| On the condition of UO<sub>2</sub> nuclear fuel irradiated in a PWR to a burn-up in excess of 110 MWd/kgHM
Restani, R., Horvath, M., Goll, W., Bertsch, J., Gavillet, D., Hermann, A., … Walker, C. T. (2016). On the condition of UO2 nuclear fuel irradiated in a PWR to a burn-up in excess of 110 MWd/kgHM. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 481, 88-100. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnucmat.2016.08.023 |
| Cladding tube deformation test for stress reorientation of hydrides
Alam, A. M., & Hellwig, C. (2009). Cladding tube deformation test for stress reorientation of hydrides. In ASTM special technical publication: Vol. 1505 STP. 15th international symposium on zirconium in the nuclear industry (pp. 635-650). https://doi.org/10.1520/stp48160s |
| Crack resistance curve determination of Zircaloy-4 cladding
Bertsch, J., Alam, A., & Zubler, R. (2009). Crack resistance curve determination of Zircaloy-4 cladding. (PSI Bericht, Report No.: 09-04). Paul Scherrer Institut. |
| Cladding tube deformation test for stress reorientation of hydrides
Alam, A. M., & Hellwig, C. (2008). Cladding tube deformation test for stress reorientation of hydrides. Journal of ASTM International, 5(2), JAI101110 (15 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1520/JAI101110 |
| Interpretation of high-burnup fuel annealing tests
Blair, P., Khvostov, G., Romano, A., Hellwig, C., & Chawla, R. (2008). Interpretation of high-burnup fuel annealing tests. Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 45(7), 639-646. https://doi.org/10.1080/18811248.2008.9711463 |
| Variable incidence angle X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy: a zirconia film study
Degueldre, C., Kastoryano, M., & Dardenne, K. (2008). Variable incidence angle X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy: a zirconia film study. Talanta, 76(4), 731-735. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.talanta.2008.04.043 |
| Variable incidence angle – X-ray absorption spectroscopy for the study of Zircaloy corrosion layers
Degueldre, C., Kastoryano, M., & Dardenne, K. (2008). Variable incidence angle – X-ray absorption spectroscopy for the study of Zircaloy corrosion layers. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 362(2-3), 316-326. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnucmat.2007.01.233 |
| Editorial note
Degueldre, C., Poinssot, C., Ewing, R., & Zhou, L. (2007). Editorial note. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 362(2-3) (2 pp.). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnucmat.2007.01.016 |
| Study of thorium association and surface precipitation on colloids
Degueldre, C., & Kline, A. (2007). Study of thorium association and surface precipitation on colloids. Earth and Planetary Sciences Letters, 264(1-2), 104-113. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2007.09.012 |
| Zirconia inert matrix for plutonium utilisation and minor actinides disposition in reactors
Degueldre, C. (2007). Zirconia inert matrix for plutonium utilisation and minor actinides disposition in reactors. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 444-445, 36-41. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2006.11.203 |
| Fission gas distribution and behavior in the high burn-up structure
Hellwig, C., Horvath, M. I., Blair, P. R., Chawla, R., & Günther, D. (2007). Fission gas distribution and behavior in the high burn-up structure. In LWR fuel performance meeting/top fuel 2007 (pp. 291-300). American Nuclear Society. |
| Analysis of xenon gas inclusions in nuclear fuel using laser ablation ICP-MS
Horvath, M., Guillong, M., Izmer, A., Kivel, N., Restani, R., Günther-Leopold, I., … Günther, D. (2007). Analysis of xenon gas inclusions in nuclear fuel using laser ablation ICP-MS. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 22(10), 1266-1274. https://doi.org/10.1039/b705533a |
| Local atomic structure in iron copper binary alloys: an extended X-ray absorption fine structure study
Kuri, G., Degueldre, C., Bertsch, J., & Rothe, J. (2007). Local atomic structure in iron copper binary alloys: an extended X-ray absorption fine structure study. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 362(2-3), 274-282. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnucmat.2007.01.275 |
| An X-ray absorption spectroscopy study of an oxide dispersion strengthened steel
Pouchon, M. A., Kropf, A. J., Froideval, A., Degueldre, C., & Hoffelner, W. (2007). An X-ray absorption spectroscopy study of an oxide dispersion strengthened steel. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 362(2-3), 253-258. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnucmat.2007.01.123 |
| EXAFS study on irradiated ODS ferritic steel
Pouchon, M. A., Chen, J., Degueldre, C., Froideval, A., Emerich, H., & Van Beek, W. (2007). EXAFS study on irradiated ODS ferritic steel. Materials Science Forum, 561-565, 1761-1764. https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.561-565.1761 |
| Evolution of porosity in the high-burnup fuel structure
Romano, A., Horvath, M. I., & Restani, R. (2007). Evolution of porosity in the high-burnup fuel structure. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 361(1), 62-68. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnucmat.2006.09.016 |
| Preparation of TEM samples of metal-oxide interface by the focused ion beam technique
Abolhassani, S., & Gasser, P. (2006). Preparation of TEM samples of metal-oxide interface by the focused ion beam technique. Journal of Microscopy, 223(1), 73-82. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2818.2006.01599.x |
| Evaluation of thermal conductivity of zirconia-based inert matrix fuel by molecular dynamics simulation
Arima, T., Yamasaki, S., Yamahira, K., Idemitsu, K., Inagaki, Y., & Degueldre, C. (2006). Evaluation of thermal conductivity of zirconia-based inert matrix fuel by molecular dynamics simulation. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 352(1-3), 309-317. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnucmat.2006.02.066 |
| Crack resistance curves determination of tube cladding material
Bertsch, J., & Hoffelner, W. (2006). Crack resistance curves determination of tube cladding material. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 352(1-3), 116-125. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnucmat.2006.02.045 |
| Calculations on fission gas behaviour in the high burnup structure
Blair, P., Romano, A., Hellwig, C., & Chawla, R. (2006). Calculations on fission gas behaviour in the high burnup structure. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 350(3), 232-239. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jnucmat.2006.01.006 |