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Duplex and optimized ZIRLO<sup>TM</sup> fuel cladding experience in a European high-duty pressurized water reactor
Helmersson, B., Holmkvist, C., Girardin, G., Wiese, H., Martin, M., Anghel, C., … Oldberg, K. (2023). Duplex and optimized ZIRLOTM fuel cladding experience in a European high-duty pressurized water reactor. In ASTM special technical publication: Vol. STP 1645. International symposium on zirconium in the nuclear industry (pp. 599-614).
Insights into the interfacial speciation of Ni in the corrosion layer of high burnup Zircaloy-2 cladding: a combined XRD, XAS, and LFDFT study
Kuri, G., Ramanantoanina, H., Bhattacharya, S., Bertsch, J., & Martin, M. (2023). Insights into the interfacial speciation of Ni in the corrosion layer of high burnup Zircaloy-2 cladding: a combined XRD, XAS, and LFDFT study. Corrosion Science, 215, 111024 (13 pp.).
Atomic-scale insights into structural distortions in irradiated UO<sub>2</sub> at an intermediate burnup around 50 MWd/kgU
Bhattacharya, S., Kuri, G., Martin, M., Bertsch, J., & Pouchon, M. A. (2022). Atomic-scale insights into structural distortions in irradiated UO2 at an intermediate burnup around 50 MWd/kgU. In Proceedings of TopFuel 2022 light water reactor fuel performance conference (pp. 278-285).
Recent examinations of hydride orientation for zircaloy-2 RXA fuel rods with doped and un-doped pellets
Helmersson, B., Schrire, D., Kucuk, A., Blair, P., Anghel, C., Martin, M., … Hallman, L. (2022). Recent examinations of hydride orientation for zircaloy-2 RXA fuel rods with doped and un-doped pellets. In Proceedings of TopFuel 2022 light water reactor fuel performance conference (pp. 495-504).
Towards an improved understanding of the mechanisms involved in the increased hydrogen uptake and corrosion at high burnups in zirconium based claddings
Abolhassani, S., Baris, A., Grabherr, R., Hawes, J., Colldeweih, A., Vanta, R., … Limbäck, M. (2021). Towards an improved understanding of the mechanisms involved in the increased hydrogen uptake and corrosion at high burnups in zirconium based claddings. In A. T. Motta & S. K. Yagnik (Eds.), ASTM International: selected technical papers: Vol. STP1622. Zirconium in the nuclear industry: 19th international symposium (pp. 435-466).
Post-irradiation examinations of SINQ Target-11
Dai, Y., Boutellier, V., Grabherr, R., Urech, A., Blau, B., Welte, J., … Wohlmuther, M. (2021). Post-irradiation examinations of SINQ Target-11. In K. Kikuchi (Ed.), Materials science forum: Vol. 1024. Spallation materials technology (pp. 41-52).
Study of electronic structure in the L-edge spectroscopy of actinide materials: UO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; as an example
Ramanantoanina, H., Kuri, G., Martin, M., & Bertsch, J. (2019). Study of electronic structure in the L-edge spectroscopy of actinide materials: UO2 as an example. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 21(15), 7789-7801.
Chemical state and atomic scale environment of nickel in the corrosion layer of irradiated Zircaloy-2 at a burn-up around 45 MWd/kg
Kuri, G., Ramanantoanina, H., Bertsch, J., Martin, M., & Panas, I. (2018). Chemical state and atomic scale environment of nickel in the corrosion layer of irradiated Zircaloy-2 at a burn-up around 45 MWd/kg. Corrosion Science, 143, 200-211.
Analysis of the U L&lt;sub&gt;3&lt;/sub&gt;-edge X-ray absorption spectra in UO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; using molecular dynamics simulations
Bocharov, D., Chollet, M., Krack, M., Bertsch, J., Grolimund, D., Martin, M., … Kotomin, E. (2017). Analysis of the U L3-edge X-ray absorption spectra in UO2 using molecular dynamics simulations. Progress in Nuclear Energy, 94, 187-193.
New insights in the fuel grain subdivision during in-plant irradiation up to high burn-up
Chollet, M., Cozzo, C., Bertsch, J., Martin, M., Grolimund, D., & Samson, V. A. (2017). New insights in the fuel grain subdivision during in-plant irradiation up to high burn-up (p. (9 pp.). Presented at the Water reactor fuel performance meeting 2017 (WRFPM 2017). .
Synchrotron X-ray diffraction investigations on strains in the oxide layer of an irradiated Zircaloy fuel cladding
Chollet, M., Valance, S., Abolhassani, S., Stein, G., Grolimund, D., Martin, M., & Bertsch, J. (2017). Synchrotron X-ray diffraction investigations on strains in the oxide layer of an irradiated Zircaloy fuel cladding. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 488, 181-190.
Behavior of solute Ni in the corrosion layer of irradiated Zircaloy-2 cladding: a hydrogen uptake perspective
Kuri, G., Ramanantoanina, H., Martin, M., & Bertsch, J. (2017). Behavior of solute Ni in the corrosion layer of irradiated Zircaloy-2 cladding: a hydrogen uptake perspective. Presented at the Water reactor fuel performance meeting 2017 (WRFPM 2017). Jeju, Korea.
Interpretation of the U L<sub>3</sub>-edge EXAFS in uranium dioxide using molecular dynamics and density functional theory simulations
Bocharov, D., Chollet, M., Krack, M., Bertsch, J., Grolimund, D., Martin, M., … Kotomin, E. (2016). Interpretation of the U L3-edge EXAFS in uranium dioxide using molecular dynamics and density functional theory simulations. In Journal of physics: conference series: Vol. 712. 16th international conference on X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS16) (p. 12091 (4 pp.).
Synchrotron XRD analysis of irradiated UO<sub>2</sub> fuel at various burn-up
Chollet, M., Kuri, G., Martin, M., Bertsch, J., & Grolimund, D. (2016). Synchrotron XRD analysis of irradiated UO2 fuel at various burn-up. In Top Fuel 2016. LWR fuels with enhanced safety and performance (pp. 339-346). American Nuclear Society.
Post irradiation examination of nuclear fuel: toward a complete analysis
Degueldre, C., Bertsch, J., & Martin, M. (2016). Post irradiation examination of nuclear fuel: toward a complete analysis. Progress in Nuclear Energy, 92, 242-253.
On the condition of UO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; nuclear fuel irradiated in a PWR to a burn-up in excess of 110 MWd/kgHM
Restani, R., Horvath, M., Goll, W., Bertsch, J., Gavillet, D., Hermann, A., … Walker, C. T. (2016). On the condition of UO2 nuclear fuel irradiated in a PWR to a burn-up in excess of 110 MWd/kgHM. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 481, 88-100.
Corrosion and hydrogen uptake in zirconium claddings irradiated in light water reactors
Abolhassani, S., Bart, G., Bertsch, J., Grosse, M., Hallstadius, L., Hermann, A., … Wiese, H. (2015). Corrosion and hydrogen uptake in zirconium claddings irradiated in light water reactors. In R. J. Comstock & P. Barbéris (Eds.), Vol. STP1543. Zirconium in the nuclear industry. 17th international symposium (pp. 540-573).
Evolution of the atomic-scale structure from a pristine to high burn-up UO<sub>2</sub> fuel by X-ray absorption spectroscopy
Chollet, M., Bertsch, J., Grolimund, D., & Martin, M. (2015). Evolution of the atomic-scale structure from a pristine to high burn-up UO2 fuel by X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Presented at the 2015 E-MRS spring meeting.
Theoretical modelling of pristine and chromium-doped UO<sub>2</sub>
Chollet, M., Krack, M., Kuzmin, A., Bertsch, J., Grolimund, D., & Martin, M. (2015). Theoretical modelling of pristine and chromium-doped UO2. Presented at the E-MRS 2015. Lille, France.
Selenium redox speciation and coordination in high-burnup UO&lt;sub&gt;2&lt;/sub&gt; fuel: consequences for the release of &lt;sup&gt;79&lt;/sup&gt;Se in a deep underground repository
Curti, E., Froideval-Zumbiehl, A., Günther-Leopold, I., Martin, M., Bullemer, A., Linder, H., … Grolimund, D. (2014). Selenium redox speciation and coordination in high-burnup UO2 fuel: consequences for the release of 79Se in a deep underground repository. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 453(1-3), 98-106.