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Interaction of ordinary Portland cement and Opalinus Clay: dual porosity modelling compared to experimental data
Jenni, A., Gimmi, T., Alt-Epping, P., Mäder, U., & Cloet, V. (2017). Interaction of ordinary Portland cement and Opalinus Clay: dual porosity modelling compared to experimental data. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 99, 22-37.
Soft X-ray absorption near-edge investigations of Mg-containing mineral phases relevant for cementitious materials
Vespa, M., Dähn, R., Huthwelker, T., & Wieland, E. (2017). Soft X-ray absorption near-edge investigations of Mg-containing mineral phases relevant for cementitious materials. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 99, 168-174.
X-ray micro-diffraction studies of heterogeneous interfaces between cementitious materials and geological formations
Dähn, R., Popov, D., Schaub, P., Pattison, P., Grolimund, D., Mäder, U., … Wieland, E. (2014). X-ray micro-diffraction studies of heterogeneous interfaces between cementitious materials and geological formations. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 70-71, 96-103.
Mechanisms and modelling of waste-cement and cement-host rock interactions
Jacques, D., Lothenbach, B., & Wieland, E. (2014). Mechanisms and modelling of waste-cement and cement-host rock interactions. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 70-71, 1-2.
OpenGeoSys-Gem: a numerical tool for calculating geochemical and porosity changes in saturated and partially saturated media
Kosakowski, G., & Watanabe, N. (2014). OpenGeoSys-Gem: a numerical tool for calculating geochemical and porosity changes in saturated and partially saturated media. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 70-71, 138-149.
Hydration of a silica fume blended low-alkali shotcrete cement
Lothenbach, B., Rentsch, D., & Wieland, E. (2014). Hydration of a silica fume blended low-alkali shotcrete cement. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 70-71, 3-16.
Competition behaviour of metal uptake in cementitious systems: an XRD and EXAFS investigation of Nd- and Zn-loaded 11 Å tobermorite
Vespa, M., Dähn, R., & Wieland, E. (2014). Competition behaviour of metal uptake in cementitious systems: an XRD and EXAFS investigation of Nd- and Zn-loaded 11 Å tobermorite. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 70-71, 32-38.
Geochemical impact of a low-pH cement liner on the near field of a repository for spent fuel and high-level radioactive waste
Berner, U., Kulik, D. A., & Kosakowski, G. (2013). Geochemical impact of a low-pH cement liner on the near field of a repository for spent fuel and high-level radioactive waste. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 64, 46-56.
The evolution of clay rock/cement interfaces in a cementitious repository for low- and intermediate level radioactive waste
Kosakowski, G., & Berner, U. (2013). The evolution of clay rock/cement interfaces in a cementitious repository for low- and intermediate level radioactive waste. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 64, 65-86.
Reactive transport modeling of the clogging process at Maqarin natural analogue site
Shao, H., Kosakowski, G., Berner, U., Kulik, D. A., Mäder, U., & Kolditz, O. (2013). Reactive transport modeling of the clogging process at Maqarin natural analogue site. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 64, 21-31.
(Ca,Sr)CO<sub>3</sub> aqueous-solid solution systems: from atomistic simulations to thermodynamic modelling
Kulik, D. A., Vinograd, V. L., Paulsen, N., & Winkler, B. (2010). (Ca,Sr)CO3 aqueous-solid solution systems: from atomistic simulations to thermodynamic modelling. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 35(6-8), 217-232.
Novel application of β/γ autoradiography and collimated γ-spectrometry to study in situ radionuclide migration paths in fractured rock
Möri, A., Biggin, C., Mäder, U., Eikenberg, J., & Rüthi, M. (2006). Novel application of β/γ autoradiography and collimated γ-spectrometry to study in situ radionuclide migration paths in fractured rock. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 31(10-14), 511-516.
Analysis of the porewater chemical composition of a Spanish compacted bentonite used in an engineered barrier
Fernández, A. M., Baeyens, B., Bradbury, M., & Rivas, P. (2004). Analysis of the porewater chemical composition of a Spanish compacted bentonite used in an engineered barrier. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, 29(1), 105-118.