for exotic couplings in neutron decay: a measurement of the transverse polarization of electrons
Ban, G., Białek, A., Bodek, K., Bożek, J., Gorel, P., Kirch, K., … Zejma, J. (2009). Search for exotic couplings in neutron decay: a measurement of the transverse polarization of electrons. Nuclear Physics A, 827(1-4), 422c-424c.
Measurement of the transverse polarization of electrons emitted in free-neutron decay
Kozela, A., Ban, G., Białek, A., Bodek, K., Gorel, P., Kirch, K., … Zejma, J. (2009). Measurement of the transverse polarization of electrons emitted in free-neutron decay. Physical Review Letters, 102(17), 172301 (4 pp.).
Ultra-thin gas detector for tracking of low energy electrons
Lojek, K., Bodek, K., & Kuzniak, M. (2009). Ultra-thin gas detector for tracking of low energy electrons. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 611(2-3), 284-288.
Surface characterization of diamond-like carbon for ultracold neutron storage
Atchison, F., Bergmaier, A., Daum, M., Döbeli, M., Dollinger, G., Fierlinger, P., … Zsigmond, G. (2008). Surface characterization of diamond-like carbon for ultracold neutron storage. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 587(1), 82-88.
Storage of ultracold neutrons in high resistivity, non-magnetic materials with high Fermi potential
Bodek, K., Daum, M., Henneck, R., Heule, S., Kasprzak, M., Kirch, K., … Zsigmond, G. (2008). Storage of ultracold neutrons in high resistivity, non-magnetic materials with high Fermi potential. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 597(2-3), 222-226.
Mirror matter - experimental search for neutron to mirror neutron oscillations
Knecht, A., & Kuźniak, M. (2008). Mirror matter - experimental search for neutron to mirror neutron oscillations. Nuclear Physics News, 18(1), 17-18.
Cold neutron energy dependent production of ultracold neutrons in solid deuterium
Atchison, F., Blau, B., Bodek, K., van den Brandt, B., Bryś, T., Daum, M., … Zsigmond, G. (2007). Cold neutron energy dependent production of ultracold neutrons in solid deuterium. Physical Review Letters, 99(26), 262502 (4 pp.).
Measurement of the Fermi potential of diamond-like carbon and other materials
Atchison, F., Blau, B., Daum, M., Fierlinger, P., Geltenbort, P., Gupta, M., … Zsigmond, G. (2007). Measurement of the Fermi potential of diamond-like carbon and other materials. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 260(2), 647-656.