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Comparative analysis of the reference GCFR-PROTEUS MOX lattice with MCNPX-25e and ERANOS-2.0 in conjunction with modern nuclear data libraries
Girardin, G., Pelloni, S., Coddington, P., & Chawla, R. (2006). Comparative analysis of the reference GCFR-PROTEUS MOX lattice with MCNPX-25e and ERANOS-2.0 in conjunction with modern nuclear data libraries. In PHYSOR-2006 - American nuclear society's topical meeting on reactor physics: Vol. 2006. PHYSOR 2006 : advances in nuclear analysis and simulation : American nuclear society's topical meeting on reactor physics (p. (9 pp.). American Nuclear Society.
Burnup calculations and chemical analysis of irradiated fuel samples studied in LWR-PROTEUS phase II
Grimm, P., Günther-Leopold, I., Kobler Waldis, J., Berger, H. D., & Krouthén, J. (2006). Burnup calculations and chemical analysis of irradiated fuel samples studied in LWR-PROTEUS phase II. In PHYSOR-2006 - American nuclear society's topical meeting on reactor physics: Vol. 2006. PHYSOR-2006 - American nuclear society's topical meeting on reactor physics. Advances in nuclear analysis and simulation (p. (3 pp.). American Nuclear Society.
Assessment of standard point-wise neutron data libraries for criticality safety analysis with a Monte Carlo code
Kolbe, E., Vasiliev, A., & Zimmermann, M. A. (2006). Assessment of standard point-wise neutron data libraries for criticality safety analysis with a Monte Carlo code. In PHYSOR-2006 - American nuclear society's topical meeting on reactor physics: Vol. 2006. Proceedings of the American nuclear society's topical meeting on reactor physics (p. D081 (10 pp.). American Nuclear Society.
Comparative analysis of selected aspects of the muse-4 experiments with the JEF-2.2 and JEFF-3.1 libraries
Lebrat, J. F., Plaschy, M., Tommasi, J., Suteau, C., Plisson-Rieunier, D., & De Saint Jean, C. (2006). Comparative analysis of selected aspects of the muse-4 experiments with the JEF-2.2 and JEFF-3.1 libraries. PHYSOR-2006 - American nuclear society's topical meeting on reactor physics: Vol. 2006. (pp. 3052-3061). Presented at the PHYSOR-2006 - American nuclear society's topical meeting on reactor physics. American Nuclear Society.
Fission and capture rate measurements in a SVEA-96 optima2 BWR assembly compared with MCNPX predictions
Murphy, M. F., Plaschy, M., Jatuff, F., Bergmann, U., & Chawla, R. (2006). Fission and capture rate measurements in a SVEA-96 optima2 BWR assembly compared with MCNPX predictions. In PHYSOR-2006 - American nuclear society's topical meeting on reactor physics: Vol. 2006. American nuclear society's topical meeting on reactor physics (pp. 1169-1176). American Nuclear Society.
Experimental critical loadings and control rod worths in LWR-PROTEUS configurations compared with MCNPX results
Plaschy, M., Murphy, M., Jatuff, F., Seiler, R., & Chawla, R. (2006). Experimental critical loadings and control rod worths in LWR-PROTEUS configurations compared with MCNPX results. In PHYSOR-2006 - American nuclear society's topical meeting on reactor physics: Vol. 2006. PHYSOR 2006 : advances in nuclear analysis and simulation : American nuclear society's topical meeting on reactor physics (p. A093 (10 pp.). American Nuclear Society.
CASMO-4/SIMULATE-3/MCNPX analysis of a reactor pressure vessel scraping test
Vasiliev, A., Ferroukhi, H., & Zimmermann, M. A. (2006). CASMO-4/SIMULATE-3/MCNPX analysis of a reactor pressure vessel scraping test. In PHYSOR-2006 - American nuclear society's topical meeting on reactor physics: Vol. 2006. Proceedings of the American nuclear society's topical meeting on reactor physics (p. B136 (10 pp.). American Nuclear Society.
Determination of <em>β<sub>eff</sub></em>using MCNP-4C2 and application to the CROCUS and PROTEUS reactors
Vollaire, J., Plaschy, M., Jatuff, F., & Chawla, R. (2006). Determination of βeffusing MCNP-4C2 and application to the CROCUS and PROTEUS reactors. In PHYSOR-2006 - American nuclear society's topical meeting on reactor physics: Vol. 2006. American nuclear society's topical meeting on reactor physics (pp. 1254-1259). American Nuclear Society.
Neutronic benchmark on the 2400 MW gas-cooled fast reactor design
da Cruz, D. F., Hogenbirk, A., Bosq, J. C., Rimpault, G., Prulhiere, G., Morris, P., & Pelloni, S. (2006). Neutronic benchmark on the 2400 MW gas-cooled fast reactor design. In PHYSOR-2006 - American nuclear society's topical meeting on reactor physics: Vol. 2006. PHYSOR 2006 : advances in nuclear analysis and simulation : American nuclear society's topical meeting on reactor physics (p. D126 (10 pp.). American Nuclear Society.