| SwissFEL resonant kicker control system
Krempaska, R., Alarcon, A., Dordevic, S., Gough, C., Portmann, W., & Paraliev, M. (2023). SwissFEL resonant kicker control system. In 19th international conference on accelerator large experimental physics control system (pp. 807-812). https://doi.org/10.18429/JACoW-ICALEPCS2023-TUPDP106 |
| Conceptual design report on controls and science IT for the SLS 2.0 upgrade project
Ashton, A., Augustin, S., Babic, A., Celcer, T., Ebner, S. G., Egli, S., … Zimoch, E. (2021). Conceptual design report on controls and science IT for the SLS 2.0 upgrade project. (PSI Bericht, Report No.: 21-03). Paul Scherrer Institut. |
| Commissioning and stability studies of the SwissFEL bunch-separation system
Paraliev, M., Ganter, R., Voulot, D., Hiller, N., Krempaska, R., Gough, C., & Dordevic, S. (2019). Commissioning and stability studies of the SwissFEL bunch-separation system. Presented at the FEL2019. Hamburg, Germany. |
| Commissioning and stability studies of the SwissFEL bunch-separation system
Paraliev, M., Dordevic, S., Ganter, R., Gough, C., Hiller, N., Krempaska, R., & Voulot, D. (2019). Commissioning and stability studies of the SwissFEL bunch-separation system. In W. Decking, H. Sinn, G. Geloni, S. Schreiber, M. Marx, & V. R. W. Schaa (Eds.), Free electron laser conference: Vol. 39. 39th international free-electron laser conference. FEL2019. Proceedings (pp. 404-407). https://doi.org/10.18429/JACoW-FEL2019-WEP038 |
| SwissFEL control system – overview, status, and lessons learned
Zimoch, E., Alarcon, A., Anicic, D., Bertrand, A., Biffiger, R., Bitterli, K., … Zimoch, D. (2017). SwissFEL control system – overview, status, and lessons learned. In V. R. W. Schaa, I. Costa, D. Fernández, & O. Matilla (Eds.), Proceedings of the 16th international conference on accelerator and large experimental control systems (pp. 19-21). https://doi.org/10.18429/JACoW-ICALEPCS2017-MOAPL04 |
| Commissioning experience and beam physics measurements at the SwissFEL Injector Test Facility
Schietinger, T., Pedrozzi, M., Aiba, M., Arsov, V., Bettoni, S., Beutner, B., … Zimoch, D. (2016). Commissioning experience and beam physics measurements at the SwissFEL Injector Test Facility. Physical Review Accelerators and Beams, 19(10), 100702 (61 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevAccelBeams.19.100702 |
| Overview and status of the SwissFEL project at PSI
Janousch, M., Alarcon, A., Ambrosch, K., Anicic, D., Bertrand, A., Bitterli, K., … Zimoch, E. (2015). Overview and status of the SwissFEL project at PSI. In L. Corvetti, K. Riches, & V. R. W. Schaa (Eds.), International conference on accelerator and large experimental physics control systems: Vol. 15. ICALEPCS2015. International conference on accelerator & large experimental physics control systems (pp. 1169-1172). https://doi.org/10.18429/JACoW-ICALEPCS2015-FRA3O03 |
| Current status and perspectives of the SwissFEL Injector Test Facility control system
Chevtsov, P., Armstrong, D., Dach, M., Divall, E., Heiniger, M., Higgs, C., … Vermeulen, D. (2014). Current status and perspectives of the SwissFEL Injector Test Facility control system. In C. Marshall, J. Fisher, & V. R. W. Schaa (Eds.), ICALEPCS2013 (pp. 378-380). JACoW Publishing. |
| From real to virtual - how to provide a high-avaliblity computer server infrastructure
Kapeller, R., Krempaska, R., Higgs, C., & Lutz, H. (2014). From real to virtual - how to provide a high-avaliblity computer server infrastructure. In C. Marshall, J. Fisher, & V. R. W. Schaa (Eds.), ICALEPCS2013 (pp. 1076-1078). JACoW Publishing. |
| Control system configuration management at PSI large research facilities
Krempaská, R., Bertrand, A., & Lutz, H. (2014). Control system configuration management at PSI large research facilities. In C. Marshall, J. Fisher, & V. R. W. Schaa (Eds.), ICALEPCS2013. 14th international conference on accelerator and large experimental physics control system (pp. 1125-1126). JACoW Publishing. |
| XML constructs for developing dynamic applications or towards a universal representation of particle accelerators in XML
Chrin, J., Krempaska, R., Lutz, H., Prekas, G., & Pelaia, T. (2011). XML constructs for developing dynamic applications or towards a universal representation of particle accelerators in XML. In IPAC 2011. 2nd international particle accelerator conference (pp. 2295-2297). |
| Control system in SwissFEL Injector Test Facility
Dach, M., Anicic, D., Armstrong, D., Bitterli, K., Brands, H., Chevtsov, P., … Zimoch, E. (2011). Control system in SwissFEL Injector Test Facility. In ICALEPCS 2011. 13th international conference on accelerator and large experimental physics control systems (pp. 593-596). JACoW Publishing. |
| High Intensity Proton Accelerator controls network upgrade
Krempaska, R., Bertrand, A., Lendzian, F., & Lutz, H. (2011). High Intensity Proton Accelerator controls network upgrade. In M. Robichon, C. Cassady, C. Finlay, L. Graham, M. Marx, R. Müller, … E. Vernay (Eds.), ICALEPCS. Contributions to the proceedings of ICALEPCS 2011. 13th international conference on accelerator and large experimental physics control systems (pp. 361-363). JACoW Publishing. |
| How to maintain hundreds of computers offering different functionalities with only two system administrators
Krempaska, R., Bertrand, A., Higgs, C., Kapeller, R., Lutz, H., & Provenzano, M. (2011). How to maintain hundreds of computers offering different functionalities with only two system administrators. In M. Robichon, C. Cassady, C. Finlay, L. Graham, M. Marx, R. Müller, … E. Vernay (Eds.), ICALEPCS. Contributions to the proceedings of ICALEPCS 2011. 13th international conference on accelerator and large experimental physics control systems (pp. 56-58). JACoW Publishing. |