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Benchmarking and application of the state-of-the-art uncertainty analysis methods XSUSA and SHARK-X
Aures, A., Bostelmann, F., Hursin, M., & Leray, O. (2017). Benchmarking and application of the state-of-the-art uncertainty analysis methods XSUSA and SHARK-X. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 101, 262-269.
Nuclear data uncertainty decomposition for SPERT-III RIA experiments using SIMULATE-3K and SHARK-X
Dokhane, A., Grandi, G., Leray, O., Rochman, D., Vasiliev, A., & Ferroukhi, H. (2017). Nuclear data uncertainty decomposition for SPERT-III RIA experiments using SIMULATE-3K and SHARK-X. In Proceedings of the international conference on mathematics & computational methods applied to nuclear science & engineering (M&C 2017) (p. P236 (8 pp.). Korean Nuclear Society.
Impact of nuclear data uncertainty on safety calculations for spent nuclear fuel geological disposal
Herrero, J. J., Rochman, D., Leray, O., Vasiliev, A., Pecchia, M., Ferroukhi, H., & Caruso, S. (2017). Impact of nuclear data uncertainty on safety calculations for spent nuclear fuel geological disposal. In A. Plompen, F. J. Hambsch, P. Schillebeeckx, W. Mondelaers, J. Heyse, S. Kopecky, … S. Oberstedt (Eds.), EPJ web of conferences: Vol. 146. ND 2016: international conference on nuclear data for science and technology (p. 09028 (4 pp.).
Impact of implicit effects on uncertainties and sensitivities of the Doppler coefficient of a LWR pin cell
Hursin, M., Leray, O., Perret, G., Pautz, A., Bostelmann, F., Aures, A., & Zwermann, W. (2017). Impact of implicit effects on uncertainties and sensitivities of the Doppler coefficient of a LWR pin cell. In A. Plompen, F. J. Hambsch, P. Schillebeeckx, W. Mondelaers, J. Heyse, S. Kopecky, … S. Oberstedt (Eds.), EPJ web of conferences: Vol. 146. ND 2016: international conference on nuclear data for science and technology (p. 09034 (5 pp.).
Fission yield covariances for JEFF: a Bayesian Monte Carlo method
Leray, O., Rochman, D., Fleming, M., Sublet, J. C., Koning, A., Vasiliev, A., & Ferroukhi, H. (2017). Fission yield covariances for JEFF: a Bayesian Monte Carlo method. In A. Plompen, F. J. Hambsch, P. Schillebeeckx, W. Mondelaers, J. Heyse, S. Kopecky, … S. Oberstedt (Eds.), EPJ web of conferences: Vol. 146. ND 2016: international conference on nuclear data for science and technology (p. 09023 (4 pp.).
Methodology for core analyses with nuclear data uncertainty quantification and application to Swiss PWR operated cycles
Leray, O., Ferroukhi, H., Hursin, M., Vasiliev, A., & Rochman, D. (2017). Methodology for core analyses with nuclear data uncertainty quantification and application to Swiss PWR operated cycles. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 110, 547-559.
Uncertainty propagation of fission product yields to nuclide composition and decay heat for a PWR UO2 fuel assembly
Leray, O., Fiorito, L., Rochman, D., Ferroukhi, H., Stankovskiy, A., & Van den Eynde, G. (2017). Uncertainty propagation of fission product yields to nuclide composition and decay heat for a PWR UO2 fuel assembly. Progress in Nuclear Energy, 101, 486-495.
Nuclear data uncertainties for typical LWR fuel assemblies and a simple reactor core
Rochman, D., Leray, O., Hursin, M., Ferroukhi, H., Vasiliev, A., Aures, A., … Fiorito, L. (2017). Nuclear data uncertainties for typical LWR fuel assemblies and a simple reactor core. Nuclear Data Sheets, 139, 1-76.
Validation of SIMULATE-3K against SPERT-III RIA experiments with quantification of nuclear data uncertainties
Dokhane, A., Leray, O., Rochman, D., Ferroukhi, H., Pautz, A., & Grandi, G. (2016). Validation of SIMULATE-3K against SPERT-III RIA experiments with quantification of nuclear data uncertainties. In Physics of reactors 2016 (PHYSOR 2016). Unifying theory and experiments in the 21st century (pp. 3803-3812). American Nuclear Society.
Comparison of fission yield perturbation methodologies on nuclide composition for a PWR UO2 fuel assembly
Leray, O., Fiorito, L., Rochman, D., Ferroukhi, H., Pautz, A., Stankovskiy, A., & Van den Eynde, G. (2016). Comparison of fission yield perturbation methodologies on nuclide composition for a PWR UO2 fuel assembly. In Physics of reactors 2016 (PHYSOR 2016). Unifying theory and experiments in the 21st century (pp. 1669-1680). American Nuclear Society.
Nuclear data uncertainty propagation on spent fuel nuclide compositions
Leray, O., Rochman, D., Grimm, P., Ferroukhi, H., Vasiliev, A., Hursin, M., … Pautz, A. (2016). Nuclear data uncertainty propagation on spent fuel nuclide compositions. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 94, 603-611.
A Bayesian Monte Carlo method for fission yield covariance information
Rochman, D., Leray, O., Vasiliev, A., Ferroukhi, H., Koning, A. J., Fleming, M., & Sublet, J. C. (2016). A Bayesian Monte Carlo method for fission yield covariance information. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 95, 125-134.
Re-evaluation of the thermal neutron capture cross section of <sup>147</sup>Nd
Rochman, D., Leray, O., Perret, G., Vasiliev, A., Ferroukhi, H., & Koning, A. J. (2016). Re-evaluation of the thermal neutron capture cross section of 147Nd. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 94, 612-617.
Development, verification and test application of a hybrid CASMO-5/SERPENT depletion scheme
Leray, O., Pecchia, M., Vasiliev, A., Ferroukhi, H., Pautz, A., & Perrier, H. (2015). Development, verification and test application of a hybrid CASMO-5/SERPENT depletion scheme. In Mathematics and computations, supercomputing in nuclear applications and Monte Carlo international conference (M&C and SNA and MC 2015) (pp. 1781-1793). American Nuclear Society.
Advanced calculation methodology for manufacturing and technological parameters' uncertainties propagation at arbitrary level of lattice elements grouping
Pecchia, M., Vasiliev, A., Leray, O., Ferroukhi, H., & Pautz, A. (2015). Advanced calculation methodology for manufacturing and technological parameters' uncertainties propagation at arbitrary level of lattice elements grouping. Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 52(7-8), 1084-1092.
Study of nuclear decay data contribution to uncertainties in heat load estimations for spent fuel pools
Ferroukhi, H., Leray, O., Hursin, M., Vasiliev, A., Perret, G., & Pautz, A. (2014). Study of nuclear decay data contribution to uncertainties in heat load estimations for spent fuel pools. Nuclear Data Sheets, 118, 498-501.
Quantification of code, library and cross-section uncertainty effects on the void reactivity coefficient of a BWR UO<sub>2</sub> assembly
Leray, O., Grimm, P., Ferroukhi, H., & Pautz, A. (2014). Quantification of code, library and cross-section uncertainty effects on the void reactivity coefficient of a BWR UO2 assembly (p. 1100815 (14 pp.). Presented at the International conference on physics of reactors (PHYSOR 2014). .
Uncertainty quantification of spent fuel nuclide compositions due to cross sections, decay constants and fission yields
Leray, O., Grimm, P., Hursin, M., Ferroukhi, H., & Pautz, A. (2014). Uncertainty quantification of spent fuel nuclide compositions due to cross sections, decay constants and fission yields (p. 1104088 (13 pp.). Presented at the International conference on physics of reactors (PHYSOR 2014). .
Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of OECD/NEA UAM fuel thermal behaviour benchmark using a Falcon/URANIE methodology
Yun, Y., Leray, O., & Ferroukhi, H. (2014). Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis of OECD/NEA UAM fuel thermal behaviour benchmark using a Falcon/URANIE methodology. Vol. A. (p. 1105847 (11 pp.). Presented at the International conference on physics of reactors (PHYSOR 2014). .