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  • (-) PSI Authors = Divall, Marta
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Impact of laser stacking and photocathode materials on microbunching stability in photoinjectors
Bettoni, S., Csatari Divall, M., Ganter, R., Pedrozzi, M., Prat, E., Reiche, S., … Goryashko, V. (2020). Impact of laser stacking and photocathode materials on microbunching stability in photoinjectors. Physical Review Accelerators and Beams, 23(2), 024401 (11 pp.).
A compact and cost-effective hard X-ray free-electron laser driven by a high-brightness and low-energy electron beam
Prat, E., Abela, R., Aiba, M., Alarcon, A., Alex, J., Arbelo, Y., … Zimoch, E. (2020). A compact and cost-effective hard X-ray free-electron laser driven by a high-brightness and low-energy electron beam. Nature Photonics, 14, 748-754.
Lasers in FEL facilities
Divall, M. (2018). Lasers in FEL facilities. In R. Bailey (Ed.), CERN yellow reports: school proceedings: Vol. 1. Proceedings of the CAS - CERN accelerator school: free electron lasers and energy recovery linacs (pp. 327-346).
SwissFEL: the Swiss X-ray free electron laser
Milne, C. J., Schietinger, T., Aiba, M., Alarcon, A., Alex, J., Anghel, A., … Braun, H. H. (2017). SwissFEL: the Swiss X-ray free electron laser. Applied Sciences, 7(7), 720 (57 pp.).
Laser arrival time measurement and correction for the SwissFEL lasers
Csatari Divall, M., Hauri, C. P., Hunziker, S., Romann, A., & Trisorio, A. (2016). Laser arrival time measurement and correction for the SwissFEL lasers. In I. Costa, U. Iriso, F. Pérez, & V. R. W. Schaa (Eds.), International beam instrumentation conference: Vol. 5. International beam instrumentation conference. IBIC (pp. 763-766).
SwissFEL instrument ESB femtosecond pump-probe diffraction and scattering
Ingold, G., Rittmann, J., Beaud, P., Divall, M., Erny, C., Flechsig, U., … Abela, R. (2016). SwissFEL instrument ESB femtosecond pump-probe diffraction and scattering. In O. Chubar, Q. Shen, & C. Nelson (Eds.), AIP conference proceedings: Vol. 1741. Proceedings of the 12th international conference on synchrotron radiation instrumentation - SRI 2015 (p. 030039 (4 pp.).
Commissioning experience and beam physics measurements at the SwissFEL Injector Test Facility
Schietinger, T., Pedrozzi, M., Aiba, M., Arsov, V., Bettoni, S., Beutner, B., … Zimoch, D. (2016). Commissioning experience and beam physics measurements at the SwissFEL Injector Test Facility. Physical Review Accelerators and Beams, 19(10), 100702 (61 pp.).
Femtosecond resolution timing jitter correction on a TW scale Ti:sapphire laser system for FEL pump-probe experiments
Divall, M. C., Mutter, P., Divall, E. J., & Hauri, C. P. (2015). Femtosecond resolution timing jitter correction on a TW scale Ti:sapphire laser system for FEL pump-probe experiments. Optics Express, 23(23), 29929-29939.
Intrinsic emittance reduction of copper cathodes by laser wavelength tuning in an rf photoinjector
Divall, M. C., Prat, E., Bettoni, S., Vicario, C., Trisorio, A., Schietinger, T., & Hauri, C. P. (2015). Intrinsic emittance reduction of copper cathodes by laser wavelength tuning in an rf photoinjector. Physical Review Special Topics: Accelerators and Beams, 18, 033401 (6 pp.).
Laser arrival measurement tools for SwissFEL
Divall, M. 'C. ', Romann, A., Mutter, P., Hunziker, S., & Hauri, C. P. (2015). Laser arrival measurement tools for SwissFEL. In S. G. Biedron (Ed.), Proceedings of SPIE: Vol. 9512. Advances in X-ray free-electron lasers instrumentation III (p. 95121T (10 pp.).
Measurements of intrinsic emittance dependence on rf field for copper photocathodes
Prat, E., Bettoni, S., Braun, H. H., Divall, M. C., & Schietinger, T. (2015). Measurements of intrinsic emittance dependence on rf field for copper photocathodes. Physical Review Special Topics: Accelerators and Beams, 18, 063401 (6 pp.).
Thermal emittance measurements at the SwissFEL injector test facility
Prat, E., Bettoni, S., Braun, H. H., Divall, M. C., Ganter, R., Schietinger, T., … Hauri, C. P. (2015). Thermal emittance measurements at the SwissFEL injector test facility. In J. Chrin, S. Reiche, & V. R. W. Schaa (Eds.), Vol. 36. Proceedings of FEL2014 (pp. 970-975).
Timing jitter studies of the SwissFEL Test Injector drive laser
Csatari Divall, M., Kaiser, M., Hunziker, S., Vicario, C., Beutner, B., Schietinger, T., … Hauri, C. P. (2014). Timing jitter studies of the SwissFEL Test Injector drive laser. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 735, 471-479.
Intense sub-two-cycle infrared pulse generation via phase-mismatched cascaded nonlinear interaction in DAST crystal
Trisorio, A., Divall, M., Monoszlai, B., Vicario, C., & Hauri, C. P. (2014). Intense sub-two-cycle infrared pulse generation via phase-mismatched cascaded nonlinear interaction in DAST crystal. Optics Letters, 39(9), 2660-2663.
New concept for the SwissFEL gun laser
Trisorio, A., Divall, M., Vicario, C., Hauri, C. P., & Courjaud, A. (2013). New concept for the SwissFEL gun laser. In C. Scholl & V. R. W. Schaa (Eds.), FEL2013. 35th international free-electron laser conference (pp. 442-446). JACoW Publishing.
Self-referenced spectral interferometry for ultra-short infrared pulse characterization
Trisorio, A., Grabielle, S., Divall, M., Forget, N., & Hauri, C. P. (2013). Self-referenced spectral interferometry for ultra-short infrared pulse characterization. EPJ web of conferences: Vol. 41. (p. 12002 (3 pp.). Presented at the 18th international conference on ultrafast phenomena, UP 2012.
Photocathode laser wavelength-tuning for thermal emittance and quantum efficiency studies
Vicario, C., Bettoni, S., Beutner, B., Csatari Divall, M., Prat, E., Schietinger, T., … Hauri, C. P. (2013). Photocathode laser wavelength-tuning for thermal emittance and quantum efficiency studies. In C. Scholl & V. R. W. Schaa (Eds.), FEL2013. 35th international free-electron laser conference (pp. 434-437). JACoW Publishing.
Timing jitter measurements of the SwissFEL Test Injector
Vicario, C., Csatari Divall, M., Kaiser, M. G., Luethi, M., Hunziker, S., Beutner, B., … Hauri, C. P. (2013). Timing jitter measurements of the SwissFEL Test Injector. In C. Scholl & V. R. W. Schaa (Eds.), FEL2013. 35th international free-electron laser conference (pp. 140-143). JACoW Publishing.
Production of long bunch trains with 4.5 <em>μ</em>C total charge using a photoinjector
Mete, O., Chevallay, E., Csatari, M., Dabrowski, A., Doebert, S., Egger, D., … Petrarca, M. (2012). Production of long bunch trains with 4.5 μC total charge using a photoinjector. Physical Review Special Topics: Accelerators and Beams, 15(2), 022803 (11 pp.).
Progress report on the SwissFEL injector test facility
Schietinger, T., Aiba, M., Bettoni, S., Beutner, B., Csatari Divall, M., Doshekenov, K., … Vicario, C. (2012). Progress report on the SwissFEL injector test facility. In Proceedings of IPAC2012 (pp. 1747-1749).