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Using the optical-klystron effect to increase and measure the intrinsic beam energy spread in free-electron-laser facilities
Prat, E., Ferrari, E., Reiche, S., & Schietinger, T. (2017). Using the optical-klystron effect to increase and measure the intrinsic beam energy spread in free-electron-laser facilities. Physical Review Accelerators and Beams, 20(4), 040702 (7 pp.).
Preservation of low slice emittance in bunch compressors
Bettoni, S., Aiba, M., Beutner, B., Pedrozzi, M., Prat, E., Reiche, S., & Schietinger, T. (2016). Preservation of low slice emittance in bunch compressors. Physical Review Accelerators and Beams, 19(3), 034402 (13 pp.).
Undulator beamline optimization with integrated chicanes for X-ray free-electron-laser facilities
Prat, E., Calvi, M., Ganter, R., Reiche, S., Schietinger, T., & Schmidt, T. (2016). Undulator beamline optimization with integrated chicanes for X-ray free-electron-laser facilities. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 23(4), 861-868.
Commissioning experience and beam physics measurements at the SwissFEL Injector Test Facility
Schietinger, T., Pedrozzi, M., Aiba, M., Arsov, V., Bettoni, S., Beutner, B., … Zimoch, D. (2016). Commissioning experience and beam physics measurements at the SwissFEL Injector Test Facility. Physical Review Accelerators and Beams, 19(10), 100702 (61 pp.).
Cu and Cs<sub>2</sub>Te cathodes preparation and QE history at the SwissFEL Injector Test Facility
Bossert, J., Ganter, R., Schaer, M., & Schietinger, T. (2015). Cu and Cs2Te cathodes preparation and QE history at the SwissFEL Injector Test Facility. In J. Chrin, S. Reiche, & V. R. W. Schaa (Eds.), FEL2014. 36th international free electron laser conference (pp. 832-835). JACoW Publishing.
General strategy for the commissioning of the ARAMIS undulators with a 3 GeV electron beam
Calvi, M., Aiba, M., Brügger, M., Danner, S., Schmidt, T., Ganter, R., … Ischebeck, R. (2015). General strategy for the commissioning of the ARAMIS undulators with a 3 GeV electron beam. In J. Chrin, S. Reiche, & V. R. W. Schaa (Eds.), FEL2014. 36th international free electron laser conference (pp. 107-110). JACoW Publishing.
High power RF test and analysis of dark current in the SwissFEL-gun
Craievich, P., Bettoni, S., Bopp, M., Citterio, A., Ozkan, C., Pedrozzi, M., … Stingelin, L. (2015). High power RF test and analysis of dark current in the SwissFEL-gun. In J. Chrin, S. Reiche, & V. R. W. Schaa (Eds.), FEL2014. 36th international free electron laser conference (pp. 843-846). JACoW Publishing.
Intrinsic emittance reduction of copper cathodes by laser wavelength tuning in an rf photoinjector
Divall, M. C., Prat, E., Bettoni, S., Vicario, C., Trisorio, A., Schietinger, T., & Hauri, C. P. (2015). Intrinsic emittance reduction of copper cathodes by laser wavelength tuning in an rf photoinjector. Physical Review Special Topics: Accelerators and Beams, 18, 033401 (6 pp.).
Measurements of copper and cesium telluride cathodes in a radio-frequency photoinjector
Prat, E., Bettoni, S., Braun, H. H., Ganter, R., & Schietinger, T. (2015). Measurements of copper and cesium telluride cathodes in a radio-frequency photoinjector. Physical Review Special Topics: Accelerators and Beams, 18, 043401 (7 pp.).
Measurements of intrinsic emittance dependence on rf field for copper photocathodes
Prat, E., Bettoni, S., Braun, H. H., Divall, M. C., & Schietinger, T. (2015). Measurements of intrinsic emittance dependence on rf field for copper photocathodes. Physical Review Special Topics: Accelerators and Beams, 18, 063401 (6 pp.).
Thermal emittance measurements at the SwissFEL injector test facility
Prat, E., Bettoni, S., Braun, H. H., Divall, M. C., Ganter, R., Schietinger, T., … Hauri, C. P. (2015). Thermal emittance measurements at the SwissFEL injector test facility. In J. Chrin, S. Reiche, & V. R. W. Schaa (Eds.), Vol. 36. Proceedings of FEL2014 (pp. 970-975).
Beam commissioning plan for the SwissFEL hard-X-ray facility
Schietinger, T. (2015). Beam commissioning plan for the SwissFEL hard-X-ray facility. In H. S. Kang, D. E. Kim, & V. R. W. Schaa (Eds.), Vol. 37. FEL2015. 37th international free electron laser conference (pp. 69-73).
Timing jitter studies of the SwissFEL Test Injector drive laser
Csatari Divall, M., Kaiser, M., Hunziker, S., Vicario, C., Beutner, B., Schietinger, T., … Hauri, C. P. (2014). Timing jitter studies of the SwissFEL Test Injector drive laser. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 735, 471-479.
Neutron dose rate at the SwissFEL injectortest facility: first measurements
Hohmann, E., Frey, N., Fuchs, A., Harm, C., Hödlmoser, H., Lüscher, R., … Schietinger, T. (2014). Neutron dose rate at the SwissFEL injectortest facility: first measurements. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 161(1-4), 339-342.
Emittance measurements and minimization at the SwissFEL Injector Test Facility
Prat, E., Aiba, M., Bettoni, S., Beutner, B., Reiche, S., & Schietinger, T. (2014). Emittance measurements and minimization at the SwissFEL Injector Test Facility. Physical Review Special Topics: Accelerators and Beams, 17(10), 104401.
SwissFEL cathode load-lock system
Ganter, R., Bopp, M., Gaiffi, N., Le Quang, T., Schaer, M., Schietinger, T., … Pedrozzi, M. (2013). SwissFEL cathode load-lock system. In Vol. 35. FEL2013 Proceedings (pp. 259-262).
Instrumentation activities at the SwissFel injector test facility
Ischebeck, R., Arsov, V., Bettoni, S., Beutner, B., Dehler, M., Falone, A., … Peier, P. (2013). Instrumentation activities at the SwissFel injector test facility. In I. Martin & G. Rehm (Eds.), IBIC2013. International beam instrumentation conference (pp. 12-18). JACoW Publishing.
Bunch-compressor transverse profile monitors of the SwissFEL Injector Test Facility
Orlandi, G. L., Aiba, M., Bettoni, S., Beutner, B., Brands, H., Ischebeck, R., … Gerth, C. (2013). Bunch-compressor transverse profile monitors of the SwissFEL Injector Test Facility. In T. Mitsuhashi & A. Shirakawa (Eds.), IBIC2012. International beam instrumentation conference (pp. 271-275). JACoW Publishing.
Characterization of compressed bunches in the SwissFEL injector test facility
Orlandi, G. L., Aiba, M., Baerenbold, F., Bettoni, S., Beutner, B., Brands, H., … Schlott, V. (2013). Characterization of compressed bunches in the SwissFEL injector test facility. In I. Martin & G. Rehm (Eds.), IBIC2013. International beam instrumentation conference (pp. 515-518). JACoW Publishing.
Slice emittance optimization at the SwissFEL Injector Test Facility
Prat, E., Aiba, M., Bettoni, S., Beutner, B., Guetg, M., Ischebeck, R., … Schietinger, T. (2013). Slice emittance optimization at the SwissFEL Injector Test Facility. In C. Scholl & V. R. W. Schaa (Eds.), FEL2013. 35th international free-electron laser conference (pp. 200-204). JACoW Publishing.
