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In search of the best nuclear data file for proton induced reactions: varying both models and their parameters
Alhassan, E., Rochman, D., Vasiliev, A., Bergmann, R. M., Wohlmuther, M., Koning, A. J., & Ferroukhi, H. (2020). In search of the best nuclear data file for proton induced reactions: varying both models and their parameters. In Z. Ge, N. Shu, Y. Chen, W. Wang, & H. Zhang (Eds.), EPJ web of conferences: Vol. 239. ND 2019: international conference on nuclear data for science and technology (p. 13005 (4 pp.).
Supermirror physics with event biasing in MCNP6
Magán, M., & Bergmann, R. M. (2020). Supermirror physics with event biasing in MCNP6. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 955, 163168 (8 pp.).
Radiation damage assessment of the sixth SINQ target irradiation program based on MCNPX simulation
Aulet, D., Dai, Y., Bergmann, R. M., & Wohlmuther, M. (2019). Radiation damage assessment of the sixth SINQ target irradiation program based on MCNPX simulation. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 922, 310-321.
Neutron brilliance of the liquid deuterium cold source as measured from the ICON beamline at the swiss spallation neutron source (SINQ)
Bergmann, R. M., Yamada, M., Filges, U., Reiss, T., Talanov, V., & Wohlmuther, M. (2018). Neutron brilliance of the liquid deuterium cold source as measured from the ICON beamline at the swiss spallation neutron source (SINQ). Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 906, 61-67.
Simulation methods and results of the SINQ cold neutron source upgrade study
Bergmann, R. M., Filges, U., Kiselev, D., Klauser, C., Rantsiou, E., Talanov, V., … Yamada, M. (2018). Simulation methods and results of the SINQ cold neutron source upgrade study. In Journal of physics: conference series: Vol. 1021. 22nd meeting of the international collaboration on advanced neutron sources (ICANS XXII) (p. 012081 (6 pp.).
Proton induced activity in graphite - comparison between measurement and simulation
Kiselev, D., Bergmann, R., Schumann, D., Talanov, V., & Wohlmuther, M. (2018). Proton induced activity in graphite - comparison between measurement and simulation. In Journal of physics: conference series: Vol. 1046. 4th international workshop on accelerator radiation induced activation (ARIA 2017) (p. 012003 (16 pp.).
A selene guide for AMOR
Klauser, C., Bergmann, R., Filges, U., & Stahn, J. (2018). A selene guide for AMOR. In Journal of physics: conference series: Vol. 1021. 22nd meeting of the international collaboration on advanced neutron sources (ICANS XXII) (p. 012024 (4 pp.).
Evaluation of HOPG mounting possibilities for multiplexing spectrometers
Groitl, F., Bartkowiak, M., Bergmann, R. M., Birk, J. O., Markó, M., Bollhalder, A., … Rønnow, H. M. (2017). Evaluation of HOPG mounting possibilities for multiplexing spectrometers. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 858, 30-35.
Radiation damage of components in the environment of high-power proton accelerators
Kiselev, D., Bergmann, R., Sobbia, R., Talanov, V., & Wohlmuther, M. (2017). Radiation damage of components in the environment of high-power proton accelerators. In J. Chrin, J. M. Schippers, M. Seidel, & V. R. W. Schaa (Eds.), International conference on cyclotrons and their applications: Vol. 21. CYC2016. 21st international conference on cyclotrons and their applications (pp. 24-29).
Recent improvements to CINDER2008 and activation analysis tools
Micklich, B. J., Gallmeier, F. X., Iverson, E. B., Lu, W., Bergmann, R., & Wohlmuther, M. (2017). Recent improvements to CINDER2008 and activation analysis tools. In 13th international topical meeting on nuclear applications of accelerators (AccApp '17) (pp. 403-411). American Nuclear Society.
Induced radioactivity studies of the shielding and beamline equipment of the high intensity proton accelerator facility at PSI
Otiougova, P., Bergmann, R., Kiselev, D., Talanov, V., & Wohlmuther, M. (2017). Induced radioactivity studies of the shielding and beamline equipment of the high intensity proton accelerator facility at PSI. In P. Siegler, W. Mondelaers, A. Plompen, F. J. Hambsch, P. Schillebeeckx, S. Kopecky, … S. Oberstedt (Eds.), EPJ web of conferences: Vol. 146. International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology (p. 03017 (4 pp.).
Upgrades to the SINQ cold neutron source
Bergmann, R. M., Filges, U., Kiselev, D., Reiss, T., Talanov, V., & Wohlmuther, M. (2016). Upgrades to the SINQ cold neutron source. In Journal of physics: conference series: Vol. 746. VI European conference on neutron scattering (ECNS2015) (p. 012035 (8 pp.).
Verification of the neutron mirror capabilities in MCNPX via gold foil measurements at the EIGER instrument beamline at the Swiss Spallation Neutron Source (SINQ)
Bergmann, R. M., Filges, U., Forss, S. H., Rantsiou, E., Reggiani, D., Reiss, T., … Wohlmuther, M. (2015). Verification of the neutron mirror capabilities in MCNPX via gold foil measurements at the EIGER instrument beamline at the Swiss Spallation Neutron Source (SINQ). In S. Henderson, E. Akers, T. Satogata, & V. R. W. Schaa (Eds.), International particle accelerator conference: Vol. 6. IPAC'15 (pp. 3949-3951).