| Using the optical-klystron effect to increase and measure the intrinsic beam energy spread in free-electron-laser facilities
Prat, E., Ferrari, E., Reiche, S., & Schietinger, T. (2017). Using the optical-klystron effect to increase and measure the intrinsic beam energy spread in free-electron-laser facilities. Physical Review Accelerators and Beams, 20(4), 040702 (7 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevAccelBeams.20.040702 |
| Preservation of low slice emittance in bunch compressors
Bettoni, S., Aiba, M., Beutner, B., Pedrozzi, M., Prat, E., Reiche, S., & Schietinger, T. (2016). Preservation of low slice emittance in bunch compressors. Physical Review Accelerators and Beams, 19(3), 034402 (13 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevAccelBeams.19.034402 |
| Undulator beamline optimization with integrated chicanes for X-ray free-electron-laser facilities
Prat, E., Calvi, M., Ganter, R., Reiche, S., Schietinger, T., & Schmidt, T. (2016). Undulator beamline optimization with integrated chicanes for X-ray free-electron-laser facilities. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 23(4), 861-868. https://doi.org/10.1107/S1600577516007165 |
| Commissioning experience and beam physics measurements at the SwissFEL Injector Test Facility
Schietinger, T., Pedrozzi, M., Aiba, M., Arsov, V., Bettoni, S., Beutner, B., … Zimoch, D. (2016). Commissioning experience and beam physics measurements at the SwissFEL Injector Test Facility. Physical Review Accelerators and Beams, 19(10), 100702 (61 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevAccelBeams.19.100702 |
| Cu and Cs<sub>2</sub>Te cathodes preparation and QE history at the SwissFEL Injector Test Facility
Bossert, J., Ganter, R., Schaer, M., & Schietinger, T. (2015). Cu and Cs2Te cathodes preparation and QE history at the SwissFEL Injector Test Facility. In J. Chrin, S. Reiche, & V. R. W. Schaa (Eds.), FEL2014. 36th international free electron laser conference (pp. 832-835). JACoW Publishing. |
| General strategy for the commissioning of the ARAMIS undulators with a 3 GeV electron beam
Calvi, M., Aiba, M., Brügger, M., Danner, S., Schmidt, T., Ganter, R., … Ischebeck, R. (2015). General strategy for the commissioning of the ARAMIS undulators with a 3 GeV electron beam. In J. Chrin, S. Reiche, & V. R. W. Schaa (Eds.), FEL2014. 36th international free electron laser conference (pp. 107-110). JACoW Publishing. |
| High power RF test and analysis of dark current in the SwissFEL-gun
Craievich, P., Bettoni, S., Bopp, M., Citterio, A., Ozkan, C., Pedrozzi, M., … Stingelin, L. (2015). High power RF test and analysis of dark current in the SwissFEL-gun. In J. Chrin, S. Reiche, & V. R. W. Schaa (Eds.), FEL2014. 36th international free electron laser conference (pp. 843-846). JACoW Publishing. |
| Intrinsic emittance reduction of copper cathodes by laser wavelength tuning in an rf photoinjector
Divall, M. C., Prat, E., Bettoni, S., Vicario, C., Trisorio, A., Schietinger, T., & Hauri, C. P. (2015). Intrinsic emittance reduction of copper cathodes by laser wavelength tuning in an rf photoinjector. Physical Review Special Topics: Accelerators and Beams, 18, 033401 (6 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevSTAB.18.033401 |
| Measurements of copper and cesium telluride cathodes in a radio-frequency photoinjector
Prat, E., Bettoni, S., Braun, H. H., Ganter, R., & Schietinger, T. (2015). Measurements of copper and cesium telluride cathodes in a radio-frequency photoinjector. Physical Review Special Topics: Accelerators and Beams, 18, 043401 (7 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevSTAB.18.043401 |
| Measurements of intrinsic emittance dependence on rf field for copper photocathodes
Prat, E., Bettoni, S., Braun, H. H., Divall, M. C., & Schietinger, T. (2015). Measurements of intrinsic emittance dependence on rf field for copper photocathodes. Physical Review Special Topics: Accelerators and Beams, 18, 063401 (6 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevSTAB.18.063401 |
| Thermal emittance measurements at the SwissFEL injector test facility
Prat, E., Bettoni, S., Braun, H. H., Divall, M. C., Ganter, R., Schietinger, T., … Hauri, C. P. (2015). Thermal emittance measurements at the SwissFEL injector test facility. In J. Chrin, S. Reiche, & V. R. W. Schaa (Eds.), Vol. 36. Proceedings of FEL2014 (pp. 970-975). |
| Beam commissioning plan for the SwissFEL hard-X-ray facility
Schietinger, T. (2015). Beam commissioning plan for the SwissFEL hard-X-ray facility. In H. S. Kang, D. E. Kim, & V. R. W. Schaa (Eds.), Vol. 37. FEL2015. 37th international free electron laser conference (pp. 69-73). |
| Timing jitter studies of the SwissFEL Test Injector drive laser
Csatari Divall, M., Kaiser, M., Hunziker, S., Vicario, C., Beutner, B., Schietinger, T., … Hauri, C. P. (2014). Timing jitter studies of the SwissFEL Test Injector drive laser. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 735, 471-479. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nima.2013.09.067 |
| Neutron dose rate at the SwissFEL injectortest facility: first measurements
Hohmann, E., Frey, N., Fuchs, A., Harm, C., Hödlmoser, H., Lüscher, R., … Schietinger, T. (2014). Neutron dose rate at the SwissFEL injectortest facility: first measurements. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 161(1-4), 339-342. https://doi.org/10.1093/rpd/ncu006 |
| Emittance measurements and minimization at the SwissFEL Injector Test Facility
Prat, E., Aiba, M., Bettoni, S., Beutner, B., Reiche, S., & Schietinger, T. (2014). Emittance measurements and minimization at the SwissFEL Injector Test Facility. Physical Review Special Topics: Accelerators and Beams, 17(10), 104401. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevSTAB.17.104401 |
| SwissFEL cathode load-lock system
Ganter, R., Bopp, M., Gaiffi, N., Le Quang, T., Schaer, M., Schietinger, T., … Pedrozzi, M. (2013). SwissFEL cathode load-lock system. In Vol. 35. FEL2013 Proceedings (pp. 259-262). |
| Instrumentation activities at the SwissFel injector test facility
Ischebeck, R., Arsov, V., Bettoni, S., Beutner, B., Dehler, M., Falone, A., … Peier, P. (2013). Instrumentation activities at the SwissFel injector test facility. In I. Martin & G. Rehm (Eds.), IBIC2013. International beam instrumentation conference (pp. 12-18). JACoW Publishing. |
| Bunch-compressor transverse profile monitors of the SwissFEL Injector Test Facility
Orlandi, G. L., Aiba, M., Bettoni, S., Beutner, B., Brands, H., Ischebeck, R., … Gerth, C. (2013). Bunch-compressor transverse profile monitors of the SwissFEL Injector Test Facility. In T. Mitsuhashi & A. Shirakawa (Eds.), IBIC2012. International beam instrumentation conference (pp. 271-275). JACoW Publishing. |
| Characterization of compressed bunches in the SwissFEL injector test facility
Orlandi, G. L., Aiba, M., Baerenbold, F., Bettoni, S., Beutner, B., Brands, H., … Schlott, V. (2013). Characterization of compressed bunches in the SwissFEL injector test facility. In I. Martin & G. Rehm (Eds.), IBIC2013. International beam instrumentation conference (pp. 515-518). JACoW Publishing. |
| Slice emittance optimization at the SwissFEL Injector Test Facility
Prat, E., Aiba, M., Bettoni, S., Beutner, B., Guetg, M., Ischebeck, R., … Schietinger, T. (2013). Slice emittance optimization at the SwissFEL Injector Test Facility. In C. Scholl & V. R. W. Schaa (Eds.), FEL2013. 35th international free-electron laser conference (pp. 200-204). JACoW Publishing. |