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Experimental and numerical investigation of high-pressure methane catalytic synthesis from H<sub>2</sub> and CO<sub>2</sub>
Arumugam, V. K., Mantzaras, J., Gantenbein, A., Doll, U., & Schildhauer, T. (2024). Experimental and numerical investigation of high-pressure methane catalytic synthesis from H2 and CO2. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 40(1-4), 105206 (7 pp.).
Towards time-resolved multi-property measurements by filtered Rayleigh scattering: diagnostic approach and verification
Doll, U., Kapulla, R., Dues, M., Steinbock, J., Melnikov, S., Röhle, I., … Zachos, P. K. (2024). Towards time-resolved multi-property measurements by filtered Rayleigh scattering: diagnostic approach and verification. Experiments in Fluids, 65(1), 2 (13 pp.).
Turbulent flame speed and flame characteristics of lean premixed H<sub>2</sub>-CH<sub>4</sub> flames at moderate pressure levels
Faldella, F., Eisenring, S., Kim, T., Doll, U., & Jansohn, P. (2024). Turbulent flame speed and flame characteristics of lean premixed H2-CH4 flames at moderate pressure levels. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 146(2), 021012 (8 pp.).
Large-scale PANDA facility – radiation experiments and CFD calculations
Kapulla, R., Kelm, S., Doll, U., Liu, X., Paranjape, S., & Paladino, D. (2024). Large-scale PANDA facility – radiation experiments and CFD calculations. Kerntechnik.
Quantification of mixing quality effects on flashback limits for H<sub>2</sub>-rich fuel gases in lean premixed combustion using laser-induced fluorescence of acetone
Kim, T., Doll, U., Faldella, F., & Jansohn, P. (2024). Quantification of mixing quality effects on flashback limits for H2-rich fuel gases in lean premixed combustion using laser-induced fluorescence of acetone. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 146(7), 071004 (7 pp.).
Seeding-free inlet flow distortion measurements using filtered Rayleigh scattering: integration in a complex intake test facility
Migliorini, M., Zachos, P. K., Macmanus, D. G., Doll, U., Dues, M., Steinbock, J., … Röhle, I. (2024). Seeding-free inlet flow distortion measurements using filtered Rayleigh scattering: integration in a complex intake test facility. In AIAA SciTech forum and exposition, 2024 (pp. AIAA 2024-2831 (17 pp.).
Seeding-free inlet flow distortion measurement by filtered Rayleigh scattering: diagnostic approach and verification
Doll, U., Kapulla, R., Steinbock, J., Dues, M., Migliorini, M., & Zachos, P. K. (2023). Seeding-free inlet flow distortion measurement by filtered Rayleigh scattering: diagnostic approach and verification. In AIAA SCITECH 2023 forum (pp. 714-725).
Turbulent flame speed and flame characteristics of lean premixed H<sub>2</sub>-CH<sub>4</sub> flames at moderate pressure levels
Faldella, F., Eisenring, S., Kim, T., Doll, U., & Jansohn, P. (2023). Turbulent flame speed and flame characteristics of lean premixed H2-CH4 flames at moderate pressure levels. In Turbo expo: power for land, sea and air: Vol. 3A. Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2023: turbomachinery technical conference and exposition (p. V03AT04A068 (10 pp.).
Importance, influence and limits of CFD radiation modeling for containment atmosphere simulations
Kapulla, R., Xiongguo, L., Kelm, S., Doll, U., Paranjape, S., & Paladino, D. (2023). Importance, influence and limits of CFD radiation modeling for containment atmosphere simulations. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 411, 112408 (12 pp.).
Quantification of mixing quality effects on flashback limits for H2-rich fuel gases
Kim, T., Doll, U., Faldella, F., & Jansohn, P. (2023). Quantification of mixing quality effects on flashback limits for H2-rich fuel gases. In Proceedings of the ASME turbo expo: Vol. 3A. Proceedings of ASME turbo expo 2023: turbomachinery technical conference and exposition (GT2023) (p. (9 pp.).
Air-blast atomization and ignition of a kerosene spray in hot vitiated crossflow
Miniero, L., Pandey, K., Fredrich, D., Shcherbanev, S., Doll, U., Giusti, A., & Noiray, N. (2023). Air-blast atomization and ignition of a kerosene spray in hot vitiated crossflow. Combustion and Flame, 256, 112915 (13 pp.).
Topological transitions of Jet A-1 lean azimuthal flames (LEAF)
Pandey, K., Miniero, L., Doll, U., de Oliveira, P. M., Mastorakos, E., & Noiray, N. (2023). Topological transitions of Jet A-1 lean azimuthal flames (LEAF). Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 39(4), 4791-4799.
Non-intrusive flow diagnostics for unsteady inlet flow distortion measurements in novel aircraft architectures
Doll, U., Migliorini, M., Baikie, J., Zachos, P. K., Röhle, I., Melnikov, S., … Lawson, N. J. (2022). Non-intrusive flow diagnostics for unsteady inlet flow distortion measurements in novel aircraft architectures. Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 130, 100810 (24 pp.).
Time-resolved multi-parameter flow diagnostics by filtered Rayleigh scattering: system design through multi-objective optimisation
Doll, U., Röhle, I., Dues, M., & Kapulla, R. (2022). Time-resolved multi-parameter flow diagnostics by filtered Rayleigh scattering: system design through multi-objective optimisation. Measurement Science and Technology, 33(10), 105204 (12 pp.).
Unsteady multi-parameter flow diagnostics by filtered Rayleigh scattering: system design by multi-objective optimisation
Doll, U., Röhle, I., & Dues, M. (2022). Unsteady multi-parameter flow diagnostics by filtered Rayleigh scattering: system design by multi-objective optimisation. In Proceedings of the 20th international symposium on the application of laser and imaging techniques to fluid mechanics (p. (18 pp.).
Experimental assessment of thermal radiation effects on containment atmospheres with varying steam content
Kapulla, R., Paranjape, S., Doll, U., Kirkby, E., & Paladino, D. (2022). Experimental assessment of thermal radiation effects on containment atmospheres with varying steam content. Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 54(11), 4348-4358.
Growth laws and self-similarity in the confined mixing zone of unstratified and strongly stably stratified isokinetic mixing-layers past a splitter plate
Kapulla, R., Doll, U., Kirkby, E., Paranjape, S., & Paladino, D. (2022). Growth laws and self-similarity in the confined mixing zone of unstratified and strongly stably stratified isokinetic mixing-layers past a splitter plate. Physics of Fluids, 34(3), 035129 (16 pp.).
The effects of activated cooler power on the transient pressure decay and helium mixing in the PANDA facility
Kapulla, R., Paranjape, S., Fehlmann, M., Suter, S., Doll, U., & Paladino, D. (2022). The effects of activated cooler power on the transient pressure decay and helium mixing in the PANDA facility. Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 54(6), 2311-2320.
Effects of the atomization air on the topology of a Jet A-1 spray flame in a turbulent vitiated crossflow
Miniero, L., Pandey, K., Shcherbanev, S., Doll, U., & Noiray, N. (2022). Effects of the atomization air on the topology of a Jet A-1 spray flame in a turbulent vitiated crossflow. In 10th European combustion meeting proceedings (pp. 1270-1275). mcm.
Tomographic reconstruction of OH density maps for Jet-A1 spray flame in a vitiated crossflow
Miniero, L., Pandey, K., Shcherbanev, S., Noiray, N., & Doll, U. (2022). Tomographic reconstruction of OH density maps for Jet-A1 spray flame in a vitiated crossflow. In AIAA scitech forum 2022 (pp. AIAA 2022-1873 (8 pp.).