| Hydrogen embrittlement on fracture resistance of low-alloy reactor pressure vessel steel with high dynamic strain aging at 288 °C
Que, Z., Seifert, H. P., Mazánová, V., & Spätig, P. (2022). Hydrogen embrittlement on fracture resistance of low-alloy reactor pressure vessel steel with high dynamic strain aging at 288 °C. Materials Letters, 308, 131269 (5 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matlet.2021.131269 |
| Study on hydrogen embrittlement and dynamic strain ageing on low-alloy reactor pressure vessel steels
Rao, G. S., Yagodzinskyy, Y., Que, Z., Spätig, P., & Seifert, H. P. (2021). Study on hydrogen embrittlement and dynamic strain ageing on low-alloy reactor pressure vessel steels. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 556, 153161 (13 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnucmat.2021.153161 |
| Microstructural characterization of the synergic effects of dynamic strain ageing and hydrogen on fracture behaviour of low-alloy RPV steels in high-temperature water environments
Que, Z., Heczko, M., Kuběna, I., Seifert, H. P., & Spätig, P. (2020). Microstructural characterization of the synergic effects of dynamic strain ageing and hydrogen on fracture behaviour of low-alloy RPV steels in high-temperature water environments. Materials Characterization, 165, 110405 (12 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matchar.2020.110405 |
| Degradation effects of hydrogen and high-temperature water environments on the fracture resistance of low-alloy RPV steels
Que, Z., Seifert, H. P., Spätig, P., Holzer, J., Zhang, A., Rao, G. S., & Ritter, S. (2019). Degradation effects of hydrogen and high-temperature water environments on the fracture resistance of low-alloy RPV steels. In Nineteenth international conference on environmental degradation of materials in nuclear power systems - water reactors (pp. 934-948). American Nuclear Society (ANS). |
| Effect of dynamic strain ageing on environmental degradation of fracture resistance of low-alloy RPV steels in high-temperature water environments
Que, Z., Seifert, H. P., Spätig, P., Zhang, A., Holzer, J., Rao, G. S., & Ritter, S. (2019). Effect of dynamic strain ageing on environmental degradation of fracture resistance of low-alloy RPV steels in high-temperature water environments. Corrosion Science, 152, 172-189. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.corsci.2019.03.013 |
| Effect of high-temperature water and hydrogen on the fracture behaviour of low-alloy RPV steels
Que, Z., Seifert, H. P., Spätig, P., Rao, G. S., & Ritter, S. (2019). Effect of high-temperature water and hydrogen on the fracture behaviour of low-alloy RPV steels. In J. H. Jackson, D. Paraventi, & M. Wright (Eds.), The minerals, metals & materials. Proceedings of the 18th international conference on environmental degradation of materials in nuclear power systems - water reactors. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-04639-2_68 |
| Effect of high-temperature water environment on the fracture behaviour of low-alloy RPV steels
Que, Z., Seifert, H. P., Spätig, P., Rao, G. S., & Ritter, S. (2019). Effect of high-temperature water environment on the fracture behaviour of low-alloy RPV steels. In J. H. Jackson, D. Paraventi, & M. Wright (Eds.), Minerals, metals & materials series. Proceedings of the 18th international conference on environmental degradation of materials in nuclear power systems - water reactors (pp. 1077-1099). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-67244-1_68 |
| Environmental degradation of fracture resistance in high-temperature water environments of low-alloy reactor pressure vessel steels with high sulphur or phosphorus contents
Que, Z., Seifert, H. P., Spätig, P., Holzer, J., Zhang, A., Rao, G. S., & Ritter, S. (2019). Environmental degradation of fracture resistance in high-temperature water environments of low-alloy reactor pressure vessel steels with high sulphur or phosphorus contents. Corrosion Science, 154, 191-207. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.corsci.2019.04.011 |
| Environmental Reduction Effect of High Temperature Water and Hydrogen on Fracture Resistance of Low Alloy Reactor Pressure Vessel Steels
Que, Z., Seifert, H. P., Spaetig, P., Zhang, A., & Ritter, S. (2018). Environmental Reduction Effect of High Temperature Water and Hydrogen on Fracture Resistance of Low Alloy Reactor Pressure Vessel Steels. Presented at the Fontevraud 9. Avignon, France. |
| Environmental Reduction Effect of High-Temperature Water and Hydrogen on Fracture Resistance of Low-Alloy RPV Steels
Que, Z., Seifert, H. P., Spätig, P., & Ritter, S. (2018). Environmental Reduction Effect of High-Temperature Water and Hydrogen on Fracture Resistance of Low-Alloy RPV Steels. In Annual Meeting of the Int. Cooperative Group on Environmentally-Assisted Cracking of Water Reactor Materials, ICG-EAC, N.P.O. Knoxville, TN, USA. |
| Environmental degradation effect of high-temperature water and hydrogen on the fracture behavior of low-alloy reactor pressure vessel steels
Que, Z., Seifert, H. P., Spätig, P., Zhang, A., Rao, G. S., & Ritter, S. (2018). Environmental degradation effect of high-temperature water and hydrogen on the fracture behavior of low-alloy reactor pressure vessel steels. In A. Sedmak, Z. Radaković, & M. Rakin (Eds.), Procedia structural integrity: Vol. 13. ECF22 - loading and environmental effects on structural integrity (pp. 926-931). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.prostr.2018.12.174 |
| Safe long-term operation in the context of environmental effects on fracture, fatigue and environmentally-assisted cracking. Final report of the SAFE-II project
Seifert, H. P., Ritter, S., Spätig, P., Bai, J., Chen, W., Rao, S. G., & Que, Z. (2018). Safe long-term operation in the context of environmental effects on fracture, fatigue and environmentally-assisted cracking. Final report of the SAFE-II project. (PSI Bericht, Report No.: 18-03). Paul Scherrer Institut. |
| Effect of dynamic strain ageing and steel sulphur content on hydrogen embrittlement in low-alloy RPV steels
Que, Z., Seifert, H. P., Spätig, P., & Ritter, S. (2017). Effect of dynamic strain ageing and steel sulphur content on hydrogen embrittlement in low-alloy RPV steels. In ICF 2017 - 14th International Conference on Fracture. 14th international conference on fracture, ICF 2017. Rhodes, Greece: sine nomine. |
| High-Temperature Water Effects on the Fracture Behaviour of Low-Alloy RPV Steels
Que, Z., Seifert, H. P., Spaetig, P., & Ritter, S. (2016). High-Temperature Water Effects on the Fracture Behaviour of Low-Alloy RPV Steels. Presented at the EUROCORR, EFC. Montpellier, France. |
| Effect of high-temperature water and hydrogen on the fracture behavior of a low-alloy reactor pressure vessel steel
Roychowdhury, S., Seifert, H. P., Spätig, P., & Que, Z. (2016). Effect of high-temperature water and hydrogen on the fracture behavior of a low-alloy reactor pressure vessel steel. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 478, 343-364. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnucmat.2016.05.033 |
| Effect of hydrogen on tensile behavior of low alloy steel in the regime of dynamic strain ageing
Sudhakar Rao, G., Seifert, H. P., Ritter, S., Spätig, P., & Que, Z. (2016). Effect of hydrogen on tensile behavior of low alloy steel in the regime of dynamic strain ageing. In F. Iacoviello, L. Susmel, D. Firrao, & G. Ferro (Eds.), Procedia structural integrity: Vol. 2. 21st European conference on fracture, ECF21, 20-24 June 2016, Catania, Italy (pp. 3399-3406). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.prostr.2016.06.424 |
| Effect of High-Temperature Water and Hydrogen on the Fracture Behaviour of a Low-Alloy Reactor Pressure Vessel Steel
Roychowdhury, S., Seifert, H. P., Spaetig, P., Que, Z., & Ritter, S. (2015). Effect of High-Temperature Water and Hydrogen on the Fracture Behaviour of a Low-Alloy Reactor Pressure Vessel Steel. Vol. CD-ROM. . Presented at the 17th Int. Conference on Environmental Degradation of Materials in Nuclear Systems - Water Reactors. . |