| Experimental and numerical investigation of high-pressure methane catalytic synthesis from H<sub>2</sub> and CO<sub>2</sub>
Arumugam, V. K., Mantzaras, J., Gantenbein, A., Doll, U., & Schildhauer, T. (2024). Experimental and numerical investigation of high-pressure methane catalytic synthesis from H2 and CO2. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 40(1-4), 105206 (7 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.proci.2024.105206 |
| Towards time-resolved multi-property measurements by filtered Rayleigh scattering: diagnostic approach and verification
Doll, U., Kapulla, R., Dues, M., Steinbock, J., Melnikov, S., Röhle, I., … Zachos, P. K. (2024). Towards time-resolved multi-property measurements by filtered Rayleigh scattering: diagnostic approach and verification. Experiments in Fluids, 65(1), 2 (13 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00348-023-03740-6 |
| Turbulent flame speed and flame characteristics of lean premixed H<sub>2</sub>-CH<sub>4</sub> flames at moderate pressure levels
Faldella, F., Eisenring, S., Kim, T., Doll, U., & Jansohn, P. (2024). Turbulent flame speed and flame characteristics of lean premixed H2-CH4 flames at moderate pressure levels. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 146(2), 021012 (8 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4063524 |
| Large-scale PANDA facility – radiation experiments and CFD calculations
Kapulla, R., Kelm, S., Doll, U., Liu, X., Paranjape, S., & Paladino, D. (2024). Large-scale PANDA facility – radiation experiments and CFD calculations. Kerntechnik. https://doi.org/10.1515/kern-2023-0060 |
| Quantification of mixing quality effects on flashback limits for H<sub>2</sub>-rich fuel gases in lean premixed combustion using laser-induced fluorescence of acetone
Kim, T., Doll, U., Faldella, F., & Jansohn, P. (2024). Quantification of mixing quality effects on flashback limits for H2-rich fuel gases in lean premixed combustion using laser-induced fluorescence of acetone. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 146(7), 071004 (7 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4064359 |
| Seeding-free inlet flow distortion measurements using filtered Rayleigh scattering: integration in a complex intake test facility
Migliorini, M., Zachos, P. K., Macmanus, D. G., Doll, U., Dues, M., Steinbock, J., … Röhle, I. (2024). Seeding-free inlet flow distortion measurements using filtered Rayleigh scattering: integration in a complex intake test facility. In AIAA SciTech forum and exposition, 2024 (pp. AIAA 2024-2831 (17 pp.). https://doi.org/10.2514/6.2024-2831 |
| Seeding-free inlet flow distortion measurement by filtered Rayleigh scattering: diagnostic approach and verification
Doll, U., Kapulla, R., Steinbock, J., Dues, M., Migliorini, M., & Zachos, P. K. (2023). Seeding-free inlet flow distortion measurement by filtered Rayleigh scattering: diagnostic approach and verification. In AIAA SCITECH 2023 forum (pp. 714-725). https://doi.org/10.2514/6.2023-1372 |
| Turbulent flame speed and flame characteristics of lean premixed H<sub>2</sub>-CH<sub>4</sub> flames at moderate pressure levels
Faldella, F., Eisenring, S., Kim, T., Doll, U., & Jansohn, P. (2023). Turbulent flame speed and flame characteristics of lean premixed H2-CH4 flames at moderate pressure levels. In Turbo expo: power for land, sea and air: Vol. 3A. Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2023: turbomachinery technical conference and exposition (p. V03AT04A068 (10 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1115/gt2023-102527 |
| Importance, influence and limits of CFD radiation modeling for containment atmosphere simulations
Kapulla, R., Xiongguo, L., Kelm, S., Doll, U., Paranjape, S., & Paladino, D. (2023). Importance, influence and limits of CFD radiation modeling for containment atmosphere simulations. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 411, 112408 (12 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nucengdes.2023.112408 |
| Quantification of mixing quality effects on flashback limits for H2-rich fuel gases
Kim, T., Doll, U., Faldella, F., & Jansohn, P. (2023). Quantification of mixing quality effects on flashback limits for H2-rich fuel gases. In Proceedings of the ASME turbo expo: Vol. 3A. Proceedings of ASME turbo expo 2023: turbomachinery technical conference and exposition (GT2023) (p. (9 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1115/gt2023-101551 |
| Air-blast atomization and ignition of a kerosene spray in hot vitiated crossflow
Miniero, L., Pandey, K., Fredrich, D., Shcherbanev, S., Doll, U., Giusti, A., & Noiray, N. (2023). Air-blast atomization and ignition of a kerosene spray in hot vitiated crossflow. Combustion and Flame, 256, 112915 (13 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.combustflame.2023.112915 |
| Topological transitions of Jet A-1 lean azimuthal flames (LEAF)
Pandey, K., Miniero, L., Doll, U., de Oliveira, P. M., Mastorakos, E., & Noiray, N. (2023). Topological transitions of Jet A-1 lean azimuthal flames (LEAF). Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 39(4), 4791-4799. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.proci.2022.08.034 |
| Non-intrusive flow diagnostics for unsteady inlet flow distortion measurements in novel aircraft architectures
Doll, U., Migliorini, M., Baikie, J., Zachos, P. K., Röhle, I., Melnikov, S., … Lawson, N. J. (2022). Non-intrusive flow diagnostics for unsteady inlet flow distortion measurements in novel aircraft architectures. Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 130, 100810 (24 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.paerosci.2022.100810 |
| Time-resolved multi-parameter flow diagnostics by filtered Rayleigh scattering: system design through multi-objective optimisation
Doll, U., Röhle, I., Dues, M., & Kapulla, R. (2022). Time-resolved multi-parameter flow diagnostics by filtered Rayleigh scattering: system design through multi-objective optimisation. Measurement Science and Technology, 33(10), 105204 (12 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6501/ac7cca |
| Unsteady multi-parameter flow diagnostics by filtered Rayleigh scattering: system design by multi-objective optimisation
Doll, U., Röhle, I., & Dues, M. (2022). Unsteady multi-parameter flow diagnostics by filtered Rayleigh scattering: system design by multi-objective optimisation. In Proceedings of the 20th international symposium on the application of laser and imaging techniques to fluid mechanics (p. (18 pp.). |
| Experimental assessment of thermal radiation effects on containment atmospheres with varying steam content
Kapulla, R., Paranjape, S., Doll, U., Kirkby, E., & Paladino, D. (2022). Experimental assessment of thermal radiation effects on containment atmospheres with varying steam content. Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 54(11), 4348-4358. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.net.2022.07.001 |
| Growth laws and self-similarity in the confined mixing zone of unstratified and strongly stably stratified isokinetic mixing-layers past a splitter plate
Kapulla, R., Doll, U., Kirkby, E., Paranjape, S., & Paladino, D. (2022). Growth laws and self-similarity in the confined mixing zone of unstratified and strongly stably stratified isokinetic mixing-layers past a splitter plate. Physics of Fluids, 34(3), 035129 (16 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0082950 |
| The effects of activated cooler power on the transient pressure decay and helium mixing in the PANDA facility
Kapulla, R., Paranjape, S., Fehlmann, M., Suter, S., Doll, U., & Paladino, D. (2022). The effects of activated cooler power on the transient pressure decay and helium mixing in the PANDA facility. Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 54(6), 2311-2320. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.net.2021.12.032 |
| Effects of the atomization air on the topology of a Jet A-1 spray flame in a turbulent vitiated crossflow
Miniero, L., Pandey, K., Shcherbanev, S., Doll, U., & Noiray, N. (2022). Effects of the atomization air on the topology of a Jet A-1 spray flame in a turbulent vitiated crossflow. In 10th European combustion meeting proceedings (pp. 1270-1275). mcm. |
| Tomographic reconstruction of OH density maps for Jet-A1 spray flame in a vitiated crossflow
Miniero, L., Pandey, K., Shcherbanev, S., Noiray, N., & Doll, U. (2022). Tomographic reconstruction of OH density maps for Jet-A1 spray flame in a vitiated crossflow. In AIAA scitech forum 2022 (pp. AIAA 2022-1873 (8 pp.). https://doi.org/10.2514/6.2022-1873 |