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SARNET: severe accident research network of excellence
Albiol, T., Van Dorsselaere, J. P., Chaumont, B., Haste, T., Journeau, C., Meyer, L., … Zeyen, R. (2010). SARNET: severe accident research network of excellence. Progress in Nuclear Energy, 52(1), 2-10.
Understanding the behaviour of absorber elements in silver-indium-cadmium control rods during PWR severe accident sequences
Dubourg, R., Austregesilo, H., Bals, C., Barrachin, M., Birchley, J., Haste, T., … Vimi, A. (2010). Understanding the behaviour of absorber elements in silver-indium-cadmium control rods during PWR severe accident sequences. Progress in Nuclear Energy, 52(1), 97-108.
Recent advances in understanding ruthenium behaviour under air-ingress conditions during a PWR severe accident
Giordano, P., Auvinen, A., Brillant, G., Colombani, J., Davidovich, N., Dickson, R., … Vér, N. (2010). Recent advances in understanding ruthenium behaviour under air-ingress conditions during a PWR severe accident. Progress in Nuclear Energy, 52(1), 109-119.
Accident management following loss-of-coolant accidents during cooldown in a Westinghouse two-loop PWR
Haste, T. J., Birchley, J., & Richner, M. (2010). Accident management following loss-of-coolant accidents during cooldown in a Westinghouse two-loop PWR. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 240(6), 1599-1605.
Ranking of severe accident research priorities
Schwinges, B., Journeau, C., Haste, T., Meyer, L., Tromm, W., & Trambauer, K. (2010). Ranking of severe accident research priorities. Progress in Nuclear Energy, 52(1), 11-18.
High-temperature oxidation and quench behaviour of Zircaloy-4 and E110 cladding alloys
Steinbrück, M., Birchley, J., Boldyrev, A. V., Goryachev, A. V., Grosse, M., Haste, T. J., … Veshchunov, M. S. (2010). High-temperature oxidation and quench behaviour of Zircaloy-4 and E110 cladding alloys. Progress in Nuclear Energy, 52(1), 19-36.
Analysis of the Quench-14 bundle test with M5<sup>®</sup> cladding
Birchley, J. C., Jaeckel, B., Haste, T. J., Steinbrueck, M., & Struckert, J. (2009). Analysis of the Quench-14 bundle test with M5® cladding. In International conference on nuclear engineering: Vol. 2. Proceedings of the 17th international conference on nuclear engineering. Volume 2: structural integrity; safety and security; advanced applications of nuclear technology; balance of plant for nuclear applications (pp. 341-348).
Post-test analysis of the Quench-13 bundle test including an Ag-In-Cd absorber rod
Birchley, J., Jaeckel, B., Haste, T., Steinbrueck, M., & Stuckert, J. (2009). Post-test analysis of the Quench-13 bundle test including an Ag-In-Cd absorber rod. In Vol. 2. Proceedings of ICAPP '09 (pp. 1153-1160). Atomic Energy Society of Japan.
Separate-effect tests on zirconium cladding degradation in air ingress situations
Duriez, C., Steinbrück, M., Ohai, D., Meleg, T., Birchley, J., & Haste, T. (2009). Separate-effect tests on zirconium cladding degradation in air ingress situations. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 239(2), 244-253.
SARNET integrated European Severe Accident Research-Conclusions in the source term area
Haste, T., Giordano, P., Herranz, L., Girault, N., Dubourg, R., Sabroux, J. C., … Albiol, T. (2009). SARNET integrated European Severe Accident Research-Conclusions in the source term area. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 239(12), 3116-3131.
Experimental and post-test calculation results of the integral reflood test QUENCH-12 with a VVER-type bundle
Stuckert, J., Birchley, J., Große, M., Haste, T., Sepold, L., & Steinbrück, M. (2009). Experimental and post-test calculation results of the integral reflood test QUENCH-12 with a VVER-type bundle. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 36(2), 183-192.
Accident management following loss of residual heat removal during mid-loop operation in a Westinghouse two-loop PWR
Birchley, J., Haste, T. J., & Richner, M. (2008). Accident management following loss of residual heat removal during mid-loop operation in a Westinghouse two-loop PWR. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 238(9), 2173-2181.
MELCOR analysis of loss of Residual Heat Removal during mid-loop operation in a Westinghouse two-loop PWR
Birchley, J., Haste, T. J., & Richner, M. (2008). MELCOR analysis of loss of Residual Heat Removal during mid-loop operation in a Westinghouse two-loop PWR. In Societe francaise d'energie nucleaire - international congress on advances in nuclear power plants - ICAPP 2007, "the nuclear renaissance at work": Vol. 1. Proceedings of ICAPP 2007 (pp. 71-79). Curran Associates.
Post-test analysis of the QUENCH-13 experiment
Birchley, J., Austregesilo, H., Bals, C., Dubourg, R., Haste, T., Lamy, J. S., … Trambauer, K. (2008). Post-test analysis of the QUENCH-13 experiment. In Proceedings of the international conference nuclear energy for new Europe 2008 (pp. 503.1-503.10). Nuclear Society of Slovenia.
Analysis of station blackout in the Gösgen nuclear plant
Haste, T., Birchley, J., & Klügel, J. U. (2008). Analysis of station blackout in the Gösgen nuclear plant. In International conference on advances in nuclear power plants, ICAPP 2008: Vol. 2. Proceedings of ICAPP '08 (pp. 1086-1094). American Nuclear Society.
Pre-test calculational support for the QUENCH-13 experiment
Haste, T., Birchley, J., Lamy, J. S., Maliverney, B., Austregesilo, H., Bals, C., … Stuckert, J. (2008). Pre-test calculational support for the QUENCH-13 experiment. In International conference on advances in nuclear power plants, ICAPP 2008: Vol. 2. Proceedings of ICAPP '08 (pp. 1182-1190).
Accident management and risk evaluation of shutdown modes at Beznau NPP
Richner, M., Zimmermann, S., Birchley, J., Haste, T., & Dessars, N. (2008). Accident management and risk evaluation of shutdown modes at Beznau NPP. In American nuclear society - international topical meeting on probabilistic safety assessment and analysis, PSA 2008: Vol. 2. Proceedings of the ANS PSA 2008 topical meeting - challenges to PSA during the nuclear renaissance (pp. 1096-1105). American Nuclear Society.
Experimental and post-test calculation results of the integral reflood test QUENCH-12 with a VVER-type bundle
Stuckert, J., Birchley, J., Grobe, M., Haste, T., Sepold, L., & Steinbrück, M. (2008). Experimental and post-test calculation results of the integral reflood test QUENCH-12 with a VVER-type bundle. In International conference on advances in nuclear power plants, ICAPP 2008: Vol. 2. Proceedings of ICAPP '08 (pp. 1270-1279). American Nuclear Society.
MELCOR simulation of the TMI-2 severe accident and initial recovery phases
Haste, T., Birchley, J., Cazzoli, E., & Vitazkova, J. (2006). MELCOR simulation of the TMI-2 severe accident and initial recovery phases. In Proceedings of the 2006 international congress on advances in nuclear power plants, ICAPP'06: Vol. 2006. Proceedings of the 2006 international congress on advances in nuclear power plants, ICAPP '06 (pp. 1432-1441). American Nuclear Society.
MELCOR/MACCS simulation of the TMI-2 severe accident and initial recovery phases, off-site fission product release and consequences
Haste, T., Birchley, J., Cazzoli, E., & Vitazkova, J. (2006). MELCOR/MACCS simulation of the TMI-2 severe accident and initial recovery phases, off-site fission product release and consequences. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 236(10), 1099-1112.