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Calibration assessment of the PSI proton therapy Gantry 2 scanning system after 10 years of operation
Actis, O., Meer, D., Bula, C., & Mayor, A. (2024). Calibration assessment of the PSI proton therapy Gantry 2 scanning system after 10 years of operation. In R. W. Assmann (Ed.), Journal of physics: conference series: Vol. 2687. 14th international particle accelerator conference (p. 092008 (4 pp.).
The challenge of modeling tracked electricity consumption in EPDs: an example for building materials
Alaux, N., Treyer, K., & Passer, A. (2024). The challenge of modeling tracked electricity consumption in EPDs: an example for building materials. In G. Foliente, T. Lutzkendorf, J. Gibberd, N. Keena, & H. Walllbaum (Eds.), IOP conference series: earth and environmental science: Vol. 1363. World sustainable built environment 2024 (WSBE24) Conference Proceedings (p. 012026 (11 pp.).
Uncertainty quantification on spent nuclear fuel with LMC
Albà, A., Adelmann, A., & Rochman, D. (2024). Uncertainty quantification on spent nuclear fuel with LMC. In K. Suyama, S. Gunji, T. Watanabe, S. Araki, K. Fukuda, K. Shimada, … H. H. Nguyen (Eds.), Proceedings of the 12th international conference on nuclear criticality safety (pp. 1-10). Japan Atomic Energy Agency.
Tailoring the support constraint of phase retrieval algorithms improves lensless EUV nanostructures metrology
Ansuinelli, P., & Mochi, I. (2024). Tailoring the support constraint of phase retrieval algorithms improves lensless EUV nanostructures metrology. In K. G. Ronse, P. P. Naulleau, P. A. Gargini, T. Itani, & J. H. Franke (Eds.), Proceedings of SPIE: Vol. 13215. International conference on extreme ultraviolet lithography 2024 (p. 1321516 (7 pp.).
First demonstration of a fully integrated hybrid external cavity laser in edge-coupling configuration via μtransfer-printing
Atar, F., Arafat, Y., Paikkath, G., Vorobev, A., Corbett, B., O'Faloain, L., & Iadanza, S. (2024). First demonstration of a fully integrated hybrid external cavity laser in edge-coupling configuration via μtransfer-printing. In IEEE international conference on group IV photonics GFP. IEEE silicon photonics conference (p. WP1 (2 pp.).
Analytic evaluation of multiple Mellin-Barnes integrals
Banik, S., & Friot, S. (2024). Analytic evaluation of multiple Mellin-Barnes integrals. In Vol. PoS (LL2024). Proceedings of loops and legs in quantum field theory (LL2024) (p. 039 (12pp.).
Upgrading the neutronic version of the PSI cycle check-up methodology for full core PWR Monte Carlo simulations
Berry, L., Vasiliev, A., Rochman, D., Hursin, M., Frankl, M., & Ferroukhi, H. (2024). Upgrading the neutronic version of the PSI cycle check-up methodology for full core PWR Monte Carlo simulations. In A. Zoia, C. M. Diop, & E. Saikali (Eds.), EPJ Web of Conferences: Vol. 302. Joint international conference on supercomputing in nuclear applications + Monte Carlo (SNA + MC 2024) (p. 13004 (10 pp.).
Verification and validation of Monte Carlo simulations using Swiss PWR HZP data
Berry, L., Vasiliev, A., Hursin, M., Rochman, D., Frankl, M., & Ferroukhi, H. (2024). Verification and validation of Monte Carlo simulations using Swiss PWR HZP data. In K. Suyama, S. Gunji, T. Watanabe, S. Araki, K. Fukuda, K. Shimada, … H. H. Nguyen (Eds.), Proceedings of the 12th international conference on nuclear criticality safety (pp. 1-10). Japan Atomic Energy Agency.
Timing performance of a monolithic CMOS pixel detector front-end in 180nm technology
Bespin, C., Caicedo, I., Dingfelder, J., Hugging, F., Kruger, H., Moustakas, K., … Wermes, N. (2024). Timing performance of a monolithic CMOS pixel detector front-end in 180nm technology. In 2024 Panhellenic conference on electronics and telecommunications, PACET 2024 - Proceedings. Panhellenic conference on electronics and telecommunications.
The CMS tracker performance in run 3
Bevilacqua, T. (2024). The CMS tracker performance in run 3. In Proceedings of Science: Vol. 450. Conference on large hadron collider physics (pp. 1-5). Sissa Medialab Srl.
High resolution tem observation of gas bubbles and distortion of the UO<sub>2 </sub>crystal lattice intermediate burnup spent fuel pellet
Bhattacharya, S., Kuri, G., Bertsch, J., & Hawes, J. (2024). High resolution tem observation of gas bubbles and distortion of the UO2 crystal lattice intermediate burnup spent fuel pellet. In Proceedings of TopFuel 2024 reactor fuel performance conference (p. (10 pp.). European Nuclear Society (ENS).
Evaluating embedded Monte Carlo vs. total Monte Carlo for nuclear data uncertainty quantification
Biot, G., Rochman, D., Ducru, P., & Forget, B. (2024). Evaluating embedded Monte Carlo vs. total Monte Carlo for nuclear data uncertainty quantification. In A. Zoia, C. M. Diop, & E. Saikali (Eds.), EPJ Web of Conferences: Vol. 302. Joint international conference on supercomputing in nuclear applications + Monte Carlo (SNA + MC 2024) (p. 07016 (13 pp.).
Using gradient flow to renormalise matrix elements for meson mixing and lifetimes
Black, M., Harlander, R., Lange, F., Rago, A., Shindler, A., & Witzel, O. (2024). Using gradient flow to renormalise matrix elements for meson mixing and lifetimes. In Proceedings of Science: Vol. 453. 40th international symposium on lattice field theory (LATTICE 2023) (p. 263 (11 pp.). Proceedings of Science (PoS).
Supporting teaching assistants in a community of practice
Bondar, V., Nuber, J., Zeyen, M., Schiltz, G., Kirch, K., & Dissertori, G. (2024). Supporting teaching assistants in a community of practice. In S. Faletic, S. Dolenc, J. Pavlin, K. Susman, & A. K. Horvat (Eds.), Journal of physics: conference series: Vol. 2750. GIREP conference 2022 (p. 012046).
Photon diagnostics for the high-gain THz FEL at PITZ
Boonpornprasert, P., Aftab, N., Amirkhanyan, Z., Georgiev, G., Gross, M., Hoffmann, A., … Yurkov, M. (2024). Photon diagnostics for the high-gain THz FEL at PITZ. In R. W. Assmann (Ed.), Journal of physics: conference series: Vol. 2687. 14th international particle accelerator conference (p. 032046 (6 pp.).
Updates on the OECD NEA working party on scientific issues and uncertainty analysis of reactor systems (WPRS)
Buss, O., Ferroukhi, H., & Ivanov, K. (2024). Updates on the OECD NEA working party on scientific issues and uncertainty analysis of reactor systems (WPRS). In Proceedings of the international conference on physics of reactors (PHYSOR 2024) (pp. 2268-2277).
Overview of spent nuclear fuel inventory results for the ARIANE GU3 sample
Carmouze, C., Ichou, R., Ilas, G., Alvarez-Velarde, F., Chernykh, M., García-Baonza, R., … Žerovnik, G. (2024). Overview of spent nuclear fuel inventory results for the ARIANE GU3 sample. In K. Suyama, S. Gunji, T. Watanabe, S. Araki, K. Fukuda, K. Shimada, … H. H. Nguyen (Eds.), Proceedings of the 12th international conference on nuclear criticality safety (pp. 1-10). Japan Atomic Energy Agency.
Localized exciton-polaritons in WSe<sub>2</sub> integrated with photonic crystal nanocavity
Choi, H., Woo, H. J., Kim, S., Oh, H., Song, Y. J., Seo, S., & Lee, C. W. (2024). Localized exciton-polaritons in WSe2 integrated with photonic crystal nanocavity. In Pacific Rim conference on lasers and electro-optics (CLEO/Pacific Rim). 2024 conference on lasers and electro-optics Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR).
Zak phase of a 1D topological photonic crystal by finite-difference time-domain simulation
Choi, H., Scherrer, M., Kim, S., Seo, S., Moselund, K., & Lee, C. W. (2024). Zak phase of a 1D topological photonic crystal by finite-difference time-domain simulation. In Proceedings of the international conference on numerical simulation of optoelectronic devices (NUSOD) (pp. 87-88).
Puzzles in the hadronic contributions to the muon anomalous magnetic moment
Colangelo, G., Hoferichter, M., & Stoffer, P. (2024). Puzzles in the hadronic contributions to the muon anomalous magnetic moment. In C. N. Amapane, M. Bonesini, & M. Casarsa (Eds.), Proceedings of Science: Vol. 452. Muon4Future conference (p. 019 (13 pp.).
