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Methodology for high-fidelity deterministic modelling of Swiss LWR fuel assemblies
Bernal, A., Pecchia, M., Rochman, D., Vasiliev, A., & Ferroukhi, H. (2021). Methodology for high-fidelity deterministic modelling of Swiss LWR fuel assemblies. In M. Margulis & P. Blaise (Eds.), EPJ web of conferences: Vol. 247. PHYSOR2020 - international conference on physics of reactors: transition to a scalable nuclear future (p. 06011 (8 pp.).
Enhancement of validation studies for reactor dosimetry and activation predictions with the nuclear data sampling methodology
Vasiliev, A., Pecchia, M., Rochman, D., & Ferroukhi, H. (2021). Enhancement of validation studies for reactor dosimetry and activation predictions with the nuclear data sampling methodology. In M. Margulis & P. Blaise (Eds.), EPJ web of conferences: Vol. 247. PHYSOR2020 - international conference on physics of reactors: transition to a scalable nuclear future (p. 10021 (8 pp.).
The joint evaluated fission and fusion nuclear data library, JEFF-3.3
Plompen, A. J. M., Cabellos, O., De Saint Jean, C., Fleming, M., Algora, A., Angelone, M., … Žerovnik, G. (2020). The joint evaluated fission and fusion nuclear data library, JEFF-3.3. European Physical Journal A: Hadrons and Nuclei, 56(7), 181 (108 pp.).
Optimization of Swiss used nuclear fuel canister for final repository: homogeneous vs. mixed loading
Rochman, D., Vasiliev, A., Ferroukhi, H., & Pecchia, M. (2020). Optimization of Swiss used nuclear fuel canister for final repository: homogeneous vs. mixed loading. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 148, 107756 (8 pp.).
A comprehensive theoretical assessment of potential 'tramp uranium' isotopic evolution in BWR reactors
Vasiliev, A., Grimm, P., Ferroukhi, H., Pecchia, M., & Ledergerber, G. (2020). A comprehensive theoretical assessment of potential 'tramp uranium' isotopic evolution in BWR reactors. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 144, 107489 (11 pp.).
Assessment of representativity of the PETALE experiments for validation of Swiss LWRs ex-core dosimetry calculations
Vasiliev, A., Pecchia, M., Rochman, D., Perret, G., Ferroukhi, H., Laureau, A., … Pautz, A. (2020). Assessment of representativity of the PETALE experiments for validation of Swiss LWRs ex-core dosimetry calculations. In Z. Ge, N. Shu, Y. Chen, W. Wang, & H. Zhang (Eds.), EPJ web of conferences: Vol. 239. ND 2019: international conference on nuclear data for science and technology (p. 22001 (6 pp.).
On the impact of nuclear data uncertainties on LWR neutron dosimetry assessments
Vasiliev, A., Pecchia, M., Rochman, D., Ferroukhi, H., & Alhassan, E. (2020). On the impact of nuclear data uncertainties on LWR neutron dosimetry assessments. In Z. Ge, N. Shu, Y. Chen, W. Wang, & H. Zhang (Eds.), EPJ web of conferences: Vol. 239. ND 2019: international conference on nuclear data for science and technology (p. 22003 (4 pp.).
Studies on the effects of local power peaking on heat transfer under dryout conditions in BWRs
Clifford, I., Pecchia, M., Mukin, R., Cozzo, C., Ferroukhi, H., & Gorzel, A. (2019). Studies on the effects of local power peaking on heat transfer under dryout conditions in BWRs. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 130, 440-451.
Modeling of the U<sub>3</sub>Si<sub>2</sub>/SiC fuel system behavior for a RIA scenario
Cozzo, C., Ngayam-Happy, R., Chen, J. C., Pecchia, M., & Girardin, G. (2019). Modeling of the U3Si2/SiC fuel system behavior for a RIA scenario. In Global/top fuel 2019 (pp. 643-647). American Nuclear Society (ANS).
Benchmark Monte Carlo calculations with ENDF/B-VIII.0 and JEFF-3.3 libraries for LWR criticality safety assessments
Pecchia, M., Vasiliev, A., Perret, G., & Ferroukhi, H. (2019). Benchmark Monte Carlo calculations with ENDF/B-VIII.0 and JEFF-3.3 libraries for LWR criticality safety assessments. Presented at the ICNC 2019 - 11th international conference on nuclear criticality safety. Paris, France.
Studies of intra-pin power distributions in operated BWR fuel assemblies using MCNP with a cycle check-up methodology
Pecchia, M., Ferroukhi, H., Vasiliev, A., & Grimm, P. (2019). Studies of intra-pin power distributions in operated BWR fuel assemblies using MCNP with a cycle check-up methodology. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 129, 67-78.
Preliminary assessment of criticality safety constraints for swiss spent nuclear fuel loading in disposal canisters
Vasiliev, A., Herrero, J., Pecchia, M., Rochman, D., Ferroukhi, H., & Caruso, S. (2019). Preliminary assessment of criticality safety constraints for swiss spent nuclear fuel loading in disposal canisters. Materials, 12(3), 494 (30 pp.).
On the characteristics of the flow and heat transfer in the core bypass region of a PWR
Clifford, I., Pecchia, M., Puragliesi, R., Vasiliev, A., & Ferroukhi, H. (2018). On the characteristics of the flow and heat transfer in the core bypass region of a PWR. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 330, 117-128.
Optimization and sensitivity studies towards PWR structures activation characterization using the MCNP code
Jung, B., Vasiliev, A., Pecchia, M., & Ferroukhi, H. (2018). Optimization and sensitivity studies towards PWR structures activation characterization using the MCNP code (p. (4 pp.). Presented at the 2018 student conference. American Nuclear Society.
Subchannel modeling of single rod bowing in a bundle geometry
Mukin, R., Puragliesi, R., Pecchia, M., & Seidl, M. (2018). Subchannel modeling of single rod bowing in a bundle geometry. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 340, 347-369.
Studies of intra-pin power distributions in operated BWR fuel assemblies using MCNP with a cycle check-up methodology
Pecchia, M., Ferroukhi, H., Vasiliev, A., & Grimm, P. (2018). Studies of intra-pin power distributions in operated BWR fuel assemblies using MCNP with a cycle check-up methodology. In International Conference on Physics of Reactors, PHYSOR 2018: Reactor Physics Paving the Way Towards More Efficient Systems. PHYSOR 2018: reactor physics paving the way towards more efficient systems (p. (12 pp.). Curran Associates, Inc.
Consistent criticality and radiation studies of Swiss spent nuclear fuel: the CS<sub>2</sub>M approach
Rochman, D., Vasiliev, A., Ferroukhi, H., & Pecchia, M. (2018). Consistent criticality and radiation studies of Swiss spent nuclear fuel: the CS2M approach. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 357, 384-392.
Criticality safety evaluations for the concept of Swiss PWR spent fuel geological repository
Vasiliev, A., Herrero, J., Rochman, D., Pecchia, M., Ferroukhi, H., & Caruso, S. (2018). Criticality safety evaluations for the concept of Swiss PWR spent fuel geological repository. In ANS international conference on best-estimate plus uncertainties methods (BEPU-2018) (p. 229 (12 pp.). American Nuclear Society.
On the importance of the neutron scattering angular distributions for the LWR fast neutron dosimetry
Vasiliev, A., Rochman, D., Pecchia, M., & Ferroukhi, H. (2018). On the importance of the neutron scattering angular distributions for the LWR fast neutron dosimetry. In International conference on physics of reactors (PHYSOR 2018). Reactor physics paving the way towards more efficient systems (pp. 3686-3697). Curran Associates, Inc.
On the options for incorporating nuclear data uncertainties in criticality safety assessments for LWR fuel
Vasiliev, A., Rochman, D., Pecchia, M., & Ferroukhi, H. (2018). On the options for incorporating nuclear data uncertainties in criticality safety assessments for LWR fuel. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 116, 57-68.