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Hydrogen enhanced localized plasticity in zirconium as observed by digital image correlation
Fagnoni, F., Kursun, E. .C., Busi, M., Konarski, P., Yetik, O., Spolenak, R., … Duarte, L. I. (2024). Hydrogen enhanced localized plasticity in zirconium as observed by digital image correlation. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 590, 154873 (10 pp.).
Effect of temperature on apparent crack arrest toughness of Eurofer97 measured by a newly developed small specimen test technique
Gao, P., & Spätig, P. (2024). Effect of temperature on apparent crack arrest toughness of Eurofer97 measured by a newly developed small specimen test technique. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 599, 155222 (13 pp.).
Effect of material inhomogeneity on constraint loss measured with subsized C(T) fracture specimens of a reactor pressure vessel steel
Jiang, D., Spätig, P., & Seifert, H. P. (2024). Effect of material inhomogeneity on constraint loss measured with subsized C(T) fracture specimens of a reactor pressure vessel steel. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 588, 154801 (9 pp.).
Interpretation of the online measurement data for selected tests of the RISOE-III project
Khvostov, G. (2024). Interpretation of the online measurement data for selected tests of the RISOE-III project. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 599, 155219 (17 pp.).
Correlation between microstructure and hardening of 9Cr ferritic/martensitic steels irradiated in spallation neutron source
Peng, L., Xie, Y., Ge, H., Dai, Y., Huang, Q., & Wan, Y. (2024). Correlation between microstructure and hardening of 9Cr ferritic/martensitic steels irradiated in spallation neutron source. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 597, 155122 (8 pp.).
Thermal diffusivity of tungsten irradiated by protons in spallation environment up to 26.5 dpa
Sina, H., Dai, Y., Lee, Y., & Wohlmuther, M. (2024). Thermal diffusivity of tungsten irradiated by protons in spallation environment up to 26.5 dpa. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 601, 155324 (9 pp.).
APT characterization of irradiation effects on MX phase in reduced-activation ferritic/martensitic steels
Cui, L., Dai, Y., Gerstl, S. S. A., & Pounchon, M. A. (2023). APT characterization of irradiation effects on MX phase in reduced-activation ferritic/martensitic steels. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 573, 154121 (10 pp.).
Hydrogen diffusion in zirconium cladding alloys with an inner liner as quantified by neutron radiography and nanoindentation
Fagnoni, F., Trtik, P., Wheeler, J. M., Zubler, R., Bertsch, J., & Duarte, L. I. (2023). Hydrogen diffusion in zirconium cladding alloys with an inner liner as quantified by neutron radiography and nanoindentation. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 584, 154574 (12 pp.).
Nitriding model for zirconium based fuel cladding in severe accident codes
Jäckel, B. S., Birchley, J. C., Lind, T., Steinbrück, M., & Park, S. (2023). Nitriding model for zirconium based fuel cladding in severe accident codes. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 582, 154466 (7 pp.).
Determination of the hydrogen heat of transport in Zircaloy-4
Kang, S., Huang, P. H., Petrov, V., Manera, A., Ahn, T., Kammenzind, B., & Motta, A. T. (2023). Determination of the hydrogen heat of transport in Zircaloy-4. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 573, 154122 (10 pp.).
Analysis of thermal fuel behaviour under steady-state irradiation using selected cases of the IAEA CRP FUMEX
Khvostov, G. (2023). Analysis of thermal fuel behaviour under steady-state irradiation using selected cases of the IAEA CRP FUMEX. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 584, 154589 (8 pp.).
Calibration and validation of thermal fuel behaviour models based on the first case of the first IAEA CRP FUMEX
Khvostov, G. (2023). Calibration and validation of thermal fuel behaviour models based on the first case of the first IAEA CRP FUMEX. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 584, 154588 (11 pp.).
Modeling of hydrogen behavior in liner claddings
Konarski, P., Cozzo, C., Khvostov, G., & Ferroukhi, H. (2023). Modeling of hydrogen behavior in liner claddings. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 573, 154125 (11 pp.).
Fission products at the fuel-cladding interface of PWR fuel rods: morphological and chemical study
Schneider, C., Fayette, L., Zacharie-Aubrun, I., Blay, T., Onofri-Marroncle, C., Sabathier, C., … Chevalier, S. (2023). Fission products at the fuel-cladding interface of PWR fuel rods: morphological and chemical study. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 585, 154600 (17 pp.).
The effect of potassium hydroxide primary water chemistry on the IASCC behavior of 304 stainless steel
Chen, K., Ickes, M. R., Burke, M. A., & Was, G. S. (2022). The effect of potassium hydroxide primary water chemistry on the IASCC behavior of 304 stainless steel. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 558, 153323 (11 pp.).
Delayed hydride cracking in Zircaloy-2 with and without liner at various temperatures investigated by high-resolution neutron radiography
Colldeweih, A. W., Fagnoni, F., Trtik, P., Zubler, R., Pouchon, M. A., & Bertsch, J. (2022). Delayed hydride cracking in Zircaloy-2 with and without liner at various temperatures investigated by high-resolution neutron radiography. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 561, 153549 (12 pp.).
Effect of temperature and hydrogen concentration on the threshold stress intensity factor of radial delayed hydride cracking in fuel cladding
Colldeweih, A. W., & Bertsch, J. (2022). Effect of temperature and hydrogen concentration on the threshold stress intensity factor of radial delayed hydride cracking in fuel cladding. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 565, 153737 (11 pp.).
Hydrogen diffusion and precipitation under non-uniform stress in duplex zirconium nuclear fuel cladding investigated by high-resolution neutron imaging
Gong, W., Trtik, P., Ma, F., Jia, Y., Li, J., & Bertsch, J. (2022). Hydrogen diffusion and precipitation under non-uniform stress in duplex zirconium nuclear fuel cladding investigated by high-resolution neutron imaging. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 570, 153971 (10 pp.).
Comparative study of deuterium retention and vacancy content of self-ion irradiated tungsten
Hollingsworth, A., Barthe, M. F., Lavrentiev, M. Y., Derlet, P. M., Dudarev, S. L., Mason, D. R., … Morellec, A. (2022). Comparative study of deuterium retention and vacancy content of self-ion irradiated tungsten. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 558, 153373 (13 pp.).
Modelling effects of transient FGR in LWR fuel rods during a LOCA
Khvostov, G. (2022). Modelling effects of transient FGR in LWR fuel rods during a LOCA. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 559, 153446 (26 pp.).
