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A comprehensive theoretical assessment of potential 'tramp uranium' isotopic evolution in BWR reactors
Vasiliev, A., Grimm, P., Ferroukhi, H., Pecchia, M., & Ledergerber, G. (2020). A comprehensive theoretical assessment of potential 'tramp uranium' isotopic evolution in BWR reactors. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 144, 107489 (11 pp.).
Studies of intra-pin power distributions in operated BWR fuel assemblies using MCNP with a cycle check-up methodology
Pecchia, M., Ferroukhi, H., Vasiliev, A., & Grimm, P. (2019). Studies of intra-pin power distributions in operated BWR fuel assemblies using MCNP with a cycle check-up methodology. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 129, 67-78.
Studies of intra-pin power distributions in operated BWR fuel assemblies using MCNP with a cycle check-up methodology
Pecchia, M., Ferroukhi, H., Vasiliev, A., & Grimm, P. (2018). Studies of intra-pin power distributions in operated BWR fuel assemblies using MCNP with a cycle check-up methodology. In International Conference on Physics of Reactors, PHYSOR 2018: Reactor Physics Paving the Way Towards More Efficient Systems. PHYSOR 2018: reactor physics paving the way towards more efficient systems (p. (12 pp.). Curran Associates, Inc.
Analysis of reactivity worths of burnt PWR fuel samples measured in LWR-PROTEUS Phase II using a CASMO-5 reflected-assembly model
Grimm, P., Hursin, M., Perret, G., Siefman, D., & Ferroukhi, H. (2017). Analysis of reactivity worths of burnt PWR fuel samples measured in LWR-PROTEUS Phase II using a CASMO-5 reflected-assembly model. Progress in Nuclear Energy, 101, 280-287.
Case study of data assimilation methods with the LWR-Proteus Phase II experimental campaign
Siefman, D. J., Hursin, M., Grimm, P., & Pautz, A. (2017). Case study of data assimilation methods with the LWR-Proteus Phase II experimental campaign. In Proceedings of the international conference on mathematics & computational methods applied to nuclear science & engineering (M&C 2017) (p. (10 pp.). Korean Nuclear Society.
CASMO-5 analysis of reactivity worths of burnt PWR fuel samples measured in LWR-proteus PHASE II
Grimm, P., Hursin, M., Perret, G., Siefman, D., & Ferroukhi, H. (2016). CASMO-5 analysis of reactivity worths of burnt PWR fuel samples measured in LWR-proteus PHASE II. In Physics of reactors 2016 (PHYSOR 2016). Unifying theory and experiments in the 21st century (pp. 2518-2527). American Nuclear Society.
Verification of the new implementations in SHARK-X for reactivity coefficients and relative reactivity worth UQ
Hursin, M., Siefman, D., Perret, G., Grimm, P., & Pautz, A. (2016). Verification of the new implementations in SHARK-X for reactivity coefficients and relative reactivity worth UQ. In Physics of reactors 2016 (PHYSOR 2016). Unifying theory and experiments in the 21st century (pp. 674-683). American Nuclear Society.
Nuclear data uncertainty propagation on spent fuel nuclide compositions
Leray, O., Rochman, D., Grimm, P., Ferroukhi, H., Vasiliev, A., Hursin, M., … Pautz, A. (2016). Nuclear data uncertainty propagation on spent fuel nuclide compositions. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 94, 603-611.
Validation of Monte Carlo based burnup codes against LWR-PROTEUS Phase-II experimental data
Pecchia, M., Wicaksono, D., Grimm, P., Vasiliev, A., Perret, G., Ferroukhi, H., & Pautz, A. (2016). Validation of Monte Carlo based burnup codes against LWR-PROTEUS Phase-II experimental data. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 97, 153-164.
CASMO-4E AND CASMO-5 analysis of the isotopic compositions of the LWR-PROTEUS phase II burnt PWR UO<sub>2</sub> fuel samples
Grimm, P., Perret, G., & Ferroukhi, H. (2014). CASMO-4E AND CASMO-5 analysis of the isotopic compositions of the LWR-PROTEUS phase II burnt PWR UO2 fuel samples (p. 1104066 (13 pp.). Presented at the International conference on physics of reactors (PHYSOR 2014). .
Pinpower uncertainty quantification of LWR-PROTEUS phase III experiments
Hursin, M., Scriven, M., Perret, G., Grimm, P., & Pautz, A. (2014). Pinpower uncertainty quantification of LWR-PROTEUS phase III experiments (p. 1099077 (12 pp.). Presented at the International conference on physics of reactors (PHYSOR 2014). .
Quantification of code, library and cross-section uncertainty effects on the void reactivity coefficient of a BWR UO<sub>2</sub> assembly
Leray, O., Grimm, P., Ferroukhi, H., & Pautz, A. (2014). Quantification of code, library and cross-section uncertainty effects on the void reactivity coefficient of a BWR UO2 assembly (p. 1100815 (14 pp.). Presented at the International conference on physics of reactors (PHYSOR 2014). .
Uncertainty quantification of spent fuel nuclide compositions due to cross sections, decay constants and fission yields
Leray, O., Grimm, P., Hursin, M., Ferroukhi, H., & Pautz, A. (2014). Uncertainty quantification of spent fuel nuclide compositions due to cross sections, decay constants and fission yields (p. 1104088 (13 pp.). Presented at the International conference on physics of reactors (PHYSOR 2014). .
Validation of two Monte Carlo codes for LWR burnup calculations
Wicaksono, D., Grimm, P., Vasiliev, A., Hursin, M., Perret, G., & Ferroukhi, H. (2014). Validation of two Monte Carlo codes for LWR burnup calculations (p. 1105825 (17 pp.). Presented at the International conference on physics of reactors (PHYSOR 2014). .
Experimental validation of 3-D reconstructed pin power distributions in full-scale BWR fuel assemblies with partial-length rods
Giust, F. D., Grimm, P., & Chawla, R. (2013). Experimental validation of 3-D reconstructed pin power distributions in full-scale BWR fuel assemblies with partial-length rods. Nuclear Science and Engineering, 175(3), 292-307.
Experimental validation of CASMO-4E and CASMO-5M for radial fission rate distributions in a westinghouse SVEA-96 Optima2 BWR fuel assembly
Grimm, P., & Perret, G. (2012). Experimental validation of CASMO-4E and CASMO-5M for radial fission rate distributions in a westinghouse SVEA-96 Optima2 BWR fuel assembly. In Vol. 4. PHYSOR 2012: advances in reactor physics (pp. 3410-3421).
Reactor physics studies for assessment of tramp uranium methods
Grimm, P., Vasiliev, A., Wieselquist, W., Ferroukhi, H., & Ledergerber, G. (2012). Reactor physics studies for assessment of tramp uranium methods. In Vol. 2. Advances in reactor physics (pp. 1522-1535). American Nuclear Society.
Experimental comparisons of 3D reconstructed pin-power distributions in full-scale BWR fuel assemblies
Giust, F. D., Grimm, P., & Chawla, R. (2011). Experimental comparisons of 3D reconstructed pin-power distributions in full-scale BWR fuel assemblies. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 133(5), 52909 (13 pp.).
Experimental comparisons of 3D reconstructed pin-power distributions in full-scale BWR fuel assemblies
Giust, F. D., Grimm, P., & Chawla, R. (2010). Experimental comparisons of 3D reconstructed pin-power distributions in full-scale BWR fuel assemblies. In International conference on nuclear engineering, proceedings, ICONE: Vol. 2. Proceedings of the 18th international conference on nuclear engineering, ICONE18 (pp. ICONE18-29691 (10 pp.).
Experimental validation of radial reconstructed pin-power distributions in full-scale BWR fuel assemblies with and without control blade
Giust, F., Grimm, P., & Chawla, R. (2010). Experimental validation of radial reconstructed pin-power distributions in full-scale BWR fuel assemblies with and without control blade. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 37(12), 1629-1639.